Do you take time to celebrate your accomplishments or your relationships? It is so easy to let the busyness of life get in the way.

Do You Take Time to Celebrate? – Grace & Truth Link-Up

Do you take time to celebrate your accomplishments or your relationships? It is so easy to let the busyness of life get in the way. We know we should, yet we fail to plan or make time for them. For the remainder of June, I will be taking a blogging break to celebrate my thirtieth year…

Are Your Circumstances Getting the Best of You? | Guest Post by Sheila Qualls

Are Your Circumstances Getting the Best of You? | Guest Post by Sheila Qualls

  Are your circumstances getting the best of you when it comes to marriage?  It is easy to let our current situation take priority over our husbands. It is a dangerous road to go down. Please welcome my friend Sheila Qualls who blogs over at The Not So Excellent Wife. It is an honor to have…

Why is friendship important to you? Today our featured writer, Marva Smith, has a fabulous post on Friendship. She not only covers the Spiritual benefits...

Why Is Friendship Important? – Grace & Truth Link-Up

Why is friendship important to you? I imagine each of us will vary in our reasons. My number one reason is I believe God never intended for us to do life alone. Today our featured writer, Marva Smith, has a fabulous post on Friendship. She not only covers the Spiritual benefits of friendship but the Physical, Social and…

First Quarter 2018

How to Grow Closer in the Most Important Relationship

What is the most important relationship in your life? If it is God, do you want to learn how to quit wishing for a stronger connection and get one? As Christians, our heart desires to draw closer to him every day, but we find when we look back over the year many times, we have…