I challenge you to ponder this question – Do lost people really matter to you? We know all people matter to God. Therefore, shouldn’t they matter to us? Yet, we often hide from or ignore those who appear adrift.
How often do we think doing what is best for the crowd is the correct way to care for people? Sometimes, we design our ministries around this concept. It is easy to get focused on and consumed with statistics and skip the one person. We ask, “How can we reach the masses?” Or, as writers, “how many people visited our page, shared our post, or commented?” Of course, it isn’t all wrong; however, we can quickly lose our concern for the one.
A standard method used for making decisions is a vote where the majority triumphs. Nevertheless, is this always the right way to deal with God’s people? Jesus taught us something different. He showed us every single life matters. We must look beyond the crowd to see that one person in need.
After All, every life matters to God!
We must look beyond the crowd to see that one person in need. After all, Jesus demonstrated every single life matters. #lostpeople #peoplematter #IntentionalChristmasLove Share on XA Favorite Story of Mine Is “The Parable of the Lost Sheep.”

Luke 15:4-5 New Living Translation (NLT)
Would you search for a stray sheep or stay with the ninety-nine?
In this passage, Jesus was referring to sinners, but I have no doubt Jesus would want us to apply it to all categories of people who have strayed. Everyone has immense value, and God doesn’t want to give up on a single soul. He never stops searching for us.
We have so many people in our world that feel disconnected, and do we even notice them?#loveothers #IntentionalChristmasLove Share on XDo you know anyone who fits into this definition of lost? If so, are you pretending not to see them? Do you pass or avoid them as you go about your life? We are all guilty at times, but why? #lostpeople #peoplematter… Share on XDefinition of Lost from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
: not made use of, won, or claimed a lost opportunity
: no longer possessed a lost reputation
: ruined or destroyed physically or morally
: desperate, a lost soul
: taken away or beyond reach or attainment
: denied regions lost to the faith
: insensible, hardened, lost to shame
: unable to find the way
: no longer visible
: lacking assurance or self-confidence
: helpless
: rapt, absorbed
: not appreciated or understood
: obscured or overlooked during a process or activity lost in translation
: hopelessly unattainable
: futile
Why Do We Hide from the Lost?
Sometimes, difficult people can be hard to be around. We don’t always have the time or energy to deal with disruption because we have left no margin in our lives. Plus, society often tells us to get rid of people who cause us hurt. Other times, we may feel ill-equipped to help and allow fear to take control. We fear rejection, saying the wrong words, or making the situation worse. In a fast-paced world, we often neglect to make room in our lives for loving those around us. We must remember to pause and show compassion to others, no matter how challenging they may be.
How Does a Person Hide?
How many of you have ducked down a different aisle to dodge someone in need? Or stay neatly in our little corner of the world, hidden from the lost.
• Pretending Not to See—We act as if we don’t notice the hurting people.
• Avoiding the Misplaced—We stay neatly in our little corner of the world, hidden from the hurting people.
• Claiming We Are Not Responsible—We convince ourselves it isn’t our obligation.
Do You Want All People to Matter?
If yes, ponder with me the following questions
• Am I hiding from the lost?
• Why do I hide from the hurting?
• How do I hide
• Do I want to stop Hiding?
Of course, the responses will be unique to each of us and worth pondering. Please be brave and share your answers in the comments below. Trust me, we all hide from time to time. Sometimes, it may even be because we are lost. However, wouldn’t you want someone searching for you if you were a wandering sheep?
Do Lost People Really Matter to You? Not only did God intend for us to love the lost, but Jesus also demonstrated it over and over again. #loveothers #IntentionalChristmasLove Share on XHow to Stop Hiding
• Recognize God calls us to go after the lost sheep.
• Be willing to get involved.
• Start small; do something.
• Be aware of those around us.
• Pray for opportunities.

Yes, searching and spending time with those who are adrift will take time and energy. But remember, Jesus did it for us. We all need to be found from time to time. He came to earth to save us.
Jesus Took the Time
What is so amazing is when we take time to love people the way God intended, we change forever and are immensely blessed. Holidays are incredibly challenging and lonely for those who feel lost. Won’t you reach out this season and let somebody know they matter to God and you? We can make a difference in other people’s lives – sometimes, all it has to be is a smile.
We can love lost people the way God intended, who will you include this week? #peoplematter #lostpeople #IntentionalChristmasLove Share on X
Soul-dear question and one we should ask at Christmas time in light of all Jesus did for the lost.
Yes, I agree. It seems I’m so busy at Christmas time that I tend to quit looking around. Oh, how I want to have a heart and be aware all year long for the lost. Maree
It is all too easy to live in our “church” bubble and not spend the time we should praying and reaching out to the lost. Doing so can be messy and inconvenient at times. And our sinful hearts find it so much easier to be critical, even if silently, than to love as Jesus did.
Yes, your words are sadly true. It is easy to stay in our bubble and not look around. Oh, how I want to love like Jesus. Happy New Year! Blessings, Maree
Your question got me to thinking, and Yes! I do care about the lost and as these days seem more and more like a lead up to the end-times, I am even more convicted about reaching those who are lost. Your list of definitions, however, truly challeneged me to expand my idea of just what “lost” means and to remember so many who are on the fringes. Excellent post!
Bev xx
Bev, I already know that you care about the lost. Your writing, your ministry both reflect your caring heart. I hope you had a Merry Christmas. Blessings, Maree
I love this so much. . .Sometimes people have to have a lost lamb, have a prodigal before their heart breaks for them. I cannot express the sadness when my boys, who were raised in church, return to that same church where they were baptized and no one speaks to them, no one cares to remember them. A question I have been asking for years is, “Where are the young men who grew up in the church? Where have they gone?” – and no one seems interested in the lambs who have wandered away! Praying for those lost lambs, those prodigals no one wants to go after!
I love your heart for the lost lambs. Yes, they matter to God, so they should matter to us. I bet that has to be so sad that no one speaks to them at the church they grew up in. It breaks my heart too. I think you are right—sometimes, unless we have been touched by a prodigal, we overlook the ones that need to be found. I am glad you like this post. Thank you for letting me know. I hope you have a fantastic day. Maree
I wrestle with how people come in the church and ease out without notice. Seldom does anyone ask “Where is ____?” It bothers me. I grieves my heart. We are called to reach one and then another. We are called to disciple and love one that one until he or she is able to reach someone themselves. I think we are so comfortable in our group with our people we fail to realize we lost our sister or brother. By the time we notice, they may be irretrievable.
I agree we need to be aware of those around us even at church. I attend a big church, so it is hard to notice when people are missing or get to those around me. However, I could make a better effort. Thank you for the idea. Happy New Year! Maree
Wonderful challenge! It provided a lot of food for thought.
Thank you!! Happy New Year, Elaine. Maree
Such great encouragement in what really matters. laurensparks.net
Lauren, Thank you for your words of encouragement. Happy New Year! Maree
That Mother Theresa quote gets me every single time. I try NOT to worry about numbers but if I am fully honest, I do find myself comparing and counting more than I should because I wonder if it all matters. But your words remind me that the privilege we have to write for Jesus, to share His love through our words and to be a vessel that allows His light to shine through. That is a purpose filled ministry that maybe we don’t fully realize is also a lofty and blessed calling as well.
I think there are times that in my discomfort with others, especially those in a difficult situation, is that I don’t know what to say. But even then, I am led to pray and that is one thing that I think we are always meant to do first.
Thanks for reminding me of this necessary part of our serving Christ and serving others.
Dawn, I know what you mean about counting numbers. I am a CPA so tracking, measuring, and counting all come naturally to me. Its how I have always measured our success and growth as a business. It is hard not to switch all of that over into writing especially with all the cool tools to track everything. It can be disappointing when comments are slim, readership is low, and no one is sharing. You are so right we are doing it for Jesus and him alone. I didn’t get into this to make money but instead to make connections(like my friendship with you) and to share stories if they might help others. It is a blessing.
You are so right we can all pray, and that is something.
Thank you for coming by and leaving a message. I always love to hear from you.
Always so good to remember that God cares about each and every one- and we are to too!!
“We must look beyond the crowd to see that one person in need.” This is so true. It’s easy just to follow the crowd, so to speak, in our Christianity. But that’s not what Jesus did or what He asks us to do. We must be willing to reach out to the lost He brings to our attention. It isn’t always easy, but I am blessed when obedient to this calling. When we reach out, love and make ourselves vulnerable it’s hard, and we could be hurt, but God still gives peace and strength to carry on. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Blessings to you! I’m your neighbor at #porchstories.
Garl, Thank you for leaving such beautiful words this morning and pointing us to Jesus. I am so glad you stopped by and left a comment.
Blessings to You,
I love how you say that Jesus took the time to look for us. How can we not do the same for others? Such a great post, Maree Dee!
Sarah – Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. I needed a little boost this morning. Maree
Great post, Marie! Even as a Christian I didn’t always have a heart for the list. I’ve asked God to forgive me and help me to have a heart for the lost like He does. I’m so glad that He answers our prayers. He is such a faithful God. Thank you for sharing from your heart.
Tiffiney — Thank you for your honest and thoughtful comment. I too don’t always have a heart for the lost either. I can let busyness get in my way many times or my own fears to reach out. Yes, thank goodness we have a forgiving God. I too want to have a heart like his all of the time. Happy Thanksgiving. Maree
This is a good question and one I’ve been pondering lately because I’m pretty firmly entrenched with the 99 and trusting God for ways to join Him in seeking the lost sheep.
Blessings to you!
Michele, You made me laugh. I may not know you extremely well, but I doubt you are entrenched with the 99 based on what I read that you write. However, we all can do better noticing the lost sheep, especially during the holidays. I know I want to join God in seeing others that might be lost. I was reminded the other day; hiding behind many of those smiles is a hurting person that needs our touch. A smile sure has brightened a day or two of mine by complete strangers.
Happy Thanksgiving! Maree
I have many people in my life who are lost spiritually. These are the ones I hope and pray God will give me the strength, wisdom and courage to reach with the right words and His love. It’s not easy but it’s so necessary.
Great words I agree with; “it is not easy but so necessary.” I struggled with writing this post because I knew it called for action on my part. Maree
Such good observations here, Maree, at a much-needed time of year. Sharing on FB and Twitter.
Thank you for sharing. I know that we need to be aware of lost people all year but this time of year seems especially crucial. I know I get so busy and I am not always paying attention. Maree
Amen!! This is so timely as God is watering a vision he has put on my heart years ago, to be able to reach those in need in our community. Thank you.
Meg- I would love to hear more about your vision. Praying for that vision to take off. Maree
I often find myself praying for God to stretch my minutes! I really need to make time to reach out, and take the time to invest in the people closest to me and the ones that I am noticing but not engaging with. Happy Friday!
Praying to “God to stretch your minutes is a good one.” I might have to try that one. Thank you for stopping by I hope you have a great weekend. Maree
Wisdom, truth, and conviction here today, Maree Dee.
Debbie, Thank you! I have to admit as God put this on my heart I struggled with living out the part about ALL PEOPLE MATTER. Maree
Thank you for sharing this. My heart has been so stirred lately for those lost ones, and when I read your list of definitions, tears came to my eyes! Oh may we stop for the one, and let love lead us along the way! Blessings to you!
Bettie, What a beautiful comment you left. “Oh, may we stop for the one, and let love lead us along the way!” I love that. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. You did bless me. Blessings to you, Maree
I’m a wordy, the definition of desperate got my attention. I have been desperate as a Christian. If you had asked me before I would not have thought it possible to be saved and “lost” at the same time, not that I believe we lose our salvation, but I have been praying for Alzheimer’s patients, depression is prevalent, so many things consume our minds and souls as believers. I can’t imagine how non Christians survive it all. Admittedly, there are people I have to avoid, but I share Jesus and encourage women daily. We are His beloved and need to hear His voice. Visiting from Tune In Thursday, blessings.
Thank you for stopping by. I agree people can have their salvation and be lost at the same time. We never know what is behind the smile people put on. Maree
I saw a missions poster the other day that asked the question, “What is worse than being lost?”
The answer was, “Nobody comes looking for you.”
That, right there, is convicting …
I saw myself in a lot of what you say. I think the main reason I don’t see the lost is because I. Am. Too. Busy.
Oh my goodness, the poster you saw, says it all. I think for me – busyness gets in my way too. Sometimes I feel like I am rushing from one place to another I miss everything. I am trying to learn to slow down and notice things and people around me. I guess what I need to do is add more margin to my day. After all, I want someone coming to look for me if I get lost, and I want to be there for other people. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment about the poster you saw. Maree
Thank you!