Has the chaos of the world closed in on you? Perhaps you feel defeated, afraid, and desperately in need of something that will quiet your soul. You are not alone; I am right there with you in pursuit of that inner calm in my daily life. However, it requires something of us. Are you willing to change your ways to discover peace?
These last few years have taken a toll on all of us. Perhaps on top of the world’s problems, you have encountered unexpected events like illness, anxiety, mental health challenges, unemployment, a sick loved one, cancer, addictions, a failed marriage, or something different. The added frustration and losses each of us could count are numerous and contribute to losing some of our tranquility in life.
Sometimes we humans make the struggle harder as we seek to discover peace in all the wrong places or fail to re-evaluate and pivot. #peace #discoverpeace #embracetheunexpectedseries Share on XLooking For Peace in the Wrong Places
What are the ways you look to discover peace in the wrong places? For some, it may be an extra glass of wine, relationships, food, exercise, work, endless television, vacations, or rest. For others, it may be a lie we tell ourselves that daily inner calm is okay to postpone, that if we gear up and work hard when this task is over, we will enjoy peace.
Not all of these are bad, yet do they bring that lasting inner peace we desire and need in the here and now?
Failure to Re-evaluate and Pivot
My word for the year was “persist.” A perfect term for a person whose motto is “never give up.” I sometimes push, at all costs, to attain my goals. I’m the one you want on your team when a job needs to get done. Or perhaps you don’t.
I attached this word to a few goals, set steps, and was thrilled to attack the plan. However, life threw me a curve ball with unexpected circumstances beyond my control.
These last six months have been a challenge for me. How about you? With an overcommitted schedule (which I hate to admit), family members struggling, Covid, and too many projects beyond my current capacity, I have lacked peace on too many days.
Please tell me I’m not entirely alone in this! Perhaps not today, but at some point in your life.
When life sends me an unexpected challenge, sometimes I struggle to change the course I’m on. After all, I don’t want to fail. Plus, if God initially set me on the path, why wouldn’t He want me to continue? So, I tend to give more of myself, work harder, and focus on solving the situation rather than trusting God will make a way through it.
As I entered a dark and brutal place alongside the people I love, God whispered two words in my ear—“pivot and grace.” But I resisted letting go of my word “persist” for the year. I wanted to attain what I had set out to accomplish. As I persisted with my original plans, there were still moments of tranquility, but my overall daily internal serenity began to fade away. And it was more challenging to discover peace.
When we choose not to follow God’s direction fully, it leaves us lacking that inner peace and intimacy with Jesus that we need in the midst of the unexpected. #peace # Share on XListening to God
As weariness set in, I began to make changes and felt a little more inner calm. But then the Lord whispered, “More.” Confused and baffled, I couldn’t figure out what more meant. And honestly, I didn’t want to re-evaluate and pivot anymore because I felt like I was giving up on the dreams and desires He placed in my thoughts, and most of all, I feared letting others down.
I was absolutely willing to embrace life amidst the unexpected, but I wanted to hang on to it all. I offered grace in abundance to others, yet was slow to show it to myself. And then, to make matters worse, I looked around and compared myself.
The Comparison Trap
It is hard not to look around as friends appear to pull it off without a hitch. We ask ourselves, why not us? Don’t let social media posts fool you. After all, don’t we usually share the best parts of our lives with the world and hide our internal turmoil? We look as if life is spectacular and pain-free, yet everyone struggles to hang on to peace at some point.
But comparing ourselves to others isn’t all we do. We often look back and think we endured more before; indeed, we should be able to handle these circumstances without slowing down.

So, is there a way out to quiet our souls? The answer is Yes!!
There is Only One Person We Need to Discover Peace
There is only one person we need to find inner peace—God. The answer seems simple; however, for some reason, it is oh so challenging at times to implement. Our humanness seems to interfere.
Will you stop and sit still and let the Lord’s peace wash over you? Will you do it again and again?
Control What We Can
We certainly don’t have total control over what goes on around us, but what about what is inside us? Inner peace is attainable when we continually step into God’s presence, let go of our burdens, and fix our eyes on Him. We can seek more of Jesus.
Why not pivot, sit still, and allow God to work without our constant interference? Why not step back and quit striving so we can hear God’s voice, feel His presence, and let Him calm the inner chaos? #peace #calm… Share on XTrust me; God is at work in the midst of the unexpected. He will never stop working; He will never abandon us. Jesus can work on the inside and bring us a sense of inner peace. Like David, we can take everything to God and know He is at work even when we can’t see progress.
Psalm 23
A psalm of David.
The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
for his name’s sake.
Even though I walk
through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.You prepare a table before me
(Psalm 23)
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Surely your goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord

Why not allow God to lead you by still waters?
Re-evaluate and Pivot with God
After a few too many comments from friends brave enough to speak into my life and sleepless nights, I chose to listen to the words God kept whispering—pivot and grace. I swallowed my pride and decided to make changes. And then I offered myself—grace.
Grace to linger a few more minutes in the morning before hitting the ground running, to feel the wind whipping through my hair instead of sitting inside at a desk with my eyes glued to the computer. Time to sit on the beach and let the sun warm my skin instead of constantly being in forward motion. Grace to ask for help, disappoint others, and leave things undone. But why was it so important?
When I offered myself more grace, the best part was I received more of Jesus which was what I needed in this season of life. Time to dwell in His presence, sit in awe of the beauty He created and listen for His quiet voice as He guides me.
More of God will always help to calm our inner chaos.
Maree Dee
Will you slow down and ponder what it might look like in your life to take in more of God’s peace?
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells. God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day. Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall; he lifts his voice, the earth melts. The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. Come and see what the Lord has done, the desolations he has brought on the earth. He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth. He breaks the bow and shatters the spear; he burns the shields[d] with fire. 10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. Psalm 46 NIV
In stillness:
Sanity is found. Sense is made of things. The roar of the enemy is stilled and the soul can listen to the whisper of its Maker.
Ann Voskamp
Perhaps your inner soul needs more of God like mine. Will you permit yourself to let go of what is keeping you from the Lord? Together lets, sit still with Him to know Him intimately. Let’s let His peace that makes no sense wash over us.
God calls us to be still so we can know Him. And when we know the Lord, we will discover a peace that makes no sense amid our unexpected circumstances. #peace Share on XAre you willing to change your ways to discover peace? What steps will you take to allow more time to be still with God?
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How to Embrace the Unexpected and Persevere: Real Life Stories
Today’s post concludes our series on “How to Embrace the Unexpected and Persevere: Real Life Stories.” Each week we heard from a guest writer who shared how her life took an unforeseen turn. Our series taught us how to persevere with hope, joy, and more. Click the graphic to take you to our page to discover the posts you might have missed.

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Embracing the Unexpected | Maree Dee
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Goal Setting: Choose the Most Important One First
Are you struggling to identify your life’s most important goal? The “Embracing Goals” workbook helps you prioritize a spiritual journey that leads to transformation. Say goodbye to failed resolutions and embrace personal growth with God at the center of your life. Commit, persevere, and align with His will to unlock unexpected success.
This booklet is available for purchase in our store.

I love God’s timing sometimes. This is my first day back after being out sick. What a wonderful reminder to pivot and extend some grace.
Ashley, I’m sorry you have been sick. I hope you gave yourself grace and you are feeling better. Blessings, Maree
“When I offered myself more grace, the best part was I received more of Jesus.” This is so beautiful–and so true! It’s crazy that even though Jesus is constantly extending grace to us, we don’t always accept it. But when we do? We feel so loved. I love your words of pivot and grace together. Such an insightful pairing….
Lisa, You are so right. Jesus is constantly extending grace. I would love to take credit for the words pivot and grace, but they truly came from God, and it took me months to respond to them. I hope your weekend is full of blessings, Maree
Wow, I feel like you peeked inside my life and heart. We have so much in common, Maree. I so appreciate your transparency and humility to share this. It spoke to my heart!
Jeanne, I miss you and think of you often. We need to catch up soon. Yes, we have lots in common, and thank you for letting me know this post spoke to your heart. Blessings, Maree
This falls so in line with the things God is teaching me about rest. And He’s been using Psalm 23 with me too!
I love it when God speaks to someone else about the same thing. I hope you have a restful weekend. Blessings, Maree
I love how you pose this question: are you WILLING to change your ways? Something we must all ask ourselves, and not only once but often!!
Adonai, I certainly have to ask that question frequently. I want to change, but sometimes the want does not transform into a willing heart and actions. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Maree
I’ve been contemplating why we put productivity before rest, and stillness with God. I write this with a sinus headache and a recovering back, that has made me slow down (which can be very frustrating when there is so much on the list to “move forward” goals and intentions). I truly believe when we fill up on “breathing spaces” that fill us with joy, we align with with God’s plan for us. The comparison trap can sure hook us back into striving instead of thriving in Him, though! May we keep turning to Him for the love, rest, and service He has for us.
Lynn, I am so sorry you have a sinus headache and back problems. I hope you are healing and feeling better. I love what you said, “When we fill up on “breathing spaces” that fill us with joy, we align with God’s plan for us.” You are so right. I was amazed that I heard his clear direction as I slowed down. I do want to thrive in Him. Praying you have had some time this week to draw close to God and heal. Blessings, Maree
Beautiful article. I love the concept of re-evaluate and pivot. Thank you for this encouragement. visiting from Grace & Truth.
I am so glad you stopped by Deborah and that you are a part of our Grace & Truth Link-up. I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Maree
You’re not alone Maree, I recently fell into the ‘assist & persist’ trap.
The problem was that it wasn’t the ‘persist’ God was wanting me to persist with!
Because I finally became overwhelmed in helping another, in the midst of many other things going on in my life.
But I have learnt through this that if I feel overwhelmed then I’m not doing what God has actually called me to do
Rather I need to persist in His presence for His wisdom, rest & peace.
And look after myself more, which is what God has been impressing upon me lately.
You may find my post ‘Look after yourself love!” interesting;
Blessings to you sweet friend, Jennifer
Jennifer, You made me smile with—”The problem was that it wasn’t the ‘persist’ God was wanting me to persist with!” I find myself here all too many times.
I think you are right about when we feel overwhelmed to see it as an indicator we might not be doing what God wants. I now feel tremendous peace after a few changes. Thank you for adding a post you think I might like. Heading over there now to read. Maree
You’re most welcome sweet friend ❤️
You’re not alone. I too fall into the comparison trap too. I’m a people pleaser,and at times have trouble saying no. I find that anxious knot in my stomach, don’t get me wrong I do say no. I used to push myself but when fibromyalgia came to call I can’t anymore.
Visiting today from G&T
I bet with Fibromyalgia; you did have to change your ways. Sorry you have to struggle with that; it must be hard. I am a people pleaser, too, but I have made great strides in learning to say no. Thank you for sharing. I hope you had a great weekend. Blessings, Maree