Find out what sparked interest at Maree Dee | Embracing the Unexpected for the third quarter of 2019. Discover the top viewed article, featured posts, and more.
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Top Viewed
Third Quarter 2019
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Is There More to Being Still?
Have you mastered being still with God, or are you a perpetual work in progress in this area like me? We may know, understand, and even experience the benefits, and yet we struggle to quiet ourselves long enough to hear what God has to say. What if we reminded ourselves, that there is so much more to being still with our Lord than what we could ever comprehend?
Article with the Most Comments
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Are You Sick and Tired of Being Busy?
Is your to-do list long, where it would take a full staff to get to the bottom of it by year-end? Does it feel as if you are gasping for air as everyone around you pulls so tightly? Which leads me to the question – Are you sick and tired of being busy? Perhaps you have the “Busy Disease.”
Favorites on Instagram
Third Quarter 2019
Top Viewed Grace & Truth Link-Up Post
Third Quarter 2019
What’s at the Heart of Your Disappointment? – Grace & Truth Link-Up
We all know life can be discouraging at times. But do you sometimes get stuck in a deep hole of defeat and don’t know how to climb out? The more you try, the worse you feel. Maybe the answer to feeling better is to cease climbing and dig a little deeper to find the heart of your disappointment. Will you try it with me?
One of My Favorites
Third Quarter 2019
When you are Not a Professional in Suicide Prevention
Do you think talking about suicide feels a little bit scary and uncomfortable? You are not alone! After all, most of us are not professionals in suicide prevention. We wonder – “What if we say the wrong thing?” “What if our words make the situation worse?”
Maree Dee’s Posts Featured on Other Blogs
Third Quarter 2019
On some Blog link-ups, the host will select an article to feature on their website.
It is a great honor when a post is chosen to be featured.

What was your favorite post for the third quarter of 2019 at Maree Dee | Embracing the Unexpected? #bestofthequarter #favorite #blogpost Share on X
All-Time Favorite Posts on Embracing the Unexpected
Updated Quarterly
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Join the Challenge
It all begins on November 1st.
On the first of November, all subscribers will receive a 2019 – Embracing 30 Days of Gratitude workbook. If you are not on our email list subscribe today by clicking here
For more information on how to participate in our gratitude challenge – click here.
Find out what sparked interest at Maree Dee | Embracing the Unexpected for the third quarter of 2019. Discover the top viewed article, featured posts, and more. #bestofthequater Share on X
I especially love the “Let’s Officially Meet” Instagram post!!! 🙂
Thanks for linking up at InstaEncouragemtns!
Ah, thank you! I hope you are having a fabulous day! Blessings, Maree
I love the way you decide what to feature here in your recap post.
Michele – Thank you!!