Right now, today—would you be brave enough to get out of the boat and walk on water? Would your faith sustain you? It is a question worth pondering for a bit, but first, let’s take a look and see how Peter responded.
The Story of Jesus Walking on Water
Jesus sent his disciples on ahead in a boat so he could dismiss the crowd and spend some time alone with his Father. He was to meet them later across the lake.
Once they were a distance from Jesus, he walked out on the water to greet them. They were afraid when they saw him, thinking it must be a ghost.
Jesus replied, “Take courage! It is I don’t be afraid.” Matthew 14:27
Peter questioned him and requested, “If it is you let me walk out to you.”
Jesus replies, “Come.” Mathew 14:29
Peter stepped out of the boat and walked on water toward Jesus. But then he took his eyes off of Jesus and focused on the wind letting fear take over. He began to sink. You can read the entire story by clicking here.
This passage is one of my favorites to ponder – would I be brave enough like Peter to even get out of the boat?
And then what?
It isn’t unusual for my faith to start unstoppable, especially when the unexpected hits. But sometimes as I settle into my circumstances and they become my “new normal,” I tend to take my eyes off of Jesus. Even still, when my gaze like Peter’s falters, I have no doubt Jesus will rescue me.
But I want a faith which is striving to focus on God when the storm remains.
I want to walk on water. Don’t you?
Will you join me this year in gaining an unstoppable faith even in the midst of the unexpected? Share on X
Where Will You Start?
A few weeks ago, I introduced “The Most Important Goal.” Click here to read it. Setting a “Spiritual Goal” is a great place to start. It is where I choose to begin.
However, it doesn’t matter where you start as long as we begin the process of growing closer to God. Do what works for you and begin somewhere.
What Is Holding You Back?
Maybe last year was another year, that God didn’t answer your heartfelt prayers. Or, you are in the middle of what seems unbearable, and you can’t imagine adding one more thing to your list. Maybe like me, your faith is strong, but it didn’t seem to grow any deeper over the previous months.
You may be wondering, “Why can’t my faith remain as it is?” “After all, I do have faith in God.” Yes, you can keep your relationship with God as it is; however, you will be missing something more significant and more in-depth.
Do keep in mind, if we are not drawing closer in a relationship with God, we are moving further away.
Will you be ready if God calls you to step out of the boat? Will your faith sustain you? Share on X
Maree’s Spiritual Goal for 2019
The last few weeks have been spent working through choosing a “Spiritual Goal.” God and I have had some candid conversations.
Without a doubt, my goal is to be ready to step out of the boat with a deeper faith, and my eyes fixed on Jesus.
However, there are obstacles in my way which need to be cleared out. I discovered even when my work focuses on God; I sometimes miss the mark of drawing closer to him. What I think is good and right isn’t always God’s priority.
Have you experienced this too?
Maree’s Mantra for 2019
Letting go to take hold of God.
Maree’s Phrase for 2019
My word/phrase for the year 2019 is “Letting Go!”
Too many times over the last year, I have let productivity, responsibilities, and circumstances take priority over taking hold of God. I want God to be my number one priority and everything else to come second.
It is so easy to become distracted by the things which are based in God yet don't draw us closer to him. They are all good things but not necessarily what God wants for us. Share on X
God wants to be number one. He wants to be in control.
Slowly but surely I will be letting go of the things which prevent me from taking hold of God in the way he desires.
My Verse for 2019.
“Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.” Philippians 3:12
In this particular verse, Paul is talking about the goal to become more Christlike, to know Jesus, and become who God wants us to be. To accomplish this, we must begin relying on God every single day.
My Quote for 2019
“Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing had yet been done.”
—C.S. Lewis
Let’s embrace our “God Goals” together. See below to get your workbook today if you would like to set a spiritual goal along with me. I would love to hear in the comments what your word, phrase, mantra, or goal is for this year.
It is a choice!
Waiting for the perfect time is not a smart way to grow closer to God. Start now! Be ready when God calls you to get out of the boat with your eyes fixed on Him. Share on X
Goal Setting: Choose the Most Important One First
Are you struggling to identify your life’s most important goal? The “Embracing Goals” workbook helps you prioritize a spiritual journey that leads to transformation. Say goodbye to failed resolutions and embrace personal growth with God at the center of your life. Commit, persevere, and align with His will to unlock unexpected success.
This booklet is available for purchase in our store.

It’s humbling to wonder if I really would get out of the boat. I pray I would! Thanks for this charge to keep Christ at the center and my eyes on Him! Enjoyed being your neighbor on #MomentsofHope today. 🙂
Emily – Yes, it is humbling to think would we get out of the boat. Maree
Maree, this post blessed me. Several years ago, I was challenged during a sermon in church to do just that – step out of the boat. Getting out of my comfort zone was not easy nor comfortable for me to do. But I have not regretted it as it led me to do things which have blessed my heart deeply. May we continue to let go and grab hold of our Lord every single day. Blessings!
Joanne – Thank you for sharing your experience of stepping out of the boat. I would love to hear more. Yes, we need to grab hold of our Lord every single day. Blessings, Maree
Wow, thanks for sharing that CS Lewis quote.
Interesting that your word is “Letting Go,” when mine for last year is “Press On,” and I used your same scripture.
You do have to let go before you can press on.
My word this year is Consistent. Because even though every day I want to fix my eyes on Jesus, and step out of the boat, I’m just not consistent with doing what I need to do!
Yes, you are so right you do have to let go before you can press on. Praying for your success with your word this year. Consistent is a great one. Maree
I love that C.S. Lewis quote! Our relationship starts anew every day–and must be cared for and made a priority if we want it to endure.
Yes, I love that quote too. Thank you for stopping by. I hope your 2019 has started well. Blessings, Maree
Stepping out of the boat is so hard but I know when I have managed to do it I have been blessed. Thanks for this encouragement to step out in faith. I love that you have a verse and a quote for the year as well as a word/ phrase. Sounds like 2019 will be exciting for you!
Lesley – I am not sure what God has in store for me. It is a bit of a confusing message. I know he wants me to be ready to step out of the boat, but at the same time, I hear him calling me to let go things so I can take hold of him. We shall see. Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment. It always means the world to me. Maree
Lesley – I am not sure what God has in store for me. It is a bit of a confusing message. I know he wants me to be ready to step out of the boat, but at the same time, I hear him calling me to let go things so I can take hold of him. We shall see. Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment. It always means the world to me. Maree
I love that CS Lewis quote too! Thanks for encouraging me to get out of the boat. I’ve been hiding in it for too long. seriously. It gets easy sometimes to remain put when God wants us to keep moving and learning in this life. 🙂
Nicki, You are so right it is easy to remain put doing the same thing over and over again. I hope to hear what God has you moving towards in 2019. Maree
Great & yet confronting questions to ponder Maree! “Letting go” & its partners of “relax” & “know that He is God”! What an amazing year you have ahead!
“Let go & relax & know that I am God”. Ps46:10 😀
Yes, the verse you mentioned is my “Life Verse.” One I struggle with implementing. You inspired me to make some changes with something you wrote recently. Thank you! Maree
I loved reading this, Maree. You are headed for big things this year! I have this verse all loaded up in my list of ideas to write about: “But when he noticed the strong wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, ‘Lord, save me!’ Jesus immediately reached out his hand and caught him, saying to him, ‘You of little faith, why did you doubt?’-” Matthew 14:30-31
You scared me with your comment, “headed for big things this year!” I am okay with small.
I too love this passage in scripture. I can’t wait to read your words and thoughts on this passage.
Happy Weekend!
Looks like you have an exciting year ahead! Wishing you a wonderful, freeing year of letting go!
Rebecca – Yes, I only wish I found letting go easier to do. I am not very good at it. Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to leave a message. I always love hearing your words. Maree
Love this. Your closing words sum it up so well. “It’s a choice.” A daily choice. Just as the C.S. Lewis quote said. So much wisdom here. Thanks, Maree.
You are so sweet! Thank you for taking the time to comment. Yes, it is a choice. I am trying hard to make the right choice in 2019 and put God first in my day. What a difference it makes for me. Maree
I love your word/mantra/phrase!! Sounds like you’re ready to go where God calls. Blessings in 2019!
Amy – Thank you! Yes, I keep telling myself I am ready. The hard part is I hear him wanting me to pull back and let go which in many ways feels the opposite. I guess that is why he is God and not me.
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your weekend is great.
Blessings, Maree
I love that CS Lewis quote. Such a helpful post over all. My verse for 2019 is 2 Tim. 4:5. laurensparks.net
I looked it up, what a great verse. Thank you for sharing. Maree
2 Timothy 4:5 New International Version (NIV)
5 But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry.