You may wonder how a Mom could put blessings and a child’s mental illness in the same sentence. I thought that, too, until it had become apparent that I had changed for the better through my experience with my children’s mental health challenges.
Let me make it clear; I am by no means saying mental illness is a blessing. It would be so unfair and incorrect to make such a bold statement. However, in the midst of pain, frustration, and sickness, I have found tremendous blessings.
Qualities were born in me, qualities I had no idea I could possess.
As I sat down to count my blessings, I thought, why not do it differently. Why not name the good that has come from loving someone amid their mental illness. Share on XI want you to know right from the get-go, I am blessed beyond measure. My children with mental illness are blessings. No, that does not mean that I am glad my kids have a mental illness (who would?). Nor does it mean we do not have challenging days because we do.
But it says that some fantastic qualities and blessings have arisen out of the difficult times. I have discovered that I can see the good in the midst of hard circumstances. It is a blessing that GOD chose me to be the mom of some incredible and courageous kids.
Blessings in the Midst of My Child’s Mental Illness
I Am Brave
When one gets to sit so close to someone who endures great struggle yet pushes through, it begins to rub off. It spurs me to be courageous, step out of my comfort zone, and realize I can do hard things.
I Am Bold When Needed
Fighting like a mighty warrior is possible when it is warranted, needed, or deserved. The little girl in me who wouldn’t raise her hand in class can find the confidence and boldness deep within to stand up and advocate for those she loves.
I Know the Value of Living In the Present Moment
As I live in the present moment, it comes alive with all it has to offer. Letting go of the past and not worrying about the future creates less suffering. It is a beauty never experienced before.
I Have Learned Patience
Waiting is hard, but I have learned to wait well.
I Can Let Go
My “striving to achieve” attitude isn’t always helpful. The world will survive if I do not cross my t’s and dot my I’s. Striving for excellence is useful but not paramount; sometimes, “good enough” is just right.
I Am Strong
No longer do I need to go through life worried the “Big” life challenges will cause me to
I Am Less Judgemental
If your kid is screaming in public or you show up to the grocery store in pajamas, I won’t judge. Silently, I will cheer you on. It is freeing to let go of the role of judge and jury.
I Am Accepting
Acceptance allows me to live life as it is—not what I want it to be. I can wholly accept things, people, and circumstances that I never could before. Doing this helps me quit fighting reality and say, “It is what it is,” and move forward.
I Can Live a Simple Life
Simple living allows more time for what is most important, like relationships. I have learned “simple” is okay. Finding those perfect napkins for the table may not need to be high on the priority list.
The Value of Community
Two are genuinely better than one. We all need a tribe to keep us going, encourage us, call us out on our mistakes, hold us up when we fall, and pray for us continually. The people who have surrounded me have made this journey possible.
A Deeper Relationship With God
I saved the best for last. My #1 Blessing has been a deeper relationship with God. Share on X
As I began practicing putting my complete trust and dependence on God, I discovered a relationship with Him I never knew was possible. He is my best friend and has never left my side. God weeps with me as I journey through the deep waters of watching my children suffer and my inability to fix their problems.
He whispers in my ear—
“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10

None of these blessings occurred on their own or always exist. It also doesn’t mean we do not have challenging days because we do. The pain is real.
However, it says that some fantastic qualities and blessings have arisen out of the difficult times. It is a blessing that God chose me to be the mom of some incredible and courageous kids. Along this journey, I will continue taking stock of the benefits amid my child’s mental illness.
Of course, I wish that my blessings had come differently. Never would I have wanted my children to endure mental illness. Nevertheless, it is what it is. Along this journey, I will continue taking stock of the blessings amid my children’s mental illnesses.
Your pain may not be the same as mine. However, we all meet up with the unexpected at some point, and life seems unbearable. Will, you only see the hardship, or will you choose to find the blessings?
Looking for God's goodness in the middle of hardship won't wipe away the pain, but it will help you to embrace the unexpected and persevere well. Share on XHoping you will take a moment and look closely at your blessings born out of hardships. We would like to hear what they are in the comments below.
Embracing Faith & Mental Illness Community
Embracing Faith & Mental Illness is a Christ-centered online community for people who care for someone with a mental illness. We have four unique ways for caregivers to participate. You choose what works best for you.
Click here to discover four unique ways for caregivers to participate.

Upcoming Talk: Soul Care for Mental Disorders: Ministering Christ’s Hope to Your Loved One
When your loved one is diagnosed with a mental disorder, you may wonder how to encourage them in Christ. In this webinar, Christine considers what compassionate soul care ministry can look like and shares five gospel truths to remember as you help someone navigate a post-diagnosis journey.
Join us for this inspiring session via Zoom on Saturday, April 5, 2025, at 9:00 AM (Mountain Time).
Embracing 30 Days of Gratitude
Discover how unlocking the power of thankfulness can help draw you closer to God and bring more joy into your life! Our 30-day gratitude workbook includes daily gratitude prompts, scriptures/quotes, and a place to record your thoughts. Our journal will be available free in November.

I am really struggling with how to help my daughter. She is depressed in her extreme
anxiety but not mature enough or willing to put effort into helping herself in ways suggested by doctors and counselors. All the medicines we’ve tried have not helped. She is a senior in high-school. She is miserable, and her misery and angst and behaviors bring me and others who love her much grief. I am seeking God but feel at a loss.
One of the hardest challenges of parenting is wanting to help our children while feeling helpless. I have often been in that situation, so please know you are not alone.
I am genuinely sorry to hear that your daughter is suffering. It can sometimes seem like a loved one is unwilling to help, but often, the illness takes over, and they are unable to do any better. My prayers are with you and your daughter during this difficult time. I hope you have found some support for yourself as well.
I encourage you to visit https://www.embracingtheunexpected.com/embracing-faith-mental-illness/. There, you will find a fantastic community of people who understand what you are going through.
Very inspirational post Maree! I’m including a link to here in my gift post this Friday. 😀
I feel blessed to have learned the lessons I have through the chronic pain I experience (I don’t think pain is a blessing but rather what I have learnt from it).
It’s the only thing that has stilled me physically enough to really know the amazing relaxation there is in just ‘being’ with God & not feeling compelled to be constantly doing for Him!
Knowing that He has it all in His hands, I can truly soul rest in His comfort!
Bless you,
Thank you! What an encouraging post. Thank you for including a link in your post.
I look forward to reading your post. You always have great wisdom.
Thanks for sharing, Maree! It is so true what you said, “we all meet up with the unexpected, and life seems unbearable. Will, you only see the hardship, or will you choose to find the blessings?”
My life did not go as planned either. Never, in my wildest dreams, would I have imagined life being the way it is. Still, I know God is with me, and He has promised to complete the work done in me! (Phil. 1:6)
I find great comfort in that! Blessings to you and yours this Thanksgiving season.
Thank you for your beautiful comment and the verse you added. You blessed me today in a BIG way. Maree
This is beautiful, Maree. 🙂 There are blessings, even in the deepest pain.
Thanks for linking up at InstaEncouragements!
Patsy, Thank you!!! Yes, even in the deepest pain. I know you understand even though our pain is different. Maree
Maree, thank you so much for this post. As I’ve walked through some mental-health issues with one of my kids, I’ve become more comfortable with not worrying as much about what other people think regarding the things we do because it’s best for our children. I’ve stopped worrying so much about if other people will understand the decisions they make. I’m learning how to advocate more for my kids as we walk through some of their “issues” with them.
And watching our kids when they grow in the midst of their own struggles has been an amazing thing for my hubs and me.
Jeanne – Your words encouraged me. I am so glad your children are growing amid their struggles. It makes this momma’s heart sing.
I have to tell you I do well most of the time, letting go of what other people think. However, over the last few weeks, I let my guard down, and a few comments got under my skin.
I am sending prayers for you and your family. Maree
Thank you, Marie. This is where truth meets the rocky road of real life: Can we be grateful for what is given without letting our longing for the not-given get in the way?
Blessings to you!
Michele – Blessings to you too. Praying you are hanging on to what is given this holiday season. Maree
Amen to it all!! I love this: “Silently, I will cheer you on. It is freeing to let go of that role of judge and jury.” Thank you for sharing your heart and what God has done in the midst of suffering!
Esther, Thank you! I loved your encouraging words. It also reminded me I haven’t been on your site in awhile. I am wondering if I quit getting your posts. I will have to jump over there and look. Blessings, Maree
Maree Dee, this post reminds us of the way God redeems all things. I resonate with so many of these. It makes me wonder what my life would have been like if I hadn’t been blessed in such a way. These blessings have enabled me to see life through a lKingdom lens.
I know exactly what you mean. God is so good at “redeeming all things.” I shudder at who I might have been. However, I do have to say I wish it could have been me instead of my child. Blessings, Maree
Thank you for sharing this. I have had these same feelings throughout my sons illness as well. You wrote beautifully what has been in my mind.
So glad you too have had the same things on your mind. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.
Such a powerful post! These are lessons we can all learn, no matter what valleys we find ourselves in.Thank you for sharing your heart, and blessings to you and your precious child–may the Lord continue to surround your family with His loving grace!
Christin – Thank you for your beautiful words. Yes, we all go through something and find ourselves in valleys at some point on our journey. Thank you for stopping by. Blessings to you, Maree
So very powerful, Maree. I love the picture you share of how God can change our perspectives and bring glory to Himself through us if we continue to press through the difficulties. Thank you for this!
Leslie, Thank you for your encouraging and kind words. I am so glad you stopped by my site. I just took a peek at your blog, and it looks fantastic. I look forward to getting to know you. I am going to jump on over there and read a post right now. Maree
Maree – This is an incredible post. I too have walked through very hard things with my children – those added to our family through adoption and those added biologically. God has used these experiences to break many unpleasant things in me. Thank you for putting words to what I have yet to put words to. This encouraged and inspired me.
Glynnis, I am so glad me putting words to my experience encouraged you. As we know, life’s hard. I haven’t always been in a place to be able to look back and acknowledge the blessings. It is so difficult when you are in the middle of it. I am so glad I was there this year and it could give hope to others. Maree
Great article! I can better understand more now than I did 12 weeks ago! Thank you Thank you Thank you! We too are blessed and have much to be grateful for.
That is music to my ears. I am so glad you can see how much you have to be grateful for. You both are amazing parents.
this is a wonderful piece. I cannot claim to have learned all that you talk about, but it is something to work for. And finally, my relationship with God has carried me this far and will continue to do so in the future. keep up the good work in encouraging those of us dealing with a loved one with mental illness.
I am so glad your relationship with God is carrying you forward and that my piece was encouraging. All of the things I mentioned are true, but that doesn’t mean I have it all mastered or feel that way all of the time. I am a work in progress, but I find that having a community of people that understand helps. Thank you for commenting and visiting my site. I hope to chat with you again soon.
Finding the blessings in the midsts of pain– a beautiful thing! Thank you!
Thank you!
Very inspiring. I’ll print it so I can have it available to read often. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you! It was so good for me to sit and count my blessings. It is so easy to get stuck on what is difficult. I would love to hear a few of your blessings.
This is so good and encouraging. It’s so inspiring. Thank you for sharing.
I am so glad this post inspired you. Thank you for the encouragment and the reply.