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  1. Thanks for that quote from Leo Buscaglia…it really resonated with me since a caring friend just encouraged me today in an email…which I definitely needed!! In fact, it turned around my sad and disappointed thinking…and made ALL the difference in the world for me!

    Furthermore, I want to do the same thing for you, Maree, by telling you how much I appreciate this blog! It helps me to realize I am not alone as I struggle to be in relationship with a daughter who suffers with BPD, but won’t admit it. It’s SO frustrating since I know that help is available to her…if she would just admit she needs it! It’s like she’s struggling with cancer, but refuses to go to the doctor to get the help she desperately needs. Why is it that physical illness is so accepted, but mental illness is rejected, hidden and despised?

    1. Bette,
      You have no idea how much your comments and encouragement are appreciated. I too feel blessed to know I am not alone.

      Your daughter is so lucky to have you standing by her side. A mom with great wisdom and love. I pray she does reach out soon for help. I know the road is frustrating and long. Please remember you are not alone.
