Grace & Truth Link-up - Are you a perfectionist? Don't be so quick to say "no." Perfectionism does not mean you do everything perfect. In fact, it can be quite the opposite. Do you ever find yourself hours into a project and you have gone beyond what is necessary - but you are unable to cease striving.

Cease Striving for Perfection – Grace & Truth Link-Up

Are you a perfectionist? Don’t be so quick to say “no.” Perfectionism does not mean you do everything perfect. In fact, it can be quite the opposite. Do you ever find yourself hours into a project and you have gone beyond what is necessary – but you are unable to cease striving. This behavior just…

For most parents, the death of their child is “the worst nightmare possible."  Today I have a special guest with us, Debbie Siddiqui from to share how she has been surviving the death of her son. She has a faith which has not wandered even in the midst of great pain. 

What Is Your Worst Nightmare? – Guest Post by Debbie Beck-Siddiqui

For parents, the death of your child has to be “the worst nightmare possible.” Today I have a special guest with us, Debbie Beck-Siddiqui from Embrace REALationships to share how she has been surviving the death of her son. Not only is she a talented speaker but she is one of my dearest friends. She…