What is the best gift you can give yourself this year? A present that will keep on giving through any unexpected circumstance or trial. Something you can rely on when you have a mountain top high or valley low.
The answer is simple, yet we often ignore the solution or don’t take the time to do it. The best gift we can give ourselves is a closer relationship with God. But where do we begin? How do we attain a more rooted connection? The answer will look different for all of us. And God has His thoughts too, which happen to be the most valuable.
Find out what is the best gift you can give yourself this year. A present that will keep on giving through any unexpected circumstance or trial. Something you can rely on when you have a mountain top high or valley low. #bestgift Share on XWhere to Begin With This Best Gift
During January each year, I take the time to ponder with God, a goal to help me become more Christ-like and more intimate in my relationship with Him. However, any time of the year is a great time to start. February seems to be when we tend to abandon those new year resolutions we set, so today might be a perfect opportunity to work towards that best gift.
The most crucial part of setting a spiritual goal will be to listen to what God wants for you. It may come in a word, scripture, or a spiritual practice God wants you to develop. I have a free workbook to help you, which will be available for the rest of this month. Click here if you are not a subscriber; otherwise, you will see it in the weekly email.
How do you grow closer to God each year? #spiritualgoalsetting Share on XI practice setting a spiritual goal, which sometimes comes in the form of one-word but maybe you do something different. Please share with us in the comments.
When God’s Idea Rubs You Wrong
Well, this year, God put a word on my heart way before the new year started. It came to me well in advance of me working through the worksheets, which is quite unusual. But there was a problem—the spiritual goal God gave me left me feeling a little deflated as if I had let God down again.
My Spiritual Goal is to “Listen for God’s Voice in Everything.”
Then using “listen” as my word for the year offended me even more. After all, I lead and support many people. Had I become rusty with my listening skills? Was I a bad listener?
Embarrassed to Share
I wrestled with God for a month, and He has not budged. After receiving confirmation for the umpteenth time, I switched my thoughts to how to candy-coat it so that you wouldn’t think ill of me. Yes, my pride was getting the best of me.
Do you ever feel offended by God’s direction? Or wonder what others will think of your faith?
Even though it felt like a strike against me initially, this new word has me seeking to understand the following and more.
- How can I make sure to tune in and listen to God’s voice all day long?
- Where do I fail to listen?
- What gets in the way of hearing the Lord speak.

“God speaks in the silence of the heart. Listening is the beginning of prayer.”
Mother Teresa
Becoming More Christ-Like
We know becoming more Christ-like is a lifelong quest. None of us will ever arrive there this side of heaven. Nonetheless, God will not let us down when we listen and obey. Plus, Jesus may be preparing us for an opportunity in our near future. One where we will need to be closer to Him in the skill He is requesting we grow.
After a month-long conversation with God, I’m ready to dive in with excitement to enhance my listening skills to hear God’s voice in everything all day long. And to share with you what I am learning along the way. I look forward to seeing where I have missed listening to Him in my daily life.
“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand.”
John 10:27-29
Lean in to Receive His Best Gift
Many times, our first response is to resist what God has in mind. Remember, when God gives us something to work on, it doesn’t’ mean we have failed; He solely wants to take us further. He sees what is ahead and wants to prepare us.
Perhaps, the Lord has a purpose that we can’t see. After all, our perspective is limited. Don’t let your defenses keep you from His best— instead, lean in and trust your maker. He always has our best interests in mind.
What is your spiritual goal right now? What steps are you taking to ensure success?
Maree’s Spiritual Goal for 2021
Listen for God’s Voice in Everything.
My Word for 2021
My Verse for 2021
Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He’s the one who will keep you on track.
Proverbs 3:6 (MSG)
My Quote for 2021
“Listening to God is essential to walking with God.”
—Charles Stanley
What Action Steps Will You Take
Furthermore, don’t forget to list out the action steps you will take. A goal without a plan doesn’t usually happen. One of my steps is to spend time every day, quiet myself, remove all distractions, and solely listen for God’s voice.
A Year-Long Quest
I settled into “listen” as my spiritual goal, however, as the month went on, I realized it would be a shame if I didn’t make it my word for the year. There are so many aspects to listening well, and we have the best teacher of all —Jesus.
God Knows
God knows what’s in our future, and He knows how He wants to grow us. But we must trust Him and listen to His voice for direction. Don’t miss the opportunity for the best gift you can give yourself —a deeper relationship with God.
Maybe your spiritual goal is not the same as mine. It might be scripture reading, more prayer time, Bible memorization, or going to church. It is between you and God and no one else. However, if you want to share, I would love to know and pray for you.
Let’s grab on to God right now. See below for a tool to help you set a spiritual goal. Give yourself the best gift.
Goal Setting: Choose the Most Important One First
Are you struggling to identify your life’s most important goal? The “Embracing Goals” workbook helps you prioritize a spiritual journey that leads to transformation. Say goodbye to failed resolutions and embrace personal growth with God at the center of your life. Commit, persevere, and align with His will to unlock unexpected success.
This booklet is available for purchase in our store.

Love your words and post! Great blessing for you
Thank you for blessing me with your encouragement. I hope you have a fabulous week. Maree
Thanks, Maree, and God bless you!
Thank you for stopping. Praying many blessings to come your way today. Maree
I love this post, Maree! I’m feeling ambitious tonight and setting some faith-based goals. But I’m also making it a point to remember to give myself grace, without giving up.
Yes, grace is so important. I sometimes forget that part. When you set your goals, I would love to hear what they are for the year.
Maree, I appreciate you sharing your word and your wrestling with the word listen. I especially appreciated how you placed – your spiritual goal, your word, your verse and your quote in a box for clarity and focus. I’m going to use this example and share it with others. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for your sweet comment. I was hoping to include a printout for others to fill in their goal, but I ran out of time. However, I do have one in the workbook. It helps me to write it out and put it up where I see it every day. I would love to hear your goal, word, verse, and quote for the year.
Oh, Maree, how hard it is to expose ourselves and be vulnerable. Your honesty shows your faithfulness to the Lord and encourages us all to do the same! Thank you very much for this beautiful post. Your words have inspired me to pay closer attention to my listening. May the Lord bless you, dear!
Thank you for your kind comment. I hope you have a blessed weekend. Maree
Like you I tend to squirm and even run in the opposite direction when God asks something of me. I guess that’s my “Jonah side” showing. Good for you for obeying His command to lean in and listen – it truly is the starting point for prayer. I haven’t chosen a word yet – me still squirming. Your post is a nudge to not be a hearer of the word only, but be a doer.
Bev xx
I am so glad my nudge helped. I agree listening is such an important part of prayer, and super hard for me to sit still long enough to hear Him in my home. However, I find I hear Him loud and clear on walks, hikes, and skiing when I allow myself a little solitude. I’m looking forward to learning all about listening to God this year. I love your mention of Jonah. I do relate to him, too, and I never realized it before. And let me tell you, I’m not too fond of fish, so I better pay attention and quit squirming. Maree
Love your word. Listening to God’s voice throughout the day in everything will take a life time to develop and get good at. At least for me. And we haven’t even talked about listening, really listening, to those around me. I think your word could be my word for my lifetime.
Thank you, Theresa. I love your encouragement. I agree it will take a lifetime to hear His voice in everything. My lifetime word and verse is, “Be Still.” Yes, one I must do to hear God. I hope you have had a good week. Maree
Hi Maree.
I haven’t set a specific goal for this year. I have been trying for a long time to actually hear God’s voice and have a specific prayer answered. (with yes) I am also trying to get a clear answer on the subject of: What, if any, parts of the OT law (Mosaic) still apply to Christians.
Just an example, clothing made of more than one fabric. Some people say that parts (moral laws) are still in effect while civil and ceremonial laws have been abolished. Others say that none still applies and yet still others say that all still applies.
Since I have never heard anything from God, I feel the need to actually hear God’s voice. That would be a great comfort and blessing.
The specific prayer is a four part affair of, happiness, contentment, peace and piece of mind. These four are interlocked together. This could be accomplished by God doing two things for me. I won’t get into the details of that part, as they would only make people ask questions that I don’t know how to answer. Without a fair bit of embarrassment, judgement, and possibly condemnation.
These are the things that I have been trying to get or find out.
Thanks Maree and may God bless you, in Jesus name, Amen.
I am praying for the four parts you mentioned. No one needs the details; God knows them. Most of all, I pray that you will God’s presence surrounding you.
It is interesting what you are trying to find clear answers on. Do share what you find out. It is always nice to hear from you.