Do you think people can flourish when faced with uncertainty? Do you want to know how to thrive in the midst of the unexpected?

How to Thrive in the Midst of the Unexpected

Do you think we can flourish when faced with uncertainty? It is possible. Although, it may not feel like we thrive every second as we muddle through our unwanted circumstances. Persevering well becomes a possibility when we choose where to focus. Do you want to know how to thrive in the midst of the unexpected?

most popular posts in march 2020

The Most Popular Posts in March 2020 | Grace & Truth

It’s that time again to see which post received the most clicks on our link-up. At the beginning of each month, here at Embracing the Unexpected, we will take a look back at the previous month and see what titles were catching our reader’s eyes. However, this month is unique because we have two articles…

Are You Stuck in Your Comfort Zone? – Link-Up

Are You Stuck in Your Comfort Zone? – Link-Up

Do you struggle to follow God’s plan when it entails stretching yourself beyond your comfort zone? It can be downright scary when God wants something more from us than what we think we are capable of giving. Many of us will stay stuck wrestling with God or pretending we didn’t hear Him. Are you in…