Mental Illness How to Help Reduce Stress During the Holidays for Loved Ones

How a Grateful Heart Helps You Embrace the Wait Well

Are you in the middle of waiting desperately for something? A delay is challenging, whether you’re anticipating a baby to arrive, a prodigal to return, or that miracle you asked God to grant. So, if you find yourself standing in line or maneuvering through unexpected circumstances, remember—a grateful heart helps you embrace the wait well. 

White Chapel | Let’s not stop discovering our blessing. Perhaps, a few favorite thanksgiving verses wiill help to maintain a grateful heart?White Chapel | Let’s not stop discovering our blessing. Perhaps, a few favorite thanksgiving verses wiill help to maintain a grateful heart?

A Few Favorite Thanksgiving Verses to Maintain a Grateful Heart

Gratitude can change our mindset and outlook on life. A Few Favorite Thanksgiving Verses to Maintain a Grateful Heart can be a powerful guide, helping us focus on God’s goodness and faithfulness throughout the year. Let’s embrace scripture as reminders to seek blessings and give thanks daily. Here are a few of my favorite verses that keep…

Start Each Day with a Grateful Heart and Seize God’s Goodness

Start Each Day with a Grateful Heart and Seize God’s Goodness

Sometimes the gifts God has for us are hidden underneath the mundane, busyness of life or unexpected circumstances. They are waiting for discovery. Have you ever noticed that when you start each day with a grateful heart and seize God’s goodness, blessings tend to multiply before you?

Woman looking at computer | Today, find out which article was the most popular post in October 2021 for our Grace & Truth Weekly Christian Link-Up.

The Most Popular Post in October 2021 | Grace & Truth Link-Up

The time is here to see which post received the most clicks on our link-up. Each month, here Today, find out which article was the most popular post in October 2021 for our Grace & Truth Weekly Christian Link-Up.  Each month, here at Embracing the Unexpected, we look back at the previous month and see what…

Woman Looking out the window | You have tried everything to assist someone you care about. How do you help in the wait when your loved one won't fight their battle?

How to Help in the Wait When Your Loved One Won’t Fight

Have you ever found yourself watching someone unable or unwilling to stand up and meet their challenges? You try everything to assist, but they refuse to reach up for what you have to offer. As the pain and frustration rise, you ponder giving up. After all, how do you help in the wait when your loved…

Stop the Worry in the Wait Before It Steals Your Joy and Strength

Stop the Worry in the Wait Before It Steals Your Joy and Strength

Are you waiting for something right now? Perhaps, a job, a prodigal child to return, healing, or a relationship to restore. If so, have you discovered that distress intensifies while waiting? Today, find out how to stop the worry in the wait before it robs you of your joy and strength.

When Waiting on God

When Waiting on God: How to Embrace the Delay Well

Waiting is inevitable. We will all wait for something in our lives. Sometimes it will be excruciatingly painful, like waiting on God to grant a miracle, answer a prayer, or let us know He is near. And other times, waiting will solely be a bother. However, knowing how to embrace the delay well is critical—discover…

Discover on Embracing the Unexpected | The Best of the Third Quarter 2021. Find out what posts sparked interest on Maree Dee's website.

Embracing the Unexpected—The Best of the 2021 Third Quarter | Link-Up

Discover on Maree Dee | Embracing the Unexpected—the best of the 2021 third quarter. We have highlighted the top viewed article, a blog post with the most comments, and more. Plus, a featured post from our Grace & Truth link-up that reminds us to put our hope in God while we wait.