Do you know how to pursue peace? How about when you are in the middle of a mess? Today it is an honor to have Landen Melton as our guest sharing his insights on the topic of peace. Landen is the creator and host of an incredible website called Devotable. Here you can find daily devotions to help you draw closer to God and His word. It has been a privilege to be a writer for this website for over a year.
In addition to the website, Devotable is releasing a brand new book featuring 30 days of devotions from different authors on the topic of perseverance. We all know at some point in our lives we will find ourselves in unexpected circumstances. Maybe you are there now. Strengthen your faith and be ready to persevere well through difficult trials by learning from those who have gone before you.
Exciting News!!
Maree Dee is excited to share with you she has been published in this brand new book, Perseverance - 30 Devotions for Faith That Moves Mountains. Share on X
Now for some wise words from Landen Melton.
How to Pursue Peace Without the Details
Guest Post by Landen Melton
The Definition of Peace
What is peace? Well, we can do a quick Google search and figure it out, but the definition doesn’t do it justice. Peace is a word best described when someone else can relate to it. Someone must experience peace to understand what it means. You can use adjectives like tranquility, harmony, and freedom to dress up the definition but “there is a peace which surpasses all understanding: (Philippians 4:7) – we can’t quite describe it.
True Peace
Perhaps the Bible can lead us to discover a better definition of true peace. As we read the stories of the oppressed and burdened, they express joy and true happiness in the midst of their oppression. How can they do this? How can they be genuinely happy about their trouble?
I believe it is because they have pursued peace with all their heart and found it only in the true Living God! This explanation is the only one which makes sense! I have experienced it in my life. As I mentioned above, it’s like trying to explain a beautiful picture to someone who’s never seen it. Words don’t do it justice, and only by sight and experience can they truly understand the beauty.
While it is normal for people to pursue peace by doing things – giving to the poor, feeding people, outreach programs, mission trips, and the lists go on – peace is never dependent on what we do.
True peace is only found in Jesus Christ and accepting him as our savior! Share on X
How to Pursue Peace
Once we’ve found the source of true peace, how do we continue to pursue it, so it remains fresh and new in our lives each day? We discover the answer in continual communion with the Lord. Each day that we talk with Him, walk with Him, bathe in his Word and make ourselves vulnerable to Him, we gain a bit more understanding of this peace. While we might never fully understand, we can become more comfortable in not having all the answers.
While we are experiencing trials, tests of faith, and valleys, we become more in tune with Him and understand that belief without proof isn’t a bad thing. We don’t have to know all the answers or reasons. Nor do we have to know all the circumstances of why we’re here. We don’t need to understand the outcome. We need to find peace in the process – let the Comforter deliver it regardless of your situation. While it is indeed normal to look for it inside understanding, the more we dwell with God, the more we become satisfied with just knowing Him, and not knowing the details.
Each day we pursue peace with Christ, we become more comfortable with the unknown.
Peace with Others
We can also use the example of others to help guide our journey and pursuit of peace. Knowing others have experienced the same thing we’re going through and emerged faithful on the other side is a huge encouragement. We can connect with other Christians and allow them to offer insight and advice on how they were able to make their journey and keep the faith.
Devotable has compiled a book of 30 devotions where people talk about their understanding of persevering in the faith. Through death, sickness, family issues, marriage struggles and much more, the writers detail their experiences, offer thoughtful advice, questions, and scripture on how to persevere through your trials. If you need help with perseverance, I encourage you to check out this devotional.
The Perseverance Book by Devotable
Thirty authors have come together from Devotable to compile a book of devotions to help struggling Christians. As we all face hardships, we must know that we’re not alone. We must seek guidance and help from fellow believers as we navigate through these problems in life.
As each writer expounds on scripture, they give a unique story or perspective on persevering through life. They ask questions you can apply to your life. This 30-day devotional seeks to empower believers in their daily walk and lets them know that whatever their struggles are, they’re not alone. Read their stories, connect with them and be encouraged through life’s battles.

At Devotable, our goal is to help believers stay in the Word daily and be empowered by it. With this devotional, we want to extend that goal into print and allow people to consume and share in the powerful Word of God every day. As we seek this goal, we hope you will partake with us and strive to discover God daily.
Verses to Help You Pursue Peace
Let the Word of God comfort us and walk with us daily.

How do you pursue peace in the midst of the unexpected?
Meet Landen Melton –
Landen is a web developer by trade and online entrepreneur by passion. He is the owner and creator of Devotable, an online Christian daily devotion project. Together with over 100 talented writers, they create inspiring devotions which help encourage believers and share the good news of Jesus Christ daily.
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Embracing the Unexpected | Maree Dee
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I’ve never thought about what I do as ‘pursuing peace,’ but that makes sense. We must actively seek God in order to benefit from the peace he provides.
Anita – Yes, I agree we must actively seek peace. Maree
Some good thought here! My attention was riveted to this line: “While we might never fully understand, we can become more comfortable in not having all the answers” So true! We don’t have to know the why, just the Who!
Jerralea – Yes, I love what you picked out from Landen’s article, and I agree the who is what matters. Blessings, Maree
Landon, I loved what you had to say about peace. We can only achieve lasting peace through “praying unceasingly”. We don’t need to know the details of where we are going. God is in charge.
Maree, thank you for featuring this inspiring writer!
Laurie – You are so welcome. I loved Landen’s words too. Maree
This is a very encouraging post! Peace in the process!
How exciting about your published piece in the upcoming book, Maree! You are sure to be a blessing to others!
Rachel – Thank you for your encouraging words. Yes, Landen made some excellent points on peace. I hope you are having a peaceful weekend. Blessings, Maree
Always good to hear about shalom, peace.
I agree we can never have too much of God’s peace. Happy Wednesday! Maree
Shared it! laurensparks.net
Thank you!!!
So true: “We need to find peace in the process – let the Comforter deliver it regardless of your situation.” Only God Himself is our true source of peace. Discovering this truth daily now. Thankful for His daily mercy and kindness to us.
Anna – I am so glad you are discovering His truth daily. Isn’t it pretty amazing when God’s peace covers us? Blessings, Maree
Great words of encouragement. I found myself just meditating on the following that you shared, “While it is indeed normal to look for it inside understanding, the more we dwell with God, the more we become satisfied with just knowing Him, and not knowing the details.”
I am slowly but surely learning this. The Lord used your blog post to reinforce that lesson.
Thanks for sharing.
Karen – I too loved what Landen said, “While it is indeed normal to look for it inside understanding, the more we dwell with God, the more we become satisfied with just knowing Him, and not knowing the details.” It is so true!!!! I hope you are having an awesome week. Blessings, Maree