Do you love setting goals but despise making New Year’s Resolutions? If so, you are not alone. However, if you skip goal setting altogether, you might be missing an excellent opportunity for growth. So it got me wondering, what is the best way to secure our goal success?
First Confession Time
As I sat down to write this post, something embarrassing happened. I hadn’t a clue what my New Year’s resolutions were for the prior year or if I had accomplished them. Frantically I began looking through all kinds of notes, but they were nowhere to be found. Had I failed? Could I even write about this topic, and have it not be a lie? It didn’t make sense because I love setting goals and do it all of the time.
Then it dawned on me to start what is an essential part of successful goal setting. This was an easy task for me to determine – It is always GOD directed.
Sure enough, I went straight to my journal of letters to God for January 2017, and there it was, my goal for 2017. One might assume I had failed because my year-end goal had been tucked away and forgotten. I admit I wore “New Year Resolution Failure” for a few days until I came to my senses and realized I had not failed at all.
God is where we need to start, and then add a few other vital steps to secure successful goals.
Steps You Don’t Want to Miss in Setting Goals
1. God First
A trap many of us fall in is jumping ahead of God. We set lofty goals without even a slight consultation with our Lord. In choosing our target, we expect God to put his stamp of approval on it. We think if it is a worthy goal, indeed He will be pleased. However, we must consider what He has in mind.
We need to be in continuous prayer and know what God wants for you. My guess from personal experience is the chance of success and gratification will only go up if it falls into God’s will for your life. Choose God’s goal.
2. Consider Your Timing
Do you pressure yourself into making New Year’s Resolutions because that is what you are “supposed” to do? When goal making is done in a rush or under stress, they tend to be lofty and quickly disbanded. In my opinion, the timing between Christmas and New Year couldn’t be worse. Most of us, quite honestly, are exhausted. Some of us have entertained a little family drama and are emotionally worn down. To take inventory or set goals based on December will most likely give you a skewed perspective.
3. Ponder the Past
One must look back at the previous year to see where we have been. What did you do well? Where did life kick you down? Keep in mind this can be done at any time of the year; it doesn’t have to be on Dec. 31st.
I encourage you to grab a pencil and some paper and take the time to ask yourself about your year in review.
My Year in Review
- What went well over the last year? Why?
- What were my most significant accomplishments?
- What didn’t go so well? Why?
- What was missing from my year?
- Where was my “yes” the correct answer, and when should I have said “no”?
- Is my faith stronger and more vital than it was a year ago?
4. Start With a Spiritual Goal
All goals are good, but starting with a spiritual one is paramount in the life of a Christian. Becoming more Christ-like is a lifetime process that takes small steps to move in that direction.
It is not a quick and easy goal to set. One has to take some time contemplating with God where he wants to grow you. His answer might surprise you. Next week we will concentrate on how not to fail at the most critical goal – A Spiritual Goal. Click here to take you to the post.
5. Dream and Brainstorm
Embrace the excitement of a fresh start by dreaming big and brainstorming possibilities for the new year.
6. Be Open to Redirection
Life happens, things change, and God might want you to pick a different goal. Even if you have not accomplished what you set out to do – be open to God redirecting you. Be in continuous prayer. Changing your goals is okay.
7. Keep it Simple
Choose one word or a mantra for a New Year’s resolution. One word can permeate all categories of life where change is wanted. It is simple to remember, which makes it easier to apply. Click here to take you to a fun quiz to determine your word for the year.
If you are an overachiever or a planner, this may sound ludicrous. I fought back on the one-word idea as it seemed it lacked structure. Let me tell you it was magically successful, and I had an unexpected victory.
8. Write Down Your Goals
A goal written down will increase the chances of success. Plus, it creates a way to track it.
9. Do What Works for You
There are so many methods of goal setting you must find one which works for you. For some, one word will be enough to bring about the changes God sees possible in you. For others, you will want to take your “One Word” and set specific goals and steps in all areas of life.
10. Include Others
When we verbalize our goals to others, it bumps up the rate of success. We are not meant to do life alone.
So you may still be wondering how I could consider my “New Years Resolutions” for 2017 a success when I couldn’t even remember it. Well, as I began to ponder and look through my notes to God, I realized he had prompted me to change it from “Honor God” to “Be Still,” and through being still, I had honored him. This year has been a year full of all kinds of losses. It became evident during the year through prayer; I needed to revisit my life verse and be still with God. My relationships, writing, and in every walk of life lacked a peace that only God could provide. I didn’t do it perfectly, but I moved in the right direction.

Remember, the best way to secure our goal success is to start with God in mind. It is not too late to revisit your New Year’s Resolutions. We are not striving for perfection, merely growth, and moving to be a little more Christ-like as we go.
What goals have you set for this year? Did you choose one word? Be sure to join us next week as we concentrate on how not to fail at the most important goal – A Spiritual Goal. Click here to take you to the post.
Goal Setting: Choose the Most Important One First
Are you struggling to identify your life’s most important goal? The “Embracing Goals” workbook helps you prioritize a spiritual journey that leads to transformation. Say goodbye to failed resolutions and embrace personal growth with God at the center of your life. Commit, persevere, and align with His will to unlock unexpected success.
This booklet is available for purchase in our store.

My word for 2022 is HEALTH. I need to get healthy. My goal for 2022 is to lose 100 pounds. Please add me to your prayer list.
Health is a great word. I am praying for your success. Thank you for sharing your goal with me. Maree
I really love your thoughts here! I especially like the encouragement to ponder the past! We do want to move forward in grace but we need to remember so we can learn!
Absolutely! I know when I don’t ponder the past I do not learn from it and tend to repeat the things I wish I wouldn’t. So glad you stopped by. Maree
Hi Maree! It’s so important to start at the throne – as you said! And remember it’s not about perfection but becoming more Christlike as we go. My one word…1st time ever…. is Stop. Stop: trying to figure everything out, controlling, playing God, Stop and dwell, see God in everything. Blessings & hugs!
Char, Wow, I love your word. I hope to hear how it goes throughout your year. Maree
It’s always interesting to read other’s viewpoints on goal setting and resolutions! I love that you have made putting God first at the top of your list. Amen!
Nicki, I too love reading different ideas on goal setting. Thank you for stopping by. Maree
These are great! I must admit, I would forget from year to year too. I love the new year and thinking of ways to be better but just do my best. Getting caught up in perfection and then not being perfect leads to failure!
Sarah, I agree getting caught up in perfection does lead to failure. So glad you stopped by and added your wised words. Maree
I love all of these steps! Pinned to Pinterest!
Thank you for sharing my post. I am so glad you like it. Maree
Thanks for sharing your wisdom here, Maree! I totally agree, we should be open to setting goals at any time, not just feel like we have to because it’s a new year. This is my third year having a word for the year and I have found that much more effective than resolutions. This year it is “focus” and I have some goals regarding things I want to focus on, but I’m planning to review each month whether to keep the same goals or to change anything.
Lesley, Thank you for sharing your goal. “Focus” is a great word. I haven’t quite figured mine out yet, but I know it has something to do with “joy” and having a little bit more fun. Blessings, Maree
Great points here, Maree. I found these out for myself too, and the keeping it simple and including people were probably my biggest aha’s.
Meg, Glad to know I am not alone. The one step I tend to skip is including other people. I know the accountability helps. Thank you for sharing. Maree
Thank you for these ideas. I have not made resolutions in quite a few years but I do make goals. This year as I was writing my goals I thought about body, mind and spirit. As I work on my wholeness in Christ, I know that I need to focus on the spiritual, physical and mental. It’s going to be a good year.
Mary, I love your attitude, “It’s going to be a good year.” I think that is half the battle. Maree
I love these suggestions. I do a lot of these already, but I still think this is one of the best posts I’ve read and agreed with on goal setting for the new year. Love this.
Amy – You are so sweet. You made my night. Thank you for your kind words. Maree
Love the wisdom you shared here, Maree. Very practical as we step into 2018!
HUGS and Happy New Year to you. 🙂
Lyli, Thank you!!! Happy New Year to you! Maree
These are great tips! I used most of them in my own way and I feel they’ve had a huge impact on my goal setting over the years. I must say that I don’t include others very well and I believe you’re right in including that. That is a logical and helpful addition to goal setting. Thanks! I will try to add that in!
I am right there with you. I used to be very good about including others and have slacked off. I find it helps tremendously when others are asking and holding you accountable. I plan to do more of that this year.
Sweet testimony of your year with God, Maree. Love your reminder to start with Him. — I think I have my word for 2018, but am still praying about it. Hopefully I can share soon. 🙂 Still praying about my goals for this year too (nothing like being behind, is there? 🙂 ) I’ve been seeking God for where He wants me this year, and still haven’t been able to completely discern His answer. — I like your 2017 mantra…be still. — Hope you have a Happy New Year, friend. ♥
Brenda, I can’t wait to hear what your word is. I don’t quite have mine yet; I am still in prayer about it too. I haven’t been able to get a clear answer from God, or maybe I am just not listening. I still need a little more time to rest before declaring. Brenda, to be honest, I wrestle with the “Be Still,” and God knows it. I must be a slow learner of the concept, so he keeps giving it to me. I look forward to chatting further when you get your word. Blessings, Maree
I love these practical, encouraging tips.
Debbie, Thank you!!! Maree
I gave up resolutions a few years ago and stick to solutions :). I love your reminder that we need to focus on God and what HE wants for us!
Anita – I like your idea of solutions. I have gone to one word for New Year’s resolutions, but I do set goals all of the time, they help me stay motivated. Thank you for stopping by and Happy New Year! Maree
That picture on the lake sure looks good today. The wind is howling, the snow is blowing, and the wind chill factor is 0*. Ugh. Visiting from Debbie Kitterman’s.
Oh, my sounds very cold. I bet the lake picture looked good to you. I hope you were able to stay warm today. Blessings, Maree