Discover how to recognize the difference between worry, fear, and anxiety and why it is crucial to understand.

Why Knowing the Difference Between Fear, Anxiety, and Worry is Crucial

Sometimes we use words interchangeably when the meaning is quite different. Yet, knowing and understanding the proper definitions might help us move forward significantly in matters that scare us. Discover how to recognize the difference between fear, anxiety, and worry.  A Story to Help Illustrate Fear, Anxiety, and Worry It was a beautiful bright sunny…

Road with Fog | Stop Fearing the Unknown

Three Helpful Ways to Stop Fearing the Unknown | Link-Up

Do you ever struggle with fears about the future? How about when unexpected hardships show up? Perhaps your thoughts quickly land on the sinking sand of what might happen or go wrong? Recently I found myself in this predicament, scrambling to halt my thoughts until I remembered three helpful ways to stop fearing the unknown….

Will You Linger in Christ’s Pain and Ponder the Gift of Grace?

Will You Linger in Christ’s Pain and Ponder the Gift of Grace?

Do you want to jump ahead to Easter Sunday and pass over the suffering Jesus endured? It is hard to pause in the grief and physical anguish the Lord’s Son suffered as He neared His imminent death. Will you linger in Christ’s pain and ponder the gift of grace with me?

The Most Popular Post in March 2022 | Grace & Truth Link-Up

The Most Popular Post in March 2022 | Grace & Truth Link-Up

At Embracing the Unexpected, we like to look back at the previous month to see which blog post received the most clicks. Are you curious to find out which title caught our reader’s eyes? Discover below which article was the most popular post in March 2022 for our Grace & Truth Christian Link-Up.

Ski lifts | Perhaps the time has come for you to discover how the thrill of conquering a fear builds strength and confidence. 

How the Thrill of Conquering a Fear Builds Strength and Confidence

How often do you step out of your comfort zone and do something scary? If you are like me, my guess is not often enough, and most likely, you are missing out on all life has to offer. Perhaps the time has come for you to discover how the thrill of conquering a fear builds…

When you look around, the world is full of suffering. We wonder, does our pain matter? After all, the despair around us is intense.

The World is Full of Suffering. Does Our Pain Matter?

When you look around, the world is full of suffering. A friend diagnosed with cancer, a momma burying her child, and then the horrifying scenes from Ukraine where people are without a home, hungry, cold, and dying. We wonder, does our pain matter? After all, the despair around us doesn’t seem to compare to our…

Discover today which articles were the most popular posts in February 2022 for our Grace & Truth Christian Link-Up.

The Most Popular Posts in February 2022 | Grace & Truth Link-Up

Are you ready to find out which titles caught our reader’s eyes? At Embracing the Unexpected, we like to look back at the previous month to see which blog post received the most clicks. Discover below which articles were the most popular posts in February 2022 for our Grace & Truth Christian Link-Up. Perhaps you…

Shoes Stepping In | Find out today about Mental Illness: How to Step in and Help a Family Like Mine. We all can do something to support.

Mental Illness: How to Step in and Help a Family Like Mine

Do you know how to care for a fellow churchgoer, neighbor, friend, or co-worker if they are ill? How about if the illness has to do with mental health challenges? Are you suddenly at a loss for what to do? Find out today about Mental Illness: How to Step in and Help a Family Like…