Has your prayer time with God become a little dull or repetitive? Maybe it seems as if all you do is go to God with request after request. Today we will look at a few new ideas on – How to change things up when you pray.
As we discovered in the last post, “How to Pray the Right Way,” – we make prayer harder than it has to be. Click here if you missed it. Hopefully, you uncovered any obstacles in the way of a rewarding prayer life.
Sometimes approaching God in a new way can help reignite your relationship with HIM. After all, doesn't it get a little monotonous when our conversations with a spouse or friend are the same over and over again? #prayer Share on XWhy Follow a Method or Acronym?
We don’t have to use a specific formula or an acronym to pray the right way. However, many times it can help. It can serve to start a conversation when you find yourself at a loss for words. Plus, it can remind us to listen for God’s voice.
When in the midst of the unexpected, a method of prayer can be extremely beneficial. It breaks down prayer in a simple way, which will cover more than just requests.
My Prayer Acronym for 2019 is – T.R.U.S.T.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart.
And do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways, acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight.”
Proverbs 3:5-6

Why I Chose Trust as My Guide
Prayer Is Vital to Our Relationship with God, and it must start with TRUST!
It is hard to admit, but at times, TRUST is an obstacle in my prayer life. When the water is deep, and I have nowhere to turn, BUT GOD, trusting in Him is easier for me.
However, when it appears as though God is not going to come through or it is something I can manage independently, I tend to loosen my grip on Him.
Last year was one of those years, and I want this year to be different.
By using this simple prayer method, it will remind us daily we have already chosen to trust God with our lives.#prayer #prayer acronym Share on XTake hold of God and know he has your best interest in mind. Don’t base your trust on the unfairness of the circumstances or a fleeting feeling.
We choose TRUST.
Plus, trust is the foundation of all good relationships. Our relationship with God must start with it too.
How to Use T.R.U.S.T. to Pray
T – Thanksgiving – Name three things you are grateful for right now.
Having a heart of thanksgiving is a choice.
By intentionally expressing our appreciation, we will cultivate an attitude of gratitude. We will begin to focus on what we have instead of what we need.
“It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to the Most High.” Psalm 92:1
R – Repent for the Things You Have Done Wrong.
God is full of Grace – thank goodness because, unfortunately, we all sin. Express your regret and remorse for the wrongdoing and seek forgiveness. If you are struggling to see where you have done wrong, be brave, and ask God to bring it to the forefront of your mind. Remember, for true repentance to take place, one must feel remorse. Have faith – God will renew you.
“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10
U – Uplift Your Requests to God
As you raise your requests for others, be sure to include yourself. Trust God will answer your prayers.
“I love the Lord because he hears my voice
and my prayer for mercy.
Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!”
Psalm 116: 1-2
S – Sit Still with God
Listen for His voice. Maybe up to this point, you have been doing all of the talking. Now it is time to sit still and hear what God wants to say to you.
“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10
T – Take Hold of God
Strive to be more Christlike, to know Jesus, and become who God wants you to be. Ask Him to show you what you need to pursue and what you should be fleeing.
Let him be the Master of your life. Pray about how you can align your will to His.
“Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.” Philippians 3:12
Jesus Teaches About Prayer
“But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to our Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.” Matthew 6:6-7
Jesus did teach us how to pray. But what we must keep at the forefront of our mind is He is after our hearts – not whether we do it the “right way.” He wants our motives to be pure. Looking at Matthew 6:6, we can pull a few critical points from it.
Six Principles
1. “When you pray,”—God is expecting us to pray.
2. Go into your room, close the door”—Be sure you pray with the right motives and not to be noticed. Have a place for private prayer where you connect with God.
3. “Pray to our Father who is unseen”—He wants us to pray to Him, our Father, who we can’t see.
4. “Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” – God will answer our prayers!
5. “Do not keep babbling”—We don’t have to have many words. God likes persistent prayer, but it must be with a sincere heart.
6. “Your Father knows what you need”—Do not be consumed with making sure you get every request spoken. He knows what you want and need.
The Lord’s Prayer as a Model
Jesus then went on to give a model of prayer. The Lord’s prayer is found in Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:1-4.
“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,”
God is holy, loving, and personal. We need to honor, praise, and respect Him. It is an excellent place to start before rattling off our longs list of things we want.
“Your kingdom come, your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.”
We need to seek God’s will for our lives. He can empower us to accomplish His will, but we must be willing. He is in control.
“Give us today our daily bread.”
God is the one who provides what we need daily. We must trust and expect he will deliver.
“And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.”
Forgiveness is important. We, too, must forgive others so God will forgive us. Ask God to forgive you for your wrongdoings. We are all sinners.
“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.”
We all will struggle with temptation, but He can deliver us. Ask him to show you how.
How to Change Things up When You Pray: A Few Other Ideas
- Journal your prayers to God.
- Keep your prayers in a notebook or journal.
- Put a BIG “A” next to answered prayers.
- Take time to remember all that God has done.
- Say only the name of “Jesus.”
- Pray Scripture (Psalm 23)
- Take a prayer walk.
- Use Music to pray.
- Keep a separate “Thanksgiving Journal.”
- Journal a prayer from God to You.
We would love to hear how you draw close to the Lord.
Remember – prayer is merely is a two-way conversation. However, we often complicate it by making it harder than it needs to be or focus on our list of what we want. You do not have to use a method to pray. Pour your heart out to HIM, and do not be concerned about doing it right. Our Lord loves us and desires us to connect with Him.
“Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” James 4:8
If your prayer life has gone dry, maybe it is time to change things up when you pray. Click here for the entire powerful prayer packet and begin using the “T.RU.S.T.” acronym today.
A Gift for You
This powerful prayer packet includes worksheets for using the prayer acronym T.R.U.S.T. and more. For more information, visit our “Embracing Prayer” page.

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Embracing the Unexpected | Maree Dee
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Thank you for including my post in your article. I loved your post. Maree
I love the addition to sit still with God!
Jodie – Thank you! It is the part I struggle with the most during my prayer time.Maree
I have the worst time with the S part–sitting with God. Thank you for the reminder!
Anita – Me too! Sitting still with God is hard. I fidget around. Must be why my life verse is “Be Still and Know That I am God.” Maree
Love this, Maree! I’m using a prayer journal this year and I love this acronym! Thank you!
I love using a journal. My prayer journal is on my Ipad. It helps me to keep it private so I can really pour out my heart. Thank you for your sweet reply. I’m glad you liked the acronym.
One summer, I used the Lord’s Prayer as my guide for the entire season, and it was just what I needed.
Michele, Thank you for sharing! It points out in the different seasons we need to try new approaches. Maree
I love the “S” and the “T” – I need to make sure my prayers don’t simply spell “TRU”!
Emily – You made me smile! You are not alone. Yes, the one I tend to want to skip over is the S.Okay, last year it might have been the T too. Hope your week has been great! Maree
Journaling in the margins is not practical but most of my books have my scribbled prayers! thanks, maree
Sue – I do the same thing scribbling in the margins of my book. It is fun to look back and see what was answered. The only problem is when I loan my books out they then have a few of my intimate thoughts with God. I guess it is okay. Glad you mentioned the margins. Thank you for stopping by. Maree
It’s all about Trust isn’t it Maree! Trusting God to deliver that which He has promised… Such love & grace in this for our chat with God.
Jennifer – Yes, it is all about trust. Maree
Wow – this is so practical and helpful. TRUST….easy to remember and a great way to stay focused when the enemy is so trying to distract! Thanks for sharing!
Jennifer – Glad you like the acronym. I too find it easy to remember which is good because I can use it throughout my day. Maree
I love that T-R-U-S-T acronym and am always looking to change things up in my prayer life. Thank you for sharing!
Laurie – I am glad you like the acronym. Thank you for the encouragement. Maree
Thank you for this beautiful prayer acronym. I really like that it begins with thanksgiving, because in that place of giving thanks we recognize our desperate need for the Lord. I am also glad that it incorporates being still and listening! Great post! Encouragement we all can use!
Cheryl –
You are so welcome! I am glad you like the acronym. I am hoping to get a little packet out next week with a bit more. The being still and listening are my hardest things to do. Hope you have a fantastic day. Maree
Last year was one of those years for me too. Working on turning my relationship with God around. Thank you for these tips. laurensparks.net
Lauren, Glad to know I am not alone. It sure makes a difference when we are walking hand in hand with God. Maree
Thanks for this wisdom, Maree! I like the acronym – especially the last two points. Often we think of prayer as talking to God and miss out time to be still and listen and I like how you finish by taking hold of God.