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Top Viewed & Shared Posts
Second Quarter 2019
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How to Embrace Worry in the Unexpected
Have you ever noticed when jolted with unexpected circumstances our fear response tends to unleash a strength and courage we never knew we possessed? We do the impossible! But then as the fear subsides, we quickly replace it with worry, and it begins to eat away at our vitality. Don’t let this happen to you; find out how to embrace worry in the unexpected.
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Article with the Most Comments
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I Was Never Alone in the Struggle
Guest Post by Marie (Maree’s Daughter)
My body felt heavy as if an elephant decided to lay down on me. I couldn’t move. Getting out of bed to use the bathroom sounded like a feat of its own. I heard the footsteps – I knew what was about to happen.
Favorites on Instagram
Second Quarter 2019
Top Viewed Grace & Truth Link-Up Post
Second Quarter 2019
Be Certain You Are in the Will of God – Grace & Truth Link-Up
Do you ever wonder if you are following what God wants for your life? Do you get hung up in thinking you are not doing enough and the Lord will not be pleased with you? Today our featured writer shares with us how to be certain you are in the will of God.
Maree Dee’s Posts Featured on Other Blogs
Second Quarter 2019
On some Blog link-ups, the host will select an article to feature on their website. It is a great honor and source of encouragement when a post is chosen to be featured.

Exciting News
Maree Dee’s devotion has been published in this brand new book.

All-Time Favorite Posts on Embracing the Unexpected
Updated Quarterly
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Embracing Life Together Is Better! Share on X
A Free Gift For You
Download your gift today! This powerful prayer packet includes a worksheet for using the prayer acronym T.R.U.S.T. and more.
Find out which articles sparked interest at Embracing the Unexpected for the second quarter of 2019. Discover the top viewed post and more. Share on XTo find a few of my favorite places where I often share my posts, click here.
Maree Dee is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. It is an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees. She will receive a small commission that helps in covering the costs of this blog. Buying an item will be at no extra cost to you.
Popping over from the link-up on Anita’s blog. Still can’t believe we are halfway through the year? Pages don’t fly off my calendar…weeks do. I am going to check out some of your favorite and top posts. As a champion for those with mental illness, I was encouraged to see that you have a post/group on care-giving…much needed! So glad I stopped by!
Bev xx
Bev, I am so glad you stopped by. I know what you mean about the weeks going by so fast. I hope you have had a great start to your week. Maree
What a great round up! I love this idea! The best of the best! 🙂
Thanks for linking up at InstaEncouragements!
Patsy – Thank you! I hope you have a great weekend. Maree
This is a really neat idea for a blog post. I’ve never considered it before for my own blog, but as a reader, I find it quite helpful! Thanks for taking the time to put this together! You’ve got my wheels turning!
Jana – I am so glad you like it. You never know what will resonate with others. Maree