Are you living in the midst of the unexpected? If not, be prepared because the unforeseen is inevitable. While we may try to plan for every possible scenario, life is unpredictable. However, fear not; we can learn to navigate and embrace the unanticipated challenges.
Perhaps you are in the midst of the unforeseen and feeling overwhelmed by circumstances beyond your control. Or maybe you are simply on the path to encountering the unpredictable. In either case, developing and nurturing a few key qualities and practices that will guide you through is crucial.
A Simple Gift to Encourage
One day, I opened my mail to find a special gift from someone dear to my heart. The token was a simple present that reminded me of my faith and sweet friend Sara. At the time, I had no idea the significance this would hold in the years to come.
Sara’s gift was a small silver cross to attach to my key ring. Little did I know that this cross would represent so much more than a reminder of my faith. My beautiful friend was living in her last few months, and this cherished gift was the last one I received from her.
Have you ever noticed that when walking through difficult circumstances, we can’t quite see the lesson we are to learn?
Often, it is difficult to see the lessons and growth opportunities amidst difficult circumstances. Reflecting on this gift now, I realize it symbolizes more than my faith. It represents the lessons Sara’s journey taught me during her last few months with us. It reminds me of the essential qualities I must embrace during an unexpected journey.
Now, as I grasp this cross and feel the coolness of the silver in my palm, I’m reminded of what it truly takes to live the life God intended, even in the face of unpredictability.
No matter how much we plan and prepare, life is unpredictable. However, we can overcome anything with God. He will give us the strength and courage to embrace the unknown. #embracetheunexpected #embracinglife Share on XWhat We Need When Living in the Midst of the Unexpected
Grieve Our Losses
“Jesus wept.” (John 11:35 NASB)
All pain and loss are significant, but we often try to compare and minimize our struggles. Instead, we must learn to recognize and mourn our losses.
The cross reminds me of Jesus and how He wept even though He knew Lazarus would rise from the dead through His power.
Be in the Present Moment
“Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10 ESV)
Jesus exemplified the art of living in the present. We constantly saw Him present with people in their pain and joy. When His disciples complained and wanted Jesus to send the people or children away, he would reprimand them and desire them to see the value of being present with others.
When we train ourselves to be in the present, our suffering decreases. It is easier to endure a moment of pain rather than include past and future misery.
This cherished gift reminds me of how Sara displayed this quality as she rose above her illness and seized the moments she could with gratitude and joy.
Seek Joy
“For the joy of the Lord is your strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10 NASB)
Joy can be found even in the most challenging circumstances, but we must open our hearts and minds to see it.
Sara’s ability to find joy in life’s moments was contagious and serves as an inspiration. Her gift reminds me of her joy, which is like Jesus.

Find God’s Peace
“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:7 NIV)
In the midst of difficult situations, we must tap into God’s peace, which surpasses all understanding. See-“How to Find Peace in the Storm of Unexpected Pain.”
Sara’s peaceful demeanor was a reminder that this peace comes from Jesus.
Stand Firm in Your Faith
“If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all.” (Isaiah 7:9 NIV)
Faith is so important! However, we can’t just rely on what we have; we must continually nurture it through God’s Word and spending time with Him.
The cross reminds me of my unwavering faith built on a solid foundation.
Seek Gratitude
“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NIV)
Be a seeker of what brings you a thankful heart. We must know,— “How to Embrace Gratitude in the Midst of the Unexpected.”
Looking at the cross reminds me to be grateful for my relationship with Jesus.
Hope in Jesus
“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” (Hebrews 6:19 NIV)
We must anchor our faith to God. He is big and capable of anything. Our hope must center on Jesus, no matter the outcome. Try writing in capital letters on a board: God is BIG!
With Sara, we clung to the hope of Jesus and trusted in His plan even if He didn’t heal her this side of heaven.
Practice Good Self-Care
“After He had sent the crowds away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray; and when it was evening, He was there alone.” (Matthew 14:23 NASB)
We must take good care of ourselves. God loves us and wants that for each of us. We will not be helpful to anyone if we let ourselves get depleted.
Even Jesus took time away to rest and recharge.
Connect With Community
“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” (I Thessalonians 5:11 NIV)
We all need a community to support us, but God must be at the center of it all.
We all need a team to fight life with us. We are not meant to do life alone. However, God must be the center of our team. #teamGod #neveralone Share on XWhen I’m physically alone in unwanted situations, I squeeze the cross and remind myself I am not alone and God is always with me. I remember Sara and the privilege of being on her team.
Trust in God
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5 NIV)
We must put our trust entirely in God and let go of our burdens even when the plans seem beyond understanding. Sometimes, this means moving over so God can work.
We need to believe He has us right where He wants us and will never abandon us. #reason #trust
The cross reminds us that God has a plan, and we can trust Him.
Be Courageous
“Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26 NIV)
We need to be courageous in all circumstances. After all, Jesus was brave on the cross.
One of Sara’s last requests was for me to share a few words or read scripture at her service. Both choices petrified me. But how do you say no to someone who exhibited such courage in her fight against cancer? So I said yes.
And on her special day of remembrance, I held that cross tight in my palm, my voice quivered, my knees knocked, and maybe no one even heard what I said. However, this was the start of learning to be courageous and speak out in a public forum, even when afraid.
After all, if Jesus could endure the cross and Sara could courageously fight cancer, indeed, I could step out of my comfort zone and speak up despite my fears.
Accept One Another
“Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.” (Romans 5:7 NIV)
We must learn to accept people and our circumstances. After all, fighting reality is only going to add to our misery.
The cross reminds me of how Jesus accepts us right where we are.

Prepared for the Unexpected
And when life gets complicated, because it does, believe me, I grab my cross in my hand and cling to it with all my might, knowing it points me to exactly who I need to embrace the unexpected—Jesus.
And then, of course, I’m reminded of my remarkable friend, Sara, and the privilege of walking alongside her, learning to thrive amid the unexpected. Little did I know, I had been on a holy training ground preparing me for a life of unanticipated circumstances.
What do you cling to when living in the midst of the unexpected?

Blog Post Series
Join Maree Dee on a journey through the art of embracing the unknown. Despite the chaos and unpredictability around us, beauty and joy are always waiting to be uncovered. Don’t miss a single insightful moment. Catch up on missed posts and discover even more on our series page. Let’s dive in together.
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“Sometimes, this means moving over so God can work.” So, true! I’ll say “I got this” when really I need to say “You got this and I’m listening…”
Lynn. I appreciate your insightful words, “You got this, and I’m listening.” Thank you for your encouragement. Maree
Maree, what a beautiful memorial to your friend Sara.
To answer your question; I cling to my Lord in the good, bad & most unexpected times in my life for He is my Strength & Joy (in other words all the time). For I know without a doubt that I cannot do this life without Him nor do I want to!
I also remember the courage my late husband Ed had when faced with his own death through brain cancer & my dear friend Joy when going through Motor Neurone Disease that also took her life. God was with both of them & I knew that courage had came from Him…
Blessings, Jennifer
Dear Jennifer, I’m deeply sorry for your losses. Your husband and friend were courageous and their legacy will not be forgotten. Sending you blessings and strength. – Maree
Thank you Maree 💕
Love how God addresses our needs with actions that work.
Yes, God always comes through when it comes to our needs.
I kept thinking as I read, “God’s plan really works. He really does know what he’s talking about…”
“Yes!!! Don’t you love it when everything becomes clear? I am currently in the middle of some unexpected events, and I am so grateful that I read your comment