Explore our collection of the best posts of the 2023 first quarter for Embracing the Unexpected. These blog posts are absolute gems, from goal setting, growing older, and drawing closer to Jesus! Plus, we have our most popular article in March for our Grace & Truth Link-Up.
Check out our latest post for a showcase of the top blogs of Q1 2023! #BestBlogPosts #Q1Highlights #BloggingGems #MustReads#bestofthequarter #bestposts #embracingtheunexpected #mareedeee Share on XEmbracing the Unexpected | The Best Posts of the 2023 First Quarter
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Do you desire to walk nearer to the Lord? Have you made it your life goal? I share 12 Bible verses in this article to help you draw closer to God, along with a free printout.
Most Comments During 2023 First Quarter
Thank you for all of your great comments! Your engagement and support mean the world to me. I love reading your thoughts and feedback on our posts. Please, let’s keep the conversations going!

Article Shared the Most 2023 First Quarter
Big shoutout to all our amazing followers for sharing our blog posts! Your support means the world to me! I love spreading knowledge and inspiration through our blogs, and it’s all thanks to your support!

This Easter and beyond, will you step back and focus on deepening your connection with Jesus? After all, Spring is a time of new beginnings. We can come together to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus and the power of His love. Amidst the excitement, it is easy to get caught up in the festivities and forget to reflect on the true meaning. So, let’s dive in and discover five ways to take one step closer to Jesus this Easter and rediscover unbelievable joy.
A Favorite of Mine

Do you love the invigorating energy of putting your all into striving for a goal and the grand feeling of victory when accomplished? There is nothing like it. However, do you skip the most critical part and fail to know where God wants you to grow? Let’s change that today.
Favorites on Social Media

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The Most Popular Posts in March 2023 | Grace & Truth Link-Up
Each month at Embracing the Unexpected, we look back at the previous month to see which blog posts received the most clicks. Last month we had a tie for the most popular article. is from Susan Sikes, who blogs at Home With Grace And Joy. She shares many tips on how to have a more productive year.
My favorite tip is to start my morning with the Lord and use affirmations. I would love to know which one you might add to your new year.
Now for our Featured Posts
“What Makes a Blog Post Popular?” by Jennifer
“Do You See Growing Older as a Gift or Misfortune?” by Maree Dee
Don't miss our featured articles for March 2023 for Grace & Truth Link-Up. #graceandtruth #featuredpost #graceandtruth #featuredpost Share on X
Grace & Truth Christian Link-Up
If you need the details and rules for our blog link-up, click here.
Wait, Don’t Leave Yet!
What was the best of the 2023 first quarter for you? What unexpected joy or struggle did you discover? #mareedee #embracingtheunexpected #firstquarter2023 #joy #struggle Share on X
All-Time Favorite Posts

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Embracing Faith & Mental Illness Community
Embracing Faith & Mental Illness is a Christ-centered online community for people who care for someone with a mental illness. We have four unique ways for caregivers to participate. You choose what works best for you.
Click here to discover four unique ways for caregivers to participate.

Thank you for featuring my post Maree, such an honour!
Blessings, Jennifer
You are so welcome. Thank you for writing such an inspiring post to share with all of us. Maree