Does rest help you capture the God moments? Those sensational flashes of wonder where the presence of the Lord is indisputable. It certainly does for me. But sometimes, those moments seem rare.
Missing the God Moments
The struggle is real for many of us to find a healthy mental, spiritual, and physical rhythm. It’s easy to lose sight of what truly matters. As we pile more onto our plates, those precious moments with God can become obsolete or diminished. It is so easy to become drained and miss the God moments.
Perhaps you are too exhausted to notice much of anything these days?
Rest Helps
When we give our mind, body, and soul the gift of rest, we tend to be more attuned to our surroundings and relationships, including our connections with the Lord. As we are more present and move at a slower rhythm, we hear His voice and notice His beautiful handiwork surrounding us. When at rest, we capture the God moments more easily.
However, please don’t take my word; give it a try. Perhaps you need a few tips on how to rest.
When we give our mind, body, and soul the gift of rest, we tend to be more attuned to our surroundings and relationships, including our connections with the Lord. #rest #momentsmatter Share on X
Helpful Tips to Find Rest
- putting away our electronics
- remembering how rest makes us feel
- scheduling a pause right into our daily calendars
- remind ourselves that God rested too
- taking extended time away from our routine
- observing a day of rest
- listening to our bodies
- paying attention to our emotions
- seeking out peaceful places
- turning down the noise
- sitting still with the Lord
- learn the art of surrender
“By taking one moment at a time, we too can learn the art of surrender.”
Lisa Burgess
Do you make time for rest in your day, week, or year? What does that look like for you?
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It’s so important to have those restful times what God Maree both spiritually & physically.
Blessings, Jennifer
Yes, Jennifer, you are so right. I’m kind of resting this week. My mind is at complete rest. We are in Banff, taking in God’s creation. It is spectacular. Maree
Wow! Rest up my friend ❤️
Thank you! I hope you are getting some rest too. Maree
I think for me, what kept me from resting in the past was I didn’t see it as being productive. I actually thought I was being lazy if I didn’t stay ‘on’ the whole time, doing what I thought a ‘good’ Christian should be doing. But I was so wrong and this kind of thinking almost led me to burnout! Resting just might be one of the most productive things we can do for ourselves! It can bring peace, calm, healing and definitely a clearer mind! But most of all, it does bring us closer to God! Thank you for your beautiful post! 💕
Donna, I am right there with you on not seeing it as productive at first glance. I agree it is one of the most productive things we can do, but I still fight it. Yes, on everything you mentioned. Thank you for adding your wisdom. Maree
Maree, yes rest is so important to find our God moments. First thing in the morning and Sundays. Then my walks bring me needed rest and stillness to be with God too. Thank you for your beautiful reminder.
I am ready to get back to walks with God. I keep taking my puppy with me, and it isn’t very peaceful. Now to go alone with just God. I hope you have a restful weekend. Maree
I agree Bev! I too have Very Severe Depression and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I have my meds. It helps when you are relaxed and not so tired or overwhelmed with daily burdens. I also meditate the beautiful promise from our Lord, “For He has planted Eternity in the human heart. ” [Ecclesiastes]
Whenever I feel anxious or uncertain about my future, going through hardships, I thank God that this life is so brief and temporary. The Apostle Paul in so many of his preaching to the churches wants us to set our minds on things above..he was looking forward to heaven when he countered heavy brutal hardships one after another..
Aahhhhh…..that was the motivation to finish the race before him. It was setting his eyes on heaven and the eternal prize that kept him going..
Like him, I took focus on the things of heaven when I am scared and anxious..
Kalyani, Thank you for your beautiful words and the reminder that our lives are short here and to keep our eyes heaven bound. You are truly an inspiration. God bless you, Maree
I have been wanting to honour Sunday’s as a day of rest! You have inspired me I just START doing that!
How did it go today, honoring Sunday? I must admit I rested Friday and Saturday but struggled today to relax. Next week I will do better. I really want Sunday to be my day of rest. Maree
Yes, I need all of that! 🙂
I hope you got some good rest this weekend and are feeling refreshed for the new week. Love rest! Maree
I have had to embrace rest is a necessity and not a luxury for me. Since I battle with anxiety and depression (which you know all about), I see a direct correlation with lack of sleep sending me down the slippery slope of an “episode.” Now, when I feel the fatigue coming on, I take a nap or rest (without apologizing). I’m no good to anyone or to myself if I’m exhausted and mentally off kilter. Thanks for the reminder. Rest = Good Self Care!
Bev xx
I agree rest is a necessity with mental health challenges. I am so glad you nap or rest without feeling the need to apologize. Thank you for reminding me. You have no idea how much I needed that message. I tend to be in high gear and I just about sent someone over the edge at this very moment as I am responding to you. It also helps to not get irritated when my loved ones need to rest. Thank you.Blessings to you my friend, Maree
Ahhh, Maree. Though graduation is long since past, we’ve continued to walk in stress. The season we’re walking in makes it more necessary than ever to seek out the Lord and to look for those God-moments. Stress tries to steal those moments of rest and that receptivity to the Lord’s presence and daily gifts. I needed this post. I’m headed over to read Lisa’s post.
Jeanne, I am so sorry the stress has continued.Bowing my head and praying for you and your family. I totally agree seeking God in times of stress is a must. It makes all the difference. Maree
I’ve been working on keeping Sundays as low-key as possible the past couple of years. It really makes the day better for all my relationships–with God and with people and with myself too. 🙂 I tend to undervalue rest, but God uses it to energize me. I need to pay attention to him. Thanks for sharing my post, Maree!
Oh, Lisa, I too undervalue rest. And it is so much more than sleep. It was an honor to share your post. Maree
Thank you Maree.
Blessings to you too Jennifer. Maree
Yes–I have found I need rest not only to function well, but also in order to be nice to people. I’m afraid I can get snippy when I am tired.
Oh, Barbara, I, too, get snippy when I’m tired. I need to be rest. Maree