How Do You Listen for God’s Voice in the Unexpected?

How Do You Listen for God’s Voice in the Unexpected?

Do you find hearing the Lord’s voice challenging amidst the chaos of unanticipated events? Does the noise of your circumstances drown out the Almighty’s whispers? Although we may know He is near, this is the time, more than ever, you and I need His guidance, love, and presence. Today we have a special guest sharing…

Sunrise | Perhaps an unexpected loss has dismantled the life you love. Discover today how to let go and embrace an unknown future.

How to Let Go and Embrace an Unknown Future

How do you move forward when life suddenly takes a turn and your future is not what you expected? Perhaps an unexpected loss has dismantled the life you love. Discover today how to let go and embrace an unknown future. Please meet our guest, Hadassah True, who knows the excruciating pain of loss and what…

Will You Linger in Christ’s Pain and Ponder the Gift of Grace?

Will You Linger in Christ’s Pain and Ponder the Gift of Grace?

Do you want to jump ahead to Easter Sunday and pass over the suffering Jesus endured? It is hard to pause in the grief and physical anguish the Lord’s Son suffered as He neared His imminent death. Will you linger in Christ’s pain and ponder the gift of grace with me?

Shoes Stepping In | Find out today about Mental Illness: How to Step in and Help a Family Like Mine. We all can do something to support.

Mental Illness: How to Step in and Help a Family Like Mine

Do you know how to care for a fellow churchgoer, neighbor, friend, or co-worker if they are ill? How about if the illness has to do with mental health challenges? Are you suddenly at a loss for what to do? Find out today about Mental Illness: How to Step in and Help a Family Like…

Ten Bible Verses to Help You Persist with God’s Intentions

Ten Bible Verses to Help You Persist with God’s Intentions

What has the Lord asked you to pursue this year? Does it stretch you beyond your comfort zone? You have a choice: give up now or push forward. Hopefully, you will choose to go all out for Jesus. However, to follow God’s will, we need some fuel. Discover ten Bible verses to help you persist…

One Simple Word Can Bring Effective Change to Your Life

One Simple Word Can Bring Effective Change to Your Life

Each year, do you choose a phrase to focus your attention on with hopes of creating lasting change? Where do you begin looking for that particular term? Has it brought about transformation? Discover five reasons why one simple word can bring effective change to your life. 

2022 Embracing Goals | The Best Way to Fortify Your Success

2022 Embracing Goals | The Best Way to Fortify Your Success

Do you despise choosing “New Year’s Resolutions” or setting annual goals? Perhaps the reason is your track record of failing year after year. What if I told you I have the key ingredient to goal success? Would you try in 2022 embracing goals one more time? After all, you might miss an excellent opportunity for…

Mental Illness How to Help Reduce Stress During the Holidays for Loved Ones

How a Grateful Heart Helps You Embrace the Wait Well

Are you in the middle of waiting desperately for something? A delay is challenging, whether you’re anticipating a baby to arrive, a prodigal to return, or that miracle you asked God to grant. So, if you find yourself standing in line or maneuvering through unexpected circumstances, remember—a grateful heart helps you embrace the wait well.