Need to Forgive

Do You Have a Wrong You Need to Forgive? – Link-Up

  Are you holding on tightly to an injustice done against you? Does the unfairness of it all blind you from seeing the need to forgive?  Maybe it is consuming more of your thoughts than you care to admit. Perhaps it is time to consider not only letting go of the wrong but also forgiving…

Is the guilt you are feeling helpful?

Is the Guilt You Are Feeling Helpful?

How many of you have done something for someone else when you intuitively knew it was not in your best interest? However, you did it anyway because you felt enormous guilt. Perhaps looking at this topic with new eyes might be helpful. After all, this emotion can appear in many forms, and how much it…

The Most Popular Post in July 2020 | Grace & Truth Link-Up

The Most Popular Post in July 2020 | Grace & Truth Link-Up

Are you interested to know which post received the most clicks on our link-up during July 2020? At the beginning of each month, here at Embracing the Unexpected, we take a look back to see what titles are catching our reader’s eyes. Today we are featuring our most popular post in July 2020 | Grace…

How God Can Use Your Imperfect Hospitality | Guest Post by Sue Donaldson

Does your desire to be a perfect host get in the way of inviting people over? Perhaps you aren’t the best cook, or your home doesn’t look like the ones in the magazine. Find out today how to let go of these thoughts and begin opening up your home. After all, God wants to use…