Find out what sparked interest at Maree Dee | Embracing the Unexpected. We have highlighted the best of the first quarter in 2021. Read the top viewed article, featured post, and more.
Maree Dee | Embracing the Unexpected
Best of the
First Quarter 2021
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Are you smack dab in the midst of the unexpected, yearning for more? Although it may feel unlikely at times, finding faith, hope, and love is possible. However, we must make it our mission right from the start.
A Favorite of Mine
Have you ever been given the privilege of caring for another human being? Perhaps it has called for more care than you ever expected and extended beyond the timetable you had in mind. You want to be a compassionate caregiver; however, you worry that you will fall short. Find out today what is most important to ensure you can not only persevere but thrive in your role even when the task appears beyond your skillset.
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Do your palms begin to sweat, and your heart starts to pound the minute someone wants to challenge you on the existence of God? Admittedly, I stumble with an outright question of this nature when caught off guard. Immediately panic sets in, and I feel ill-equipped to answer. My first inclination is to dial up the pastor and request him to speak for me. Have you experienced this too when someone asks—how do you know God is real?
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Have you lost your joy and happiness in this season? Maybe you set aside the things that you enjoy to stay safe. Or, perhaps you are waiting for this unexpected mess to pass. Yet, as the days go by, you slip further and further from the life you used to appreciate. Quite honestly, it happens to all of us from time to time.
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Grace & Truth Link-Up
When the unexpected threatens to destroy your dreams, what do you do? Do you sulk, get angry, wallow in sadness, give up, or continue to try and make it happen even when reality says no. Find out today a new approach to take when your aspirations don’t turn out as planned.
Find out what sparked interest at Maree Dee | Embracing the Unexpected during the first quarter of 2021. Discover the top-viewed article, featured post, and more. #bestofthequarter #bestposts #embracingtheunexpected #mareedeee Share on X
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What unexpected joy did you discover in the first quarter of 2021? Did you have an unanticipated hardship? #mareedee #embracingtheunexpected #firstquarter2021 Share on XAll-Time Favorite Posts

My palms start sweating, too, when people ask me why I believe God is real! Every post you list is such good encouragment!
You are so sweet; thank you for your encouraging words. And I am glad to know I am not the only one with sweating palms.
What a great line-up! Your posts are always a blessing!
Thank you! Your kind words are greatly appreciated. I hope you have an awesome day.