Maintaining a thankful heart can be challenging in today’s tumultuous world. Practicing gratitude can feel like an impossible task when faced with overwhelming circumstances. However, learning how to embrace gratitude in the midst of the unexpected will not only be helpful—it is essential to our well-being!
After all, we all know life has many trials on this side of Heaven.
Perhaps you aren’t in the middle of a trial today; however, we all know challenges are unavoidable. Why not start a gratitude practice now, regardless of your circumstances? After all, a thankful heart will serve as a lifeboat during a storm. As you build your toolbelt of gratitude and it becomes a way of life, please be sensitive to the hurt of others.
We Must Be Sensitive to Other’s Pain
On more than a few occasions, in my zest to uncover the blessings, I’ve seemed insensitive to the pain of others. Usually, I quickly move from tragedy to immediately scanning what is good amid unexpected hardship. However, others may need time to embrace the pain and gratitude on their own timeline. Listening and validating the hurt of others is the best practice. Yet, sharing our struggles and how we scan for blessings with others allows us to model how to embrace gratitude amid the unexpected. So don’t miss the opportunity while walking through a painful situation.
When We Model Gratitude in the Unexpected
My daughter Marie recently shared a moment that embodied pain and gratitude. In a conversation with a friend about her losses, struggles, and triumphs, she stopped mid-sentence and stated,
“I’m turning into my mom!”
Now, doesn’t that comment usually make your hair stand up? So slowly, I breathed deeply and braced myself for what was next.
Excitedly, Marie shared, “Mom, I could see the good smack dab in the middle of my awful circumstances.”
Marie explained that while sharing her intense pain with her friend, she searched the horizon for God’s hand and saw her blessings. I beamed with pride as I realized my daughter was learning to embrace pain with gratitude, and I could sense the joy in her voice.
Do keep in mind, though, that when I am the one to point out the blessings surrounding Marie’s challenging circumstances, I’m frequently met with anger and a request to stop pointing out what is good and allow her to sit in the hurt.
Pointing out someone else’s gratitude list can become an invalidating mess, adding to the hurt. #gratitude #unexpected Share on XDo you embrace the blessing with the pain?
The Pain Still Matters
Yes, I’ve been able to put a positive spin on my life circumstances in some of the most horrific conditions, but not for one minute does it discount the pain or the struggle. Over and over again, counting my blessings while trying to swim amid a storm has proven crucial to persevering well. What helped me the most was recognizing this truth—
Hardships and blessings can coexist—one will not cancel the other out. #blessings #unexpected Share on XYou may be thinking, but you don’t understand how bad it is in my situation, which is true. However, when a grateful heart is hard to muster, it is precisely the time we need it most. We can trust God will bring beauty out of everything to those who believe. Look for the good; it is there.

Embracing gratitude will not wipe away the pain; however, life will be a little sweeter and easier to endure when we combine the two.
Maree Dee
However, please don’t take my word for it; give it a try with these five steps below to help you find gratitude in the midst of the unexpected.
How to Embrace Gratitude in the Midst of the Unexpected
1. Begin with Jesus
Jesus’ sacrifice provides us with the perfect starting point to reveal the blessings present in our lives. Are we grateful for His sacrifice? How about our relationship with Him? Or the fact that He is always near?.
Letting Him know how we feel is the best place to start. If we ask Jesus to reveal the blessings present in our lives, He will. Remembering what He has done and what He has given us is a great place to launch.
2. Learn How to Live in the Moment
Being present is not an easy step. Our minds naturally shift back to what has already happened and forward to what might occur. But wait a moment. As soon as these thoughts appear, push them aside.
We don’t have to live in yesterday’s pain and the possibility of future pain in the present moment. The past suffering has already happened, and the impending misery is unknown—push it away.
Learning to live in the present moment is a beautiful experience that takes mindful practice.

3. Choose to Be a Gratitude Seeker.
It all starts with a choice. We must choose to adopt an attitude of gratitude and practice this mindset. Yes, even in the midst of the ugly and the hard.
The choice is ours, every moment of every day. We can choose to see what we have or what we lack. #gratitude Share on XIf you aren’t sure—click here to read – “Do You Have an “Attitude of Gratitude?”
Being grateful is a state of being and isn’t solely using the correct platitudes. Living with thankfulness is a mindset that takes practice. We can be seekers of what we have to be thankful for today. We can look around with new eyes and embrace gratitude. Try it right now; what items near you bring you thoughts of gratitude?
4. Join the Challenge
Take the challenge with us in November, Embracing 30 Days of Gratitude. Or download the workbook and complete it at any time. Of course, thirty days is not our ultimate goal, but it is an excellent start to a lifelong journey of being grateful. Plus, think of the fun we will have counting our blessings together. Click here for the details.
Embracing 30 Days of Gratitude
Discover how unlocking the power of thankfulness can help draw you closer to God and bring more joy into your life! Our 30-day gratitude workbook includes daily gratitude prompts, scriptures/quotes, and a place to record your thoughts. Our journal will be available free in November.

5. Journal Your Blessings in the Midst of Your Unexpected
What good has come out of your hardship? What qualities have been born in you? Journaling is a great way to get started listing out our blessings.
If you need a little help getting started, you can read my list in “Blessing in the Midst of my Child’s Mental Illness.” Every one of them still stands true today.
Learning how to embrace gratitude in the midst of the unexpected will not only be helpful—it is essential! Find out how to embrace gratitude with five steps. #gratitude Share on XChoose Gratitude
When we embrace gratitude in the midst of the unexpected, we experience the Lord’s joy and see our lives in a new light. It only takes a few moments every day to focus on our reasons to be grateful, and this will help us form a habit where we see blessings in everything. A heart of gratitude will make a difference in our lives, even when life turns upside down.
The Lord has done it this very day; let us rejoice today and be glad. (Psalm 118:24 NIV)
Join us on this journey and learn why embracing gratitude amid the unexpected will make a difference in your life – read our post—“10 Powerful Reasons to Embrace Gratitude, Even in Tough Times.”
How do you embrace gratitude in the midst of the unexpected?

The Most Popular Post in October 2023 | Grace & Truth Link-Up
Each month at Embracing the Unexpected, we take the time to recognize which post received the most clicks for our Grace & Truth Link-Up. Congratulations to Lynn and Paula for winning October’s most-read posts. Thank you, for sharing your wisdom with us.
Now for our Featured Posts
“Falling in Love With Fall – 5 Bible Verses For Fall to Reflect On” by Lynn J. Simpson
“Devotional | God’s Plan for Aging” by Paula Short
Don't miss our featured article for October 2023 for Grace & Truth Link-Up. #graceandtruth #featuredpost #graceandtruth #featuredpost Share on XIf you need the details and rules for our blog link-up, click here.
Love the moment your daughter realized she was becoming like you and it was a good aha! Wonderful wisdom to hold on to because it is all to easy to focus on the bad and become grumblers.
Thank you! Yes, it was a good moment with my daughter. You are so right it is easy to become a grumbler. I sure have had my moments. Maree
Maree, your daughter has had a beautiful role model for living well in the midst of pain. Learning to look for the blessings in the midst of the pain is an invaluable practice, especially when life falls apart around us. Thanks for putting together this gratitude challenge. I’m enjoying it!
Jeanne, I am so glad you have joined. It has been fun getting to know you through it. Maree
Amen, Maree! Speaking gratitude outloud has been an ongoing focus for me this year. It’s been a game changer, for sure.
It is a game-changer. I am glad you, too, find a gratitude practice helpful. Maree
Blessings to you too, Jennifer. I hope you have a great weekend. Maree
I’ve been trying to focus more on gratitude lately. Like you said, it can’t cancel the pain of a tough situation, but God’s hand can be seen in all situations. Love the story of your daughter—what a great testament to your Godly influence in her life.
Ashley – Thank you for your encouraging words. We have had to put into practice the “two things can be true” over the last few days, and God does shine brighter than the pain. Thank you for stopping by. Maree
I love the idea of adopting an attitude of gratitude. We need to be intentional about it. I need to be intentional about it! Thanks for the great, timely reminders!
Thanks for linking up at InstaEncouragements!
We all need to be intentional. Me too! By the way, you have inspired me to read the Bible in Chronological order. I love it. Happy Thanksgiving. Blessings, Maree
I think developing an attitude of gratitude does take practice – lots of it!! If we practice being thankful during the small struggles, we will have developed stronger gratitude muscles for the BIG struggles. Pain and blessing are not mutually exclusive…they can coexist. Great reminders across the board. Keeping a gratitude journal is a great tool for me. I think I will put your post down in it today (needed these reminders). We deal with mental illness in our family too and it’s a challenge to keep a grateful heart for the blessings.
Bev xx
Bev, I feel so honored you are adding this post to your gratitude journal. Thank you! You are a blessing to me today. Maree
Maree Dee thanks for sharing your wonderful series on the #LMMLinkup. I am embracing gratitude too this month.
I am so glad you are too. I went for a “Gratitude Walk” today, and I couldn’t stop thanking God for everything. I love November, don’t you? Blessings, Maree
Fantastic tips, Maree!! #1- begin with Jesus! That’s where gratitude really does start, isn’t it? What a wonderful reminder for this season! <3
Rachel, Thank you for your kind words. Yes, it all begins with Jesus. Maree
Love this gratitude challenge! It goes right along with my 30 Days of Thanks-Living Facebook Challenge I run each year. I think the more we pass this attitude of gratitude on, the more hope and joy we also pass on.
Yes, I love your 30 Days of Thanks-Living. I’m not 100% sure I signed up for it, I will double check. Maree
I’m with you on this gratitude challenge–working on it daily, Maree Dee! And what a wonderful thing to see in your daughter–your good spiritual influence on her life! Thanks for sharing and reminding us of how very much God uses our gratitude to grow our faith in Him! I’ll be pinning!
Thank you for your sweet note, encouragement, and sharing. I am glad you are doing the daily gratitude challenge. Maree
It’s not easy to choose gratitude every day, but it can certainly become a spiritual discipline (and it makes life so much sweeter when we focus on gratitude)!
Yes, gratitude keeps us going. Life would be miserable if we didn’t see the good. You are right it is not easy to choose it, but once you make a habit, it gets easier. Blessing to you my friend, Maree
I love this statement: “Hardships and blessings can exist at the same time – One will not cancel the other out.”
How often I think it is one or the other. Often, the hardship overtakes our thoughts and we miss seeing the blessings, but they are like stars — always there 🙂
Rebecca – I love what you said, “but they are like stars – always there.” Learning this has been a truth I hang on to in time of struggle. Blessings, Maree
I had to laugh at the “I’m turning into my mom!” comment. How many times did I think that? Now turning into my mom is my greatest aspiration! Thank you for pointing us towards gratitude.
Laurie – I would have to agree my mom is pretty fantastic too. Thank you for joining us here. Blessings to you. Maree
I love this very practical post and that you point out that “Hardships and blessings can exist at the same time – One will not cancel the other out.” I try to remember the quote “Everyday may not be good but there is something good in everyday” and I try to look for those things. I’m excited about your challenge and I love your printable packet. Count me in!
Laura – I am so glad we can count you in. I love the quote you left. Yes, every day holds something good in it. Thank you for sharing about Embracing 30 Days of Gratitude and your sweet remark about the printable packet. Blessings, Maree
Beautiful, Maree. Gratitude may not take away all the pain but it sure reminds me of the faithfulness of God, that He is good, and all He does is good. Blessings!
Joanne – Amen – God is good. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Maree
Yes, Maree, I do, and that’s how I’ve done it since 2012. I’m thinking of incorporating the practice into my regular journal in 2019, but still in the planning stages . . .
Michele, Thank you! Maree
Learning to become a “gratitude seeker” can be so easy to forget when “stuff” arises! Thank you for this reminder and for inspiring us to use this month to find ways to be grateful, every day. I’m visiting you from Fresh Market Friday today.
Patti – Yes, it can be easy to forget. However, once we start we begin seeing so much, we have to be grateful for. Blessings, Maree
More gratitude. That’s what our hearts need. Thanks for leading this challenge, Marie. It couldn’t have come at a better time.
Tiffiney – Thank you – I am so glad the timing is right. Maree
“Hardships and blessings can exist at the same time – One will not cancel the other out” I love this… probably because a) it’s true! & b) it reminds me of a tenet I hold very dear: “joy can exist in the heart of sorrow”. I just remember my sister being in hospital for 3 months and how many tears of both laughter and pain we shared together on that bed! (Sometimes within minutes of each other!)
Emily, I am so glad you shared about your sister and the tenet you hold close to your heart. I think half the battle is realizing it is okay to have joy even when sorrow exists. I love that the two of you shared laughter and pain within minutes. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Maree
Keeping an open eye and a grateful heart for all the blessings changes how we see life, and keeps our hearts filled with joy. Great idea! Sharing
Debra – Thank you for sharing! Yes, I agree gratitude helps keeps our hearts filled with joy. Maree
My attitude has been terrible today. Thanks for this in your face reminder to me about all of the things I have for which to be grateful. I hope my children will one day make those same statements about me. #MomentsofHope
I hope today has started better for you. I know for me sometimes a good nights sleep does wonder for my attitude. We all need a little reminder once in a while.
I love November for this very reason! Keeping a gratitude journal has been life changing for me!
Michele – Do you have a separate journal just for gratitude? Maybe I should try that. I combine in it with my journal to God. Each day I start with thankfulness. Well, that is if I haven’t skipped my quiet time.
Love this, Maree. “Embracing gratitude will not wipe away the pain, however, when we combine the two life is a little sweeter and easier to endure.” So true. I am one of those people who usually sees the positive, and tries to find the positive for others. And when I need help, I call my sister and she is always able to find something positive I did not see before. And soon we are laughing about the whole crazy problem and in the end I feel so much better. And then she gets stuck, and see calls me. And all that laughter is so helpful. It doesn’t erase the pain or problem, but it sure makes it easier to endure and shines a new perspective on the situation.
Theresa – I love that you can call your sister to help see the positive. How nice to have someone with the same attitude. Maree
Thank you for such a practical advice on being grateful! I think we all know out the importance of gratitude, but how often we forget to practice it in our everyday life. Thank you for the reminder!
Galina – Yes, you are so right we often forget to practice it. I know I do. Thank you for adding your thoughts to our conversation. Maree
“Hardships and blessings can exist at the same time – One will not cancel the other out.” Yes! Beautifully expressed!
Sharla – Thank you for stopping by. The truth you mentioned has been my life-saver. I hope you have a wonderful day. Maree
I loved what you said here, “Yes, I have been known to put a positive spin on some of the most horrific conditions but not for one minute does it discount the pain or the struggle. Gratitude helps me do this.” And your 30 days of gratitude sound lovely — I’m going to look into that!
Bethany – I have learned to pause and validate other peoples pain. They don’t always appreciate my positive outlook right at the get-go. I hope you join us for the 30 days. I love November!!! Blessings, Maree
Gratitude is something I am definitely working to cultivate during a tough season. Thank you. laurensparks.net
I know for me, November is my favorite month of the year. I love turning my mind towards gratitude. Now to keep it going all year long, Blessings, Maree