Taking Time for the People Who Matter Most – Link-Up

Taking Time for the People Who Matter Most – Link-Up

Do you take time for the people who matter most? Quality time is my love language, so when given the opportunity to spend time with someone I care about, I jump at the chance. Sometimes, it even takes me out of my comfort zone. This week I am traveling in China, where my youngest son…

What Happens When You Skip Prayer with God? – Link-Up

What Happens When You Skip Prayer with God? – Link-Up

Have you found yourselves short on minutes in your day during certain seasons in life? Do you frantically try to cut tasks to get through your patch of busyness? Does the urge to skip prayer with God win out? If so, you might want to rethink that strategy.  We often rationalize that skipping our time…

When You Are Unprepared for the Challenge – Link-Up

When You Are Unprepared for the Challenge – Link-Up

Who likes a good challenge? I love it, especially when I’m ready. On the other hand, what about those times when life throws us a curveball, and we step into waters we never expected? All of a sudden, we find ourselves unprepared for the challenge. Where do we turn first?

how to help prevent suicide

Are You Passing on the Chance to Help One? – Grace & Truth Link-Up

Do you sometimes look around and see others reaching thousands, and wonder will my small part even matter? Or maybe you see the gigantic needs and pain in the world and feel as though you can’t make a dent. However, when we focus on the need, the mountain to climb, or the impact others make,…

When You are Not a Professional in Suicide Prevention

When You are Not a Professional in Suicide Prevention

Do you think talking about suicide feels a little bit scary and uncomfortable? You are not alone! After all, most of us are not professionals in suicide prevention. We wonder—“What if we say the wrong thing?” “What if our words make the situation worse?”  The temptation to let Suicide Awareness Week sneak by without a…

Would you like to know how to add more laughter to your day? After all, a good laugh is good for the soul. Would you believe I pray for laughter?

How to Add More Laughter to Your Day – Grace & Truth Link-Up

Would you like to know how to add more laughter to your day? After all, a good laugh is good for the soul. Would you believe I pray for laughter? When life seems to get a little too serious, I ask God to send me a little laughter and silliness, and He always delivers. But…