Would you like to know how to add more laughter to your day? After all, a good laugh is good for the soul. Would you believe I pray for laughter?
When life seems to get a little too serious, I ask God to send me a little laughter and silliness, and He always delivers.
Pray for laughter - God will deliver. Share on X
But brace yourself – it most likely will come unexpectedly, and you might be the center of the fun.
One day I walked into my child’s classroom to have a tough conversation with a teacher who I thought was being unfair. Now I don’t like conflict, but I will stand up when I have a concern. I sternly voiced my matter, listened, and after feeling like we had heard each other out I left. As I was getting up from my chair, I grabbed my diet coke and marched right out feeling pretty good.
My concerned child, who was waiting outside the door, took one look at me slurping down my morning extra large diet coke and said, “Mom, where did you get that diet coke?” “We didn’t stop this morning and get you one.” “That is my teacher’s soda.”
I did what any embarrassed Mom might do. I hightailed it out of there. But boy, did we laugh that evening and I am sure the teacher did too. Most likely, I had been sitting there drinking his soda as we talked.
Last week Jennifer reminded me –
“Laughter is great medicine! It takes us out of our serious selves, out of our worries & concerns, stripping us of our inhibitions taking us back to childhood exuberance in the moment.” Jennifer
I hope you will hop over and read our featured post for today. It will not only convince you to add some laughter to your day, but it may get you giggling as you picture Jennifer jumping up and down. Jennifer has a lovely website called “Tea with Jennifer,” where you will find a cup of inspiration.
Now for Our Featured Post
Lots Of Laughter!
By Jennifer
Click here to read our featured post.
How do you add more laughter to your day? Please share with us a funny story or two. Share on X
Jennifer, thank you for linking up with Grace & Truth. Grab a button and link back – I am sure your readers would love to celebrate with you!
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Aimee Imbeau – A Work of Grace
Heather Hart – Real Women. Real Life. Real Faith.
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Embracing the Unexpected | Maree Dee
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What a fun story! We have family lore stories that can make us giggle at any given moment, too :).
It is fun, isn’t it to laugh. Maree
Maree, I LOVE this story! There is laughter in abundance in our home – husband and I keep each other laughing. Such good medicine!
You are so blessed to have a home full of laughter. You inspire me to find more in my day. Maree
I LOVE this idea. We do need to add more laughter. Can’t wait to read the whole piece!
Yes, laughter is fantastic. I hope you had a day filled with it. Maree
Yes! We can ask God to inject our lives with more laughter and joy! Amen!
Thank you for joining us today.
Oh, that is really funny about the diet coke. ha. Those kind of funny things stick with us and can bring us such joy for years to come (once we get over the embarrassment, ha). 🙂
Yes!! You speak the truth; we have to get over being embarrassed first. Maree
Thank you Maree for featuring my post, I feel truly honored!
I didn’t know what was what when I received your first message, so I just waited to see. I was delighted when I received your second message though 😉
Bless you,
Haha – Oh, because I was calling you Pam. You must have thought I had lost it. It wasn’t until I went back to let you know did I notice I had written Pam. Haha – laugh is on my trying to do too many things at once. I loved your post. Thank you for sharing it with us. Maree
It’s so true that laughter is good for the soul! I am blessed to work with some very funny people. I make it a point to sit with them and be social over lunch rather than continuing to work and eat alone at my desk. I think I’m more productive after having a laugh. Thank. you for sharing your funny story.
You have inspired me to sit more with people who are funny. I am thinking of one friend in particular. Thank you for sharing about how you spend your lunch. Maree
Oh Wow. Your story of the Diet Coke definitely sounds like something I would have done, haha. Laughter is so important in our lives. It keeps us from taking things to seriously and remembering that this life is only temporary. I can always count on my husband to make me laugh. It is one of the reasons I fell in love with him.
Angela –
How wonderful your husband makes you laugh. Mine does too, but his sense of humor is dry, so it takes me a bit to understand the joke. Maree
Love the story and especially the reminder! I can be too serious so thank you for prompting me over what should be obvious. lol
Oh, Gretchen I too can be way too serious. I am in need of a little more laughter. I loved watching the video of you and your son dancing. Maree
I’m still chucking!
Thank you for joining us today! Maree
The diet coke story made me giggle! laurensparks.net
I am so glad I could provide a few giggles today. Maree
Funny story of the day:
Thing 2: I’m glad dad is pitching in my game tomorrow.
Thing 1: Just don’t hit any of his bad pitches.
Thanks for hosting the link-up Maree! Tweeted. 🙂
Thank you for joining us and tweeting this post. Maree
Thanks for adding some laughter to my day, Maree. Great story!
Glad I good entertain with my silly story. I hope you have a day filled with laughter. Maree
Maree, that is a hilarious story! Love it. So true that we need to laugh more.
Yes, we do. I definitely need more of it in my daily life. Maree
My husband often puts a comic spin on things. In early marriage, sometimes I was hurt because I didn’t think he was taking whatever the situation was seriously. Now I generally appreciate the breaking of tension and lightening of spirit laughter brings. I’m thankful for this gift of God and the many opportunities He gives to use it.
Yes, me too. I love laughter. Maree