Are You Hesitant to Share Your Testimony? – Link-Up

Are You Hesitant to Share Your Testimony? – Link-Up

  Are you hesitant to share your testimony?  We may love God with all our heart and desire the same for those who don’t yet know Him. However, sometimes, the mere mention of “sharing your testimony” can send even the godliest running in the opposite direction. My First Mission Trip I was over the top…

Shoes stepping on leaves | Living in the Moment With a Grateful Heart

How to Live in the Moment with a Grateful Heart

Do you want to live in the moment with a grateful heart? One which stands firm regardless of your circumstances? Sometimes we need to go back to the basics to develop a spirit of gratitude. One essential way is learning to live in the moment. Do you know how? Living in the Moment Before we…

Do You Want a Grateful Heart? – Link-Up

Do You Want a Grateful Heart? – Link-Up

Have you ever noticed the minute you get started staring at what you don’t have, it’s all you see? Having an attitude of gratitude takes practice. Do you want a grateful heart?  What is your secret to maintaining a grateful heart? “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be…