Have you ever found it challenging to embrace thankfulness in the midst of the unexpected? Or wondered why maintaining a grateful heart is important? When challenges, pain, or loss dominate our lives, it can feel impossible to find anything worthy of praise. In these moments, you might ask, “Why bother seeking a grateful heart?” You are not alone; I have pondered the same question. However, I have discovered ten powerful reasons to embrace gratitude, even in tough times.
When Life Turned Upside Down
Have you ever had to watch your child or a loved one suffer? You wish more than anything that you could take their place and ease their pain. As a mother, you might believe your sole purpose is to make everything better. But what happens when you can’t?
The pain seems unbearable, not only for your child but for you, too. You pray, beg, and plead with God to remove it, but the pain persists. I remember those moments like they were yesterday. The agony, guilt, and frustration were suffocating. You move into “fix-it mode,” desperately trying to find a solution as if you were God himself. I’ve been there, and I understand.
And then, in a moment of exhaustion, you lie in bed and wonder, do I have to open my eyes? Trying hard to wish the reality away, you wonder how you can endure another moment knowing your child is still struggling and you can do nothing to make it better.
Your circumstances may be different—dispassion, divorce, death, illness, disability, finances, addiction, or something else entirely. We all go through unwanted seasons in our lives, which have the potential to consume us if we aren’t careful.
Why Embrace Gratitude?
As I watched my child suffer, it quickly became apparent this would be a long journey. Mental Illness wasn’t going to disappear. It was here to stay, and I needed to learn to persevere through circumstances beyond my control. I needed to face the journey head-on and learn to endure.
For me, gratitude became an unexpected lifeline. Instead of waiting for a big miracle or victory, I started acknowledging the small blessings and victories that appeared each day.
Life calls for us to live in the moment, especially in the midst of the unexpected. It helps to shift our mindset and find hope by simply looking around and noticing even the tiniest things to be thankful for. It could be the person who smiled at you, the room that’s not too cold, the kind person on the other end of the phone, or the friend who texted at precisely the right time.
No matter how small or large the blessing or accomplishment, we can declare victory and give thanks. #gratitude #blessings Share on X
A grateful heart offers countless benefits, regardless of our circumstances. But in times of struggle, it becomes even more crucial to persevere by choosing gratitude. So, are you ready to embrace thankfulness, even during challenging times? Let’s embark on this journey together, inspired by the power of gratitude.
10 Powerful Reasons to Embrace Gratitude
1. Grateful People Are Happier People
Have you ever noticed that happy people radiate a sense of thankfulness? Gratitude helps us find joy in the present moment by shifting our minds toward hope, even amidst life’s messiness.
“I don’t have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness – it’s right in front of me if I’m paying attention and practicing gratitude.”
–Brene Brown
Living with a grateful heart doesn’t mean we suddenly feel overjoyed while persevering through the mess of life. However, the more you focus on gratitude, the closer you will move toward happiness and isn’t that better than the alternative?
2. Boosts Physical Wellbeing
Gratitude is surprisingly good for our bodies. Studies show that a gratitude practice can improve sleep, reduce stress, increase energy, and even lower blood pressure. Practicing thankfulness can also serve as a preventative measure for physical ailments.
“I thank and praise you, God of my ancestors, for you have given me wisdom and strength.”
Daniel 2:23
3. Improves Emotional Health
Focusing on gratitude can act as a protective factor during times of stress. Thankfulness can reduce destructive emotions like envy, aggression, and resentment while increasing positive feelings and promoting resilience.
“Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.”
—Zig Ziglar
4. Enhances Relationships
People with grateful hearts are often likable and compassionate, leading to closer friendships. So, being thankful will increase your potential for gaining new relationships and strengthening the ones you have. A gratitude practice builds trust and empathy for others and helps us value our relationships, even when navigating difficult seasons.
Looking for what is good in others, not what is lacking, will strengthen the relationship. #good #relationship Share on X“At times, our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.”
—Albert Schweitzer

5. Fosters Contentment
Life’s challenges can often stir up feelings of discontent, making it easy to focus on what’s missing or wrong. However, learning to be content in all circumstances is crucial for perseverance. By counting our blessings, we can shift our attention from what’s lacking to what’s right, decreasing negativity and fostering a sense of peace and contentment.
“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.”
–Eckhart Tolle
6. Supports Recovery
Gratitude has benefits for both mental and physical recovery. Practicing gratitude, like keeping a journal, has been shown to reduce symptoms of depression and speed up recovery from bodily injury.
7. Helps Us Embrace the Wait
Waiting is difficult, but cultivating gratitude along the way can make it less exasperating. By counting our blessings, we can pass the time with a more positive outlook when we don’t yet have answers. For further insights on gratitude and waiting, read “How a Grateful Heart Helps You Embrace the Wait Well.”
When we count our blessings, we can shift our attention from what is lacking to what's lacking to what's right. Share on X8. Increases Hope
Gratitude lifts our spirits, helping us believe that things can get better. Focusing on even the smallest blessings in tough times can fuel a sense of hope, which is essential for perseverance.
9. Life Becomes More Meaningful
When gratitude becomes a habit, we begin to see beauty in our everyday lives. We recognize the worth of simple moments, and life feels richer, even amid the unexpected
“In ordinary life, we hardly realize that we receive a great deal more than we give and that it is only with gratitude that life becomes rich.”
—Dietrich Bonhoeffer
10. Deepens Our Bond with God
Perhaps the most powerful reason to practice gratitude is that it draws us closer to God. As we express our thankfulness to Him, we build trust, leading to more faith, hope, and love.
- Faith: Our faith and connection strengthen by remembering and thanking Jesus for His blessings.
- Hope: Expressing gratitude to God gives us hope for a brighter tomorrow. It reminds us that He can bring beauty out of ashes and keeps us from feeling overwhelmed by our current circumstances.
- Love: As we acknowledge our gratitude to God for loving us right where we are, it inspires us to spread love and kindness to those around us.
“Perhaps nothing helps us make the movement from our little selves to a larger world than remembering God in gratitude. Such a perspective puts God in view in all of life, not just in the moments we set aside for worship or spiritual disciplines. Not just in the moments when life seems easy.”
—Henri Nouwen

Embracing Gratitude in Every Season
Discovering the power of embracing gratitude and acknowledging it to Jesus has been life-changing. Counting my blessings became a daily practice that has helped me endure even the most daunting circumstances. I learned that even in the darkest times, gratitude can illuminate our path, showing us that we are never alone.
Let me challenge you if you haven’t made gratitude a habit. Join us in our 30 days of gratitude challenge during November, or start small and name three simple things you’re grateful for each day. I am confident that this simple action will profoundly affect your relationship with the Lord and your overall well-being.
What would you add to our ten powerful reasons to embrace gratitude? How has gratitude made a difference in your life?
Perhaps you now understand the importance of embracing gratitude, but you’re looking for guidance on how to begin. Tap to read “How to Embrace Gratitude in the Midst of the Unexpected.”
Embracing 30 Days of Gratitude
Discover how unlocking the power of thankfulness can help draw you closer to God and bring more joy into your life! Our 30-day gratitude workbook includes daily gratitude prompts, scriptures/quotes, and a place to record your thoughts. Our journal will be available free in November.

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Sadly, I don’t think we know what gratitude is until we’re pressed into being thankful in circumstances not of our choosing.
Michele, you are absolutely correct. What a profound statement! Thank you for sharing it. Maree
“Life calls for us to live in the moment, especially in the midst of the unexpected. It helps to shift our mindset and find hope by simply looking around and noticing even the tiniest things to be thankful for.” Amen! Cultivating gratitude impacted me in so many ways, but especially in connecting deeper with God. Thankful for you … 🙏💕
Donna, Thank you for sharing what stood out. I love knowing. I’m so glad gratitude helped you connect deeper with God. Amen! Maree
Gratitude truly changes the way we see the world! I really appreciate your insights here, Maree. Number Ten resonated with me today. Giving thanks always helps me connect with God!
Thank you, Stacey, for your encouraging comment. I agree that giving thanks always helps me connect to God and recognize even more than I initially saw. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Blessings, Maree
Thank you for sharing. So true. Praying the Lord gives me a grateful heart.
Arrica, I have no doubt God will give you a grateful heart. But of course, we have to choose to look for the gratitude. Happy Thanksgiving next week. Maree
Your list and each quote goes straight to the heart. Learning to live fully in the wait – you write, “Instead of waiting for a big miracle or victory,” – gratitude in the right now – God so blesses our trust and that gratitude is evidence of that trust during the wait. Thank you for the highlight – what I thought was going to be a 2-3 part series has taken me on quite a journey – I am thankful for today’s blessing you have given me! Shalom, my friend!
Thank you for your heartwarming comment. I’m so glad this post resonated with you. Counting my blessings during the wait has been truly life-giving. I am so glad you stopped by. Maree
It’s amazing just what gratitude does for our mental & spiritual health Maree.
For it’s lifts us up to a new heightened awareness of just how blessed we truly are!
Blessings to you sweet friend, Jennifer 😊
Yes, it makes a difference. I usually include it in my prayer time, but I particularly appreciate the concentrated focus during November.
Blessings to you too,