Why Grateful People Are Happy People: Guest Post by Wendy de Jong

Why Grateful People Are Happy People: Guest Post by Wendy de Jong

Do you ever wonder why grateful people are happy people? Well, you are in for a treat today as my friend Wendy de Jong who blogs at “The Gratfulist“ shares with us some nuggets of truth about gratitude.  I love the tools she leaves us with to start a gratitude practice. She continually inspires me…

Being still is hard, but when you have an anxiety disorder, your mind is always going. Asking an anxious person to be still is an oxymoron.

Calm My Anxious Heart: How God Enabled Me to Trust: Guest Post by Julie Loos

Do you have an anxious heart or trouble being still? Today I want you to meet, Julie Loos, a friend of mine who blogs over at Unmasking the Mess. She brings us a fresh perspective as she shares what it is like to be still in the midst of anxiety. She is my hero when…