Do you ever need a quick spurt of motivation to carry on? Did you know that daily habits can increase your resilience to persevere through unexpected times? In this article, you will learn 5 surprising ways to boost your resilience using only 5 minutes a day.
After all, in today’s world, resilience is a must-have skill that will give you the courage and strength to face any challenge. So get ready to strengthen your emotional and spiritual character with five simple yet surprisingly effective techniques from our talented writer, Linda Stoll.
Linda Stoll is sharing 5 surprising ways to boost your resilience using only 5 minutes a day. #resilience #boostresilienceseries #LindaStoll Share on X5 Surprising Ways to Boost Your Resilience Using 5 Minutes a Day
By Linda Stoll
Resilient people are committed to finishing strong.
—Gordon MacDonald –
They believe that quitting is not an option.
They know that ‘walking’ is unthinkable.
They are convinced that building resilience is a daily pursuit.
They despise aimlessness.
They have the faces of champions.
A Resilient Life: You Can Move Ahead No Matter What
I wish I could say that I learned resilience the easy way … with my feet up, life going smoothly, everything coming up roses, and whistling a happy tune.
But that’s not how it’s played out.
I don’t know about you, but when all is said and done, I’ve learned the truest, sturdiest resilience during the hard times. Yep, right in the midst of those fragile seasons that drain us dry and have us scraping bottom, seemingly forever.

When we least expect it, God is working behind the scenes building perseverance and resilience into our spiritual and emotional DNA for His glory and our benefit.
God can boost our limited energy and waning spirits with simple common sense practices. These choices make space for Him to make His healing presence known. He offers comfort and hope as these daily rhythms bend and stretch us back into wholeness, nudging us toward restoration and maturity.
Five Surprising Ways to Boost Your Resilience
In all of 300 seconds a day, each of these choices can make all the difference in the world –
5 Surprising Ways to Boost Your Resilience Using 5 Minutes a Day-“In all of 300 seconds a day, each of these choices can make all the difference in the world.” Linda Stoll #boostresilienceseries Share on X1. Meditating
‘5 Minute Prayers Anchored to Truth, Love, and Peace.’ Soulspace Christian Meditations calm racing minds, speak peace into anxious souls, and invite us to tap into the presence of God.
2. Singing praise
There’s healing power in praising the name of Jesus. It amazes me how He inhabits the praises of His people and, in the process, instills a deep spirit of gratitude that we’d never be able to drum up on our own (Psalm 22:3).
Yet you are enthroned as the Holy One; you are the one Israel praises. (Psalm 22:3 NIV)
3. Heading outdoors
All creation sings His praises (Psalm 19:1-4). It’s hard to fully experience the works of His hands when we’re cloistered within our four walls. Breathing fresh air and immersing ourselves in His awesome handiwork speaks life into our weariness.

4. Reading a Psalm
This is our prayer book when we don’t know what to pray. David experienced a range of difficult emotions – fear, desperation, hurt, desire, anger, frustration, anxiety, and depression. He gave us a voice for our desperate neediness as we spend time with the Healer of our hearts.
5. Connecting with others
Hard times beg us to be isolated and lonely. Our vision narrows, and our self-absorption expands. We grow fonder of our screens instead of pursuing the company of others.
“Safe people breathe life and hope into us. And this encourages us to do the same for others.” —Linda Stoll #resilinece #boostresileinceseries #embracingtheunexpected Share on XThese five examples are only the beginning! I’d love to hear how resilience has sparked and jumpstarted your days …
We know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. (Romans 5:3-5 NIV)

Linda lives with her husband of 47 years, Tim, in a little town tucked between the everchanging bay and the deep blue sea in Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
Retired from private counseling practice and years of ministry leadership, she now pens the PORCH weekend newsletter + occasional essays + the monthly BOOKBAG. A passionate blogging aficionado since 2008, she is devoted to nurturing her lively online community at LindaStoll.net.
How to Boost Resilience Series
Explore how to boost resilience to embrace life’s unexpected turns with courage and confidence. This blog series provides the roadmap to developing unshakeable strength to thrive and find joy in any storm. Tap here to catch up on any missed articles.

Grace & Truth Link-Up | The Most Popular Post in June 2023
Each month at Embracing the Unexpected, we look back at the previous month to see which blog posts received the most clicks. Last month’s most popular article is from Lisa Blair. She eloquently and wisely helps us examine self-centered, other-centered, principle-centered, and incarnate leadership. Her wise words will help you move in a leadership direction that models Jesus.
Today, our featured post on Grace & Truth Link-Up is written by Lisa Blair— “Incarnate Leadership – A Remarkable and Surprising Life.” #graceandtruth #featuredpost #graceandtruth #featuredpost Share on XGrace & Truth Christian Link-Up
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And to you, too!
Absolutely, Jeanne. And this has been the week to celebrate His creation … sunny, breezy, and no humidity. I can’t get enough!
Linda, I love your five tips! And you probably know which is my favorite. Being outdoors, with breezes, birdsong, and lots of color and light and shadow fill my spirit and refresh me to carry on in hard seasons.
Jeanne, I’m right there with you on being outside or looking at God’s beauty from a window. Blessings, Maree
Thank you for stopping by. I hope you have a blessed week. Maree
Praise God for the work He does in our lives through the presence of the Holy Spirit, friend. He is so very good.
We keep on learning together, don’t we …
I agree with your following statement Linda;
“When we least expect it, God is working behind the scenes building perseverance and resilience into our spiritual and emotional DNA for His glory and our benefit.” Amen!
Blessings, Jennifer
And an amen from me too. Thank you Jennifer.
Dear Linda, I receive so much edification and strength in every word your write. This was so helpful to me this morning. Thanking God for you, your life for Him, your ministry, your endless encouragement to me, and the many ways you bless so many. May He return all those blessings to you this morning, sweet friend.
I agree. Linda has amazing wisdom for all of us. Thank you for stopping by. Happy Friday. Maree
These are wonderful ways to give us Holy strength. Thank you.
Holy strength. I love how you put that, Deborah.
I really enjoyed this insightful post on resilience – especially all of the Biblical references and practical ideas. Thank you for this today!
Yes, Linda has some good suggestions to boost our resilience. Maree
Thank you, Linda and Maree, for solid thoughts on resilience. I love that we are using that word to describe hanging in there in this following life. And every one of your 5 suggestions rings true!
Michele, you’re modeling the resilient life for us all even as we speak …
Thank you, Michele, for stopping by. I, too, loved Linda’s words. Together we can do this. Maree
So true that it isn’t when we are resting with our feet up that we build resilience! It’s during those tough times. Remembering God knows what we are going through sure helps. I love the idea of going to the Psalms to help build resilience. That’s a 5 minute practice I will begin to incorporate for sure! Thanks Linda!
Lynn, I’d love to hear how this works out for you! This is definitely a 5-minute invite worth saying yes to … bonus points for reading out loud.
I, too, would love to hear how that goes. I hope you have a great weekend. Maree
Linda, I love your five suggestions. I know that God is always working behind the scenes for his glory and my good. Thank you Linda and Maree!
It’s like He’s always inviting us to something deeper, healthier, holier … He loves us too much to leave us in those desperate places we’re prone to wander into.
Your five suggestions are spot-on, Linda. I’ve utilized all of these at some time or other when my spiritual strength waned. Keeping my mind occupied in positive, uplifting ways is key!
You’re right, Nancy, about the power we’ve been given to make choices. Hour by hour, they all combine to head us in one direction … or the other.
Always a joy to see friends collaborating! And my goodness, Linda … I’ve found this to be 100 percent true too: “When we least expect it, God is working behind the scenes building perseverance and resilience into our spiritual and emotional DNA for His glory and our benefit.” He knows exactly what we need, doesn’t He?
Yes, let’s do a whole lot more collaborating … each of us brings a unique perspective to the table and we’re all richer for it. Thanks for that wise nudge. Lois.
I so enjoyed reading Linda’s post. It’s amazing to think how 300 seconds can make such a huge difference in our outlook and day. Thank you both, Linda & Maree, for sharing this today! Blessings!
Joanne, To think only 300 seconds a day can make a difference. I love trying out Linda’s five ways to see for myself, and I’m happy to report that I feel more prepared for the unexpected, joy, and energy. Sending prayers for your success. Maree
Joanne, I’m sitting here thinking how many 300 second opportunities I throw out the window each day …
Maree, we’re all still in process, aren’t we. Thanks for inviting me to share a bit of my journey.
Linda, Yes, you are correct we are all still in process. I was reminded of that today. I’m so glad you said yes and added your words to our series. I loved your post, and I am trying to put into practice #5, connecting with others. I have to admit I have isolated too much since moving and covid. Since I had an early read on your post, I started on Wednesday; went to my first book club in our neighborhood, and will attend a neighborhood party tonight. Thank you for prompting me. We moved into a new neighborhood in May. I actually feel fueled by being around other people, but I got in the habit of staying home. Blessings, and thank you for your words. Maree
Solitude can easily morph into isolation … your story gives us encouragement to emerge from our self-made cocoons and fly free again. And once we do, we wonder why it took us so long. Thanks for showing us how to take those first fledgling steps!