Are you gripping tightly with white knuckles to the familiar things – refusing to let go? The desire is to move forward; however, you find yourself stuck right where you are. How will you grow into who you are capable of being with this type of approach? Perhaps, it is time to clear the obstacles to live the life God wants for you.
One of My Biggest Challenges
Letting go has been one of my biggest challenges in life. You see, I live by the motto, Never Give Up. Once I am in – I’m in. Somehow over time, I came up with a false belief that letting go meant giving up. Therefore, when I discovered letting go was distinctly part of being still, I was thrilled. Click here to read, “Is There More to Being Still?”
Have you ever noticed sometimes what we are clasping onto isn’t even worth holding? Yet, we settle into the uncomfortable, and it becomes our new normal. I have done this on one too many occasions. Desperately, I wanted life to be different. However, I was unwilling to accept life as it was and choose to let go for a chance at something better.
Letting Go Is Always a Choice! #lettinggo #clearingtheobstacles Share on X
Many times we step out with God’s plan and think He intends it to last forever or at least a long time. We fail to keep checking in with God and acknowledge when it’s time to let go and move forward. Sometimes we hold on out of fear. Other times it has to do with not recognizing the signs that change is needed.
How Do You Know It’s Time to Clear the Obstacles?
Above all, the best place to start is by asking God and listening carefully to His response. However, sometimes, it is hard to hear because our voices, thoughts, or emotions are so loud. Many times it can be a spouse or friend who has a fresh perspective who will point us to the things we can’t see and right back to God.
Here are a few clues that might help in determining if there is a need to let go of something.
- It is challenging to remain in the present moment.
- We are an obstacle for someone else’s growth.
- Fear and worry take over.
- You’re stuck on living in the past or how you expected life to turn out.
- Exhaustion seems to be a constant companion.
- God is not number one.
- What you are doing isn’t working anymore.
- Resentment rears its ugly head.
- Complaining seems to be your only topic.
- Your body is showing signs of stress.
- The unexpected happens.
- You have no white space on your calendar.
- Tears and overwhelming feelings come often.
- Joy and happiness seem to have disappeared.
- Situations, people, or things are holding you back from being who God intended you to be.
- God tells you it’s time to let go.
What are some of the signs you see when you need to let go of something? Did anything above resonate with you?
Why Do We Need to Clear the Obstacles?
Have you ever considered that deciding to let go of something might make room for something even better? Indeed, God’s design is always the best. Releasing something could also enhance the life of someone you love. After all, sometimes, we can be the obstacle that keeps another from growing.
Ultimately, don’t we want God’s will, not only for our lives but for those we love? Then letting go will be necessary.
Do you love to set new goals, try new things, or challenge yourself to grow?
Certainly, one goal piled upon another won't leave much room for success. When we take on something new, we must consider what we can take off our plates. #lettinggo #clearingtheobstacles Share on X
What Is Holding You Back From Being Who God Wants You to Be?
Are there things that hold you back from living the life you desire? Maybe it is time to rid yourself of some of the obstacles getting in your way. Most likely, we all will struggle to some degree with letting go of something. We need each other to encourage us along the way.
Each of us is uniquely made, and we will strive to let go of different things. We all need someone close who is different from us.
I had the privilege of leading a women’s small group with an amazing lady, Tina, who taught me how to serve in the midst of the unexpected. At the time, my life had turned upside down, but I felt called to serve. Now I know why.
We would meet to prepare for our group. I would come in with a thousand ideas of how we could make the meeting spectacular. Yes, they were sometimes over the top. Tina would take one look at me and say, “We aren’t doing that.” At first, I was so troubled; after all, I was the leader.
She would continuously explain, “Maree, you have too much on your plate.” Never once did she mention I had a horrible problem with people-pleasing and perfectionism, but I did. Nor did Tina say my family and my health would suffer, but they did. Slowly over time, her wisdom rubbed off, and I learned to let go of some of my people-pleasing and perfectionism traits. In other words, I am a work in progress.
Even though we make great strides, there is a tendency to take back many of the things we once let go. We need wise voices speaking into our lives and praying on our behalf. #lettinggo #clearingtheobstacles Share on X
Are You Struggling to Clear Any of These Obstacles?
- Bitterness
- Busyness
- Guilt
- People Pleasing
- Expectations
- Comparing Ourselves to Others
- Fear & Worry
- Responsibilities
- Control
- The Need to Be Right
- A Judgmental Attitude
- Perfectionism
- Anger
- Unforgiveness
What are you struggling to let go of right now?
When Is the Best Time to Start?
Indeed, the best time to start clearing the obstacles is right now! However, maybe we need to start by looking for clues to see if there is a need to let go of something. Most importantly, we must determine what it is God wants for us and what we might need to release.
“Let go of everything that holds you back. Move forward in courage with everything God has to push you forward. Live bold like the courageous warrior woman God called you to be.”
Sharon Jaynes
After pondering with God, will you be brave and share with us what God has put on your heart?
Let’s Clear the Obstacles Together
On Tuesdays every two weeks, we will be exploring some aspect of letting go. Sign up today to receive our blogs post in your inbox. Plus, we plan on offering some free things to go along with our series. Please click here to sign up. Letting go is a journey to be done together hand in hand with God and each other.
We would love to have you join our community.
Embracing the Unexpected | Maree Dee
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Thank you for this thought provoking post. “We are an obstacle for someone else’s growth” jumped out for me today. I’m excited to sit with this and probe deeper for God’s revelation.
This is something I often struggle with. I tend to step in to help, believing I’m doing a good deed when, in reality, I might be hindering others’ growth. I’m trying to be more attentive to God’s guidance in 2025. I hope your year has started off well. It was lovely to see your name in the comments
I agree – letting go is so hard for me. Especially when it comes to letting go of a plan that I made for myself! But in the end clearing the obstacles (that I put in front of myself by making my own plan) is so worth it as the bigger picture that God is involved in is more than I could ever dream of.
You are not alone, letting go is hard for me too, even when I know it is right. I agree God’s got the bigger picture, and it will be best. Thank you for sharing. Maree
Yes! I have experienced this so many times. Trying to hold on to the tiny bit when God is asking me to let go so he can bless me with something greater.
Sharla – What a great reminder – knowing God will bless us can make it easier to let go of something. Thank you for adding your words to our conversation. Maree
As a faith-based health and wellness coach, I see and appreciate your insights on clearing obstacles so that one can move forward. Often we don’t see the obstacle right away and when we do it is often overwhelming. Thanks for offering clarity in pressing on.
I bet you help point others to see what they might need to let go of. Sometimes when we are so close to a situation, it takes someone like you with a fresh perspective to see what we can’t see. Thank you for your encouraging words. Maree
This is so good Maree and it was hard for me to learn. It took a long time for me to realize that letting go is not the same as quitting. There is so much wisdom in this post.
Natalie, I know exactly what you mean about the quitting. It was always so hard for me to let go because I am not one to give up. Honestly, I still struggle with letting go but have significantly improved. Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. I hope you have a beautiful day. Blessings, Maree
Great post, Love this thought: “Have you ever noticed sometimes what we are clasping onto isn’t even worth holding? Yet, we settle into the uncomfortable, and it becomes our new normal.” That’s key for me. To let go of everything I’m holding onto except Jesus. 🙂
Yes, we all tend to hold onto things longer than God wants us to even when He has something so much better for us. Letting go is hard. Thank you for stopping by. Maree
I started my career and marriage in the age of Super Woman (as in, women were expected to work full-time, keep house full time, and raise their children full-time). Clearly, that’s impossible! It’s taken a long time for me to learn how to clear away obstacles and make room for just the important things :).
Anita, I am still learning and continuously needing to clear obstacles. Yes, that age of Super Woman sure caused some problems. It’s hard to let it go. Maree
I love this Maree —> “Have you ever considered that deciding to let go of something might make room for something even better?” I have long said that good is the enemy of great. Letting go is hard. We like comfort zones and we dislike change. Thanks for these great reminders!
Thank you for linking up at InstaEncouragements!
Patsy, I love your saying, ” good is the enemy of great.” Oh, how easy it is to get stuck on the good when God has so much for us. Thank you for taking the time to add your wisdom to the comments. Maree
This topic really resonates with me, Maree. I’m thinking of things I’ve let go of voluntarily, and others that God has gently (or not so gently) removed from my hands. I need to work on many of the obstacles that you’ve listed, and this right here definitely motivates me: “Releasing something could also enhance the life of someone you love.” Hugs, friend!
You are not alone in needing to clear some obstacles. I do too. Thank you for sharing. Maree
I really liked your lists & resonated w/ resentment rearing its head – & the connection w/ letting go & perfectionism. I appreciated your example w/ Tina & leading the group. But most importantly, bringing it all to God. Thank you!
Jenn –
Thank you for your encouraging post. It is always so lovely to hear what resonates with someone. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Oh my friend how I needed this today! I have been struggling with letting go of things and this post came right at the time I needed it. It is tough to loose something from your hands and let God be God sometimes because our flesh just wants to hold onto it. Thank you so much for this and thank you for linking up at Worth Beyond Rubies!! Shared this!!
You are not alone. I am in the process of letting go of something I hold dear to my heart. I keep trying to snatch it back. Letting go is hard even when you know it is what God wants. Praying for you. Maree
Oh Maree, this is packed with wisdom. God asked me to break with a friend in November. I did and it has led to so much repentance. Every single one on the list was relevant in this case, and the no whitespace came from a place of numbing away what I was feeling. I pray this leads others into prayer, so that God may move them forward too, to surrender and repent. God bless you.
Thank you for your thoughtful comment and for sharing your experience. I love what you said, “no whitespace came from a place of numbing away what I was feeling.” Oh, how I have done this on several occasions. Blessings to you, Maree
Maree, thank you for a great post.
This subject of letting go of one of my greatest, challenges Maree.
I am a passionate Christian who retired from 40 years of being a pastor 4 years ago. I was leading the charge through those years in churches planting and bringing dead churches back to life. God kept me faithful in those years to finish what I had started. To retire was a most difficult decision to make,. I wondered what I would do.
I thought I had turned my back on His holy call. Four months later after days of prayer and study I heard a new call to minister to. forgotten people in senior homes , hospitals , and shut- ins. Retirement has come alive with this decision, working in 3 senior homes and hospital in our town. Letting go I suggest can be used by our Lord to open new avenues of serving the Lord in senior years.PTl.
Thank you for sharing your journey of letting go and how God opened new doors. You remind me we have to trust our God. He always has a plan. I bet that was difficult retiring from something you love. I have no doubt you are a blessing to those in senior homes, hospitals, and shut-ins. Thank you for the work you do. Blessings, Maree