What is the hardest task you have ever had to do in life? Our answers may differ, but I bet the agonizing wait is near the top of your list.

How to Stop the Agonizing Wait from Becoming the Hardest Thing in Life

What is the hardest task you have ever had to do in life? Our answers may differ, but I bet the agonizing wait is near the top of your list. After all, do you like waiting for results, God to answer a request, or standing in line? Most of us despise the delay, and we…

Butterfly—Do you ever feel the need to hit pause on your daily routine? What does breathing space look like in your life?

Do You Ever Feel the Need to Hit Pause? | Grace & Truth Link-Up

Do you ever feel the need to hit pause on your daily routine? I’m curious, is it out of a need to rest, reset your priorities, hear from God, or something else. What does breathing space look like in your life? God has put it on my heart to hit pause and reset during August….

Waves on a beach. Find out the best of the second quarter in 2021 at Embracing the Unexpected. Read the top viewed article, featured post, and more.

The Best of the Second Quarter in 2021 | Embracing the Unexpected

Discover what sparked interest at Maree Dee | Embracing the Unexpected. We have highlighted the best of the second quarter in 2021. Read the top viewed article, the blog post with the most comments, and more.

Find out seven life lessons that are bound to help you move forward with endurance. After all, how we run will determine our success.

Seven Life Lessons: How We Run Will Determine Our Success

Are you in the middle of the biggest race of your life? Perhaps it’s a course, which may have caught you off guard and calls for perseverance. So why not learn how to run the race of life like a marathoner? Find out seven life lessons that are bound to help you move forward with…

Thrive in Your Relationships

One Action to Help You Thrive in Your Relationships | Link-UP

Would you like to know one action you can take today to help you thrive in your relationships? It may sound easy; however, without practice, it is hard to master. The secret is to be all there while in the presence of others. Find out why this act is valuable and a few tips to…

Are you living a fractured life that needs some mending? Perhaps you have unresolved hurts you have left unattended and buried deep.

Are You Living a Fractured Life? | Grace Truth Link-Up

Are you living a fractured life that needs some mending? Perhaps you have unresolved hurts you have left unattended and buried deep within your heart. The outside world may think you have it all together, but God knows the hidden fragments that hold you back from living life to the fullest. Sometimes we resolve the…

We will all mark time for something in this life; it is inevitable. We need to know how to embrace the wait well. Find out six steps to help.

How to Embrace the Wait Well | Grace & Truth Link-Up

We will all mark time for something in this life; it is inevitable. Our delay will sometimes be with eager anticipation for something fabulous, and other times it will be arduous and painful due to unexpected happenings. Whichever it is, we need to know how to embrace the wait well. Find out six steps to…

Have You Lost Your Joy and Happiness? | Link-Up

Have You Lost Your Joy and Happiness? | Link-Up

Have you lost your joy and happiness in this season? Maybe you set aside the things that you enjoy to stay safe. Or, perhaps you are waiting for this unexpected mess to pass. Yet, as the days go by, you slip further and further from the life you used to appreciate. Quite honestly, it happens…