Have you ever considered how your expectations can blind you and get in the way of seeing the healing available to you in your everyday life?

When Your Expectations Get in the Way – Grace & Truth Link-Up

No doubt we have all bumped up against our expectations. We thought life was going in a particular direction and it didn’t, and we are left in a pool of disappointment. However, have you ever considered how your expectations can blind you and get in the way of seeing the healing available to you in…

How to Rest in the Midst of the Unexpected

How to Rest in the Midst of the Unexpected

Do you ever wonder how some people thrive in the middle of trying circumstances? I had always assumed they were just built that way until I realized firsthand—strong people wear out too. One crucial component to getting through the storm is resting. Do you happen to know how to rest in the midst of the…

Maybe the answer to feeling discouraged is to dig a little deeper to find the heart of your disappointment. Will you try it with me?

What’s at the Heart of Your Disappointment? – Grace & Truth Link-Up

We all know life can be discouraging at times. But do you sometimes get stuck in a deep hole of defeat and don’t know how to climb out? The more you try, the worse you feel. Maybe the answer to feeling better is to cease climbing and dig a little deeper to find the heart…

Do you yearn for the indescribable feeling of God's presence? Sometimes it takes a trial to realize without a doubt; we are not alone in the dark.

You Won’t Be Alone in the Dark – Grace & Truth Link-Up

Do you yearn for the indescribable awareness of God’s presence in your life? The kind where your faith ignites, and you want to shout it from the mountaintops because you want everyone to experience what you have. Don’t you think many times these feelings are most impressive when darkness surrounds us? Sometimes it takes a…