As we discovered last week, in part one, we all need someone to have our backs, and we need to be looking out for others. So how does one go about finding a team and determining who should be on it?
Many times we think our groups must consist of people who are just like us. I disagree. We need many teams filled with individuals with unique qualities to help us see life through different lenses.
At one particular time in my life, I was going through something awful and needed a break from it. I met with a group of women on a regular basis who had no idea about my situation. It was wonderful because it was a break from my messy life where no one asked what was going on.
Do understand; I did have other people covering that part of my life.
Who should be on your team?
- Fun people
- Wise people
- Like-minded people
- People not like you
- Older people
- Younger people
- People going through the same thing
- People with strength
- Weak people
- Comforting people
- Funny people
- Praying people
- Professional people
- Christians and non-Christians
In other words all kinds of people!
I will let you in on a little secret. Some of my favorite team members I have yet to meet. Other team members live thousands of miles away.
Don’t forget God wants to be on your team too. Be sure to make him the leader.
Support Unique To Your Circumstances
Having at least one team that understands your unique situation is crucial. There is nothing like being with people that “Get It.” Don’t you love it when people just nod in understanding, and a thorough explanation is not needed?
How Do I Develop a Team?
Start with one person at a time. Maybe you don’t think you need a team or it is too late. Start creating one anyways. It’s never too late.
- Start a new hobby
- Join a book club
- Seek a volunteer team
- Find a small group at church
- Subscribe to our community at Embracing the Unexpected
- Visit a support group for your unique situation
- Sign up for a writing group
- Take a class
The possibilities are endless. Teams come in all shapes and sizes. At one time leaving my home was nearly impossible, so I tapped into connecting to individuals and groups via email and text.
Gratitude for My Circles of Support
I can’t end this without expressing my sincere appreciation for those who have been willing to be on my team through the ugly, sad, adventurous, and happy times of life. My team is made up of amazing members with unique qualities, which help in all kinds of different ways. I bet some of you don’t even realize you are on my team.
I love doing life with you!
Thank you for having my back.
Thank you for allowing me into your circumstances to have your back.
I would love to hear who is on your team?
If you missed part one – “Who Has Your Back” click here.
We would love to have you join our community.
Embracing the Unexpected | Maree Dee
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I so love everything you have said in both of these posts. We need to be in community. Safe places to fall. Places where our hearts and intentions are understood. Places where competition and comparison fall away. This so aligns with what I’ve been writing about at #MomentsofHope, as well. A group of writers/bloggers gathered. We have been friends for a couple of years, supporting each other online, but now that we met in person for a retreat, we saw even more clearly what God has been knitting together! Now God is stirring our hearts to pay that forward in the form of a conference next year!
Many blessings and smiles to you, my friend!
Lori, I am so excited for you and all the people you will bless with a conference. I can’t wait to hear more about it. I just love it when God orchestrates a meeting of the minds. Blessings- Maree
Love the encouragement to have all kinds of people on the team. We need to challenge each other!
I like what you said about needing to challenge each other. Maree
Nothing like having people around that “get it.” Thanks for sharing at Literacy Musing Mondays! Have a great week.
Brandi – Amen to your comment. I love “my people.” Maree
HI Maree Dee, I love your “Who Should Be on Your Team List.” Your post offers some great reflection on who we have around us and why. I may have a “gratitude for my circle of support” party soon – thank you!
Joy, I am so glad you have a circle of support. I know I cherish my teams. Maree
Hi Maree – I am so glad you could join the party last week at #TuneInThursday. I am so sorry it has taken me so long to get around to commenting on your post, I had a retreat I was speaking at this past weekend, and it put me behind a few days.
This is so great and I hope women pay attention to your message – this same theme was talked about this past weekend at the retreat I was at! So goof – thanks again.
So, who is on my team? Wow, where to start – mostly strong willed stubborn, speak truth people, who love me lots and will speak truth… then I have my movie peeps, and those who make me laugh, and those who minister and encourage me…..
Debbie – No apologies needed. I am impressed you can read all of the posts, to begin with. I bet you are great at time management.
I love it that your retreat talked about the same thing. It just shows community is so important.
It sounds like you have some great teams.
What a great post topic! This was so useful and convicting as well as I can tend to isolate myself as an introvert. Great words that challenged me:) 👍
Gretchen – I am so glad my words challenged you. Maree
Love this. Definitely something I’m seeking to do in a new place. It’s so important to have a team and a team filled with all kinds of different people!
I hope you find a team quickly. Thank you for stopping by. Maree
My team has actually developed from other bloggers…it’s such a wonderful community <3 Outside of my husband and home I don't really have anyone else, since I live in a place where churches and Christian communities are small and scarce. Thank you for sharing this at the #warriorlinkup !
I am so glad you have been able to build a community even though you live where it not easy. We need each other.
Definitely we need people on our team. And we may want them all like us, but a different perspective can be such a blessing. I remember meeting a lady who was so different than me and thinking what would we have in common, but in the end she was just what I needed. She offers something so different from my strengths and opinions. Opposites can be great for both of you.
I am so glad you were able to be open to the lady that seemed different than you. I just love it when I am open to people. I am always pleasantly surprised.
I also appreciated your last two blogs on having a “team” and just wanted you to know that I feel like team members through NEA/BPD! Thank you, Maree, for your loving, sensitive and compassionate support!
Thank you! I love hearing from you. I agree – NEA.BPD is a great team to be a part of. Maree
It is so absolutely true that we need ALL kinds of people on our team — and this gives me hope that I can be a valued part on someone else’s team as well!
Michele, I love what you added. You are so right it does give us hope that we can be of value. I was just wrestling with that topic on a team I serve on. I felt so inadequate with what I have to offer. Thank you—- Maree
Yes having a team is important, for they can lift you up in prayer at a moments notice. This Inhave experienced and am more than a little thankful for and yes some are near others are online and all are appreciated
I am with you the prayer part of a team is so valuable. I couldn’t do life without my prayer team. They utter the words when I can’t find them.