One Fantastic Benefit to Placing Your Trust in God

One Fantastic Benefit to Placing Your Trust in God | Link-Up

Are you missing out? Do you struggle to let go of control and let the Lord reign? Not relinquishing might be a mistake; after all, the perks are numerous and varied. However, there is one, in particular, that stands out as downright phenomenal. Find out one fantastic benefit to placing your trust in God. The…

Find out today which article was our most popular post during February 2021 for our Grace & Truth Weekly Christian Link-Up.

The Most Popular Post in February 2021 | Grace & Truth Link-Up

Today on Embracing the Unexpected, we share our most popular post during February 2021 | Grace & Truth Link-Up. Each month, we look back at the previous month to see which titles caught our reader’s eyes. We then feature the article with the most clicks. Featured Post Do you like facts? I certainly do. However,…

Have You Lost Your Joy and Happiness? | Link-Up

Have You Lost Your Joy and Happiness? | Link-Up

Have you lost your joy and happiness in this season? Maybe you set aside the things that you enjoy to stay safe. Or, perhaps you are waiting for this unexpected mess to pass. Yet, as the days go by, you slip further and further from the life you used to appreciate. Quite honestly, it happens…