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Find out what sparked interest at Maree Dee | Embracing the Unexpected for the second quarter of 2020. Discover the top viewed article, featured posts, and more. #bestofthequater #embracingtheunexpected Share on X
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Maree Dee | Embracing the Unexpected
Second Quarter 2020
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Do you think people can flourish when faced with uncertainty? I have experienced it. Although, it may not feel like we are thriving every single second as we muddle through our unwanted circumstances. However, when we choose where to put our focus, it becomes a possibility. Do you want to know how to thrive in the midst of the unexpected?
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Maree Dee | Embracing the Unexpected
Second Quarter 2020
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What happens when you find yourself not in control over your circumstances? Do you frantically start trying to dominate whatever you can? Maybe you dig your heels in and refuse to accept reality, thinking somehow this method will make a difference. Perhaps, there is a better way.
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Maree Dee | Embracing the Unexpected
Second Quarter 2020
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Do you struggle today to find words to speak? The suffering in our world is overwhelming, not to mention many of us have pain in our own little universe. Maybe like me, you are stunned by the injustice in our society, and your heart aches for the numerous lives lost not only to wrongdoing but also to illness. We are a nation that is hurting! There is a need to be bold and compassionate, but maybe we are not quite ready to be brave.
Top Viewed Grace & Truth Link-Up Post
Maree Dee | Embracing the Unexpected
Second Quarter 2020

In the middle of all of our world’s uncertainty, do you find yourself feeling like you aren’t doing enough? Perhaps, you want to do something – but can’t quite figure out how to help. Some of us will spend our time searching for the perfect way to contribute and end up doing nothing. And yet the answer is so simple.
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One of My Favorites
Maree Dee | Embracing the Unexpected
Second Quarter 2020
Are you gripping so tight to your plans that you’re not allowing God to work out His purpose for your life? You are not alone. I have been there all too often. Sometimes we refuse to loosen our grip because it feels like giving up. Perhaps it is time to surrender your unfulfilled expectations to God.
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Maree Dee | Embracing the Unexpected
Second Quarter 2020
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Maree Dee | Embracing the Unexpected
Second Quarter 2020
Maree Was Published
Recently I had the honor of being a published devotional contributor – a journal project with Devotable. You will find my devotion on week 22. Click the picture if you would like to purchase.
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