Discover on Maree Dee | Embracing the Unexpected—the best of the 2022 second quarter. We have highlighted the top-viewed articles, a blog post with the most comments, and more.
Embracing the Unexpected | The Best of the 2022 Second Quarter
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It means the world to me when you stop by. Maree Dee
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Do you ever feel ill-equipped to help someone that is struggling to cope? If the person appears to have mental health challenges, do you politely back away or pretend you don’t notice? Did you know there is always one thing everyone can offer someone with a mental illness?

Are you one that jumps right in to help others when you see they have a need? After all, doesn’t God call us to care for others? However, do you ever consider that perhaps you are overdoing the assistance, and your support might be what hinders the other person from getting better? Maybe, there is a better way to share the burden with a loved one.
A Favorite of Mine

When the life you planned takes an unforeseen turn, are you filled with fear and left to wonder if you have what it takes to persevere? Perhaps you are in the middle of unanticipated circumstances, desperately trying to hang on. Do you know that God’s grace is enough in the midst of the unexpected? Discover how the Lord’s favor will help you move forward with strength and confidence.
Most Comments During 2022 Second Quarter
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How do you move forward when life suddenly takes a turn, and your future is not what you expected? Perhaps an unexpected loss has dismantled the life you love. Discover today how to let go and embrace an unknown future.
Articles Shared the Most 2022 Second Quarter
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We often carry false beliefs about mental illness that add to the stigma, struggle, and suffering. Perhaps you hold a few of the ideas I once believed. Let’s strike down those false beliefs. Will you join me and step up and help with Mental Health Awareness?
Find out what sparked interest at Maree Dee | Embracing the Unexpected during the 2022 second quarter. Discover the top-viewed article, featured post, and more. #bestofthequarter #bestposts #embracingtheunexpected #mareedeee Share on XFavorites on Social Media
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Has your life taken an unexpected turn and left you wondering if you have what it takes to move forward? One of the best ways to persevere is to draw close to God. However, sometimes we need a little help. Our workbook, “How to Embrace a New Way of Life in the Unknown,” aims to help you draw closer to God through challenges, inspiration, and encouragement over thirty days.

All-Time Favorite Posts

Embracing the Unexpected Community
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Embracing Faith & Mental Illness Community
Embracing Faith & Mental Illness is a Christ-centered online community for people who care for someone with a mental illness. We have four unique ways for caregivers to participate. You choose what works best for you.
Click here to discover four unique ways for caregivers to participate.

Wait, Don’t Leave Yet!
What was the best of the 2022 second quarter for you? I would love to know. Did you accomplish something, take a trip, or learn something new? What unexpected joy or struggle did you discover? #mareedee #embracingtheunexpected… Share on XGrace & Truth Christian Link-Up
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You’ve had a busy quarter Maree ☺️ I loved reading your guest posts this past quarter.
Bless you sweet friend, Jennifer 💖
Thank you, Jennifer, for stopping by and for your kind words. May you have a blessed weekend. Maree