We know we will suffer on this side of heaven. But is it possible to discover joy in the middle of our hurt? I believe we can, but one key factor is to choose to accept the pain.
When We Fail to Accept Reality
I am a master at denial. When unexpected circumstances that cause pain show up, my first impulse is to pretend the hurt isn’t valid. Or—I try hard to wish it away.
Do you struggle to accept reality when it is painful?
Although initially, denial seems bliss, haven’t you found hiding always brings about more suffering, not less? It is exhausting trying to hide from the pain. Plus, the hurt usually bursts out in some other form, like anger. But the most damaging part about denial is how it tends to rob us of the joy in the moment.
Denying reality never changes our circumstances.
Maree dee
Wishing reality was different never changes the facts.
But accepting reality allows us to move forward and discover more joy.
How Do We Accept the Pain?
- First, I would turn to God and ask for help. He is the best comforter you will ever find.
- Then allow yourself to feel the emotion without judging it right or wrong.
- Name the pain and validate the ache.
- Then practice accepting whatever hurts all the way. It helps me to say aloud, “It is what it is.”
This approach allows us to find our new normal. We are then able to move forward instead of being stuck in denial. It will help us to see two feelings or thoughts can be true at the same time. We can feel pain and joy, and one does not have to cancel the other out.
When you choose to accept the pain do you discover more joy?
Featured Post
Amanda Baker wrote a beautiful article last week. She helps us to see a major benefit when we suffer. However, she doesn’t leave us solely with the answer but encourages us to give out what we received from God.
Now for our Featured Post
“One Benefit of Suffering”
By Amanda Baker
Click here to read.
Today, our featured post on Grace & Truth Link-Up is written by Amanda Baker— “One Benefit of Suffering.” #graceandtruth #featuredpost #graceandtruth #featuredpost Share on XNow Let’s Link Up
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I often need to say this aloud too: “It is what it is.” I should probably write that on every mirror and doorpost. 🙂
Lisa, Glad to know I am not alone. Yes, I have a plaque that says, “It Is What It Is.” When I say it aloud, it helps me to accept my circumstances. Otherwise, I get stuck wishing things were different. Blessings, Maree
Yes I did Maree! Thank you! 😀
I totally agree Barbara & echo your comment to Maree.
Yes, Barbara’s comment was wonderful. Thank you for reading and commenting. Did you recently change or add your picture? It is darling. Blessings, Maree
Thank you so much for the feature here, Maree! Amanda will be thrilled! 🙂
Thank you, Patsy, for the email with Amanda’s last name. What a wonderful post she wrote. Maree
That’s so true–fighting against something in our lives can be exhausting. It can also be exhausting to fight against what we think *might* happen. The sooner we accept whatever it is God allows, the sooner we can receive God’s help and comfort.
Amen! I agree when we don’t accept, it prolongs the help available. Thank you for your wise words. Maree