Have you ever become discouraged in serving others? Will you take a few minutes and ponder why with me? After all, the benefits of giving are ones you won’t want to miss.
Below you will find my top four reasons why I become discouraged in serving. Do any of them resonate with you?
Four Reasons Why You Might Be Discouraged in Serving
1. Have you picked up the things God didn’t ask of you?
You may love to help others; but, let’s face it, the needs of the world are many. We will find ourselves in trouble when our head nods up and down to every request.
Being in tune with God is imperative! He will point out which requests are ours to carry. Don’t overload your wagon.
I used to think every need which presented itself before me was mine to fill. Yikes, who did I think I was? We must remember God gave us a Savior for a reason, and we are not Him. Even Jesus didn’t heal everyone.
2. Are you resting and offering from your overflow?
Remember, God rested, and He gave us the Sabbath for a reason.

When I skip my quiet time with God and resting, it never fails - my serving becomes a chore. #bestill Share on X
3. Are you focused on your capabilities or trying to look like someone else?
It is so easy to fall into the trap of comparison. But remember, God put you there for a reason, and He will equip.
Oh, this one is hard. No one wants to look like a fool. God has called me to serve in the areas I feel so inept and where I can’t perfect. But I see His wisdom. In my weakness, He will make me strong, and I desperately need Him. It keeps me relying on Him.
4. Do you forget it is about God?
Sometimes God will ask us to step out into the uncomfortable where the accolades don’t show up. He will call us to obedience when we can’t see the results. At this time, we must remember God knows what he is doing.
In those times, say aloud, “I am doing this for Jesus, not me.”
Are you able to pinpoint why you are discouraged in serving? Share on X
In our featured post today, Stacey Pardoe encourages us not to give up on our calling when discouragement in serving rears its ugly head. Please read her post before you throw in the towel. She shares three truths which have the power to transform your life.
“We don’t give merely so that we can receive, but we give with willing hearts as we trust that as we bless others, we will be blessed in return.” – Stacey Pardoe
Now for Our Featured Post
If You’re Waiting for the Windows of Heaven to Open
By Stacey Pardoe
Click here to read our featured post.
Stacey, thank you for linking up with Grace & Truth. Grab a button and link back – I am sure your readers would love to celebrate with you!
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Maree Dee – Embracing the Unexpected
Aimee Imbeau – A Work of Grace
Heather Hart – Real Women. Real Life. Real Faith.
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Oh, these are true! Great post Maree.
Bless you,
Jennifer – Happy Weekend! I hope you have a great one. Thank you for your encouragement. Blessings, Maree
All these questions are so good, Maree. Tweeted!
Sue – Thank you for sharing!!! Maree
I think #4 is my problem more that I’d like to admit. Thank you. laurensparks.net
Lauren – Thank you for sharing. Oh my goodness, I am not sure I could choose which one is most problematic for me. They all seem to be. Thank goodness, God accepts all of us as works in progress. Blessings, Maree
Thanks for this, Maree. Your points and hers are so valid, and I have probably wrestled with most of them at one time or another. I was particularly struck when she pointed out that when we keep back, all we have is what we keep rather than what God would provide, and when we send away whatever is draining us, we send away the miracle. And I resonated a lot with what you said about being called into areas where we feel weak and inept, yet finding there His strength and provision.
Barbara – Thank you for sharing what spoke to you. I too loved what Stacey said about what we keep back. I had never really thought about that one. Gosh, I don’t want to send away a miracle. I hope you are having a superb weekend. Blessings, Maree
This post is coming at such a good time for me, Maree! Thanks for adding truth to my ponderings.
Michele – I am so glad we could add some truth to your ponderings. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. Maree