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Find out what sparked interest at Maree Dee | Embracing the Unexpected for the third quarter of 2020. Discover the top viewed article, featured post, and more. #bestofthequarter #bestposts #embracingtheunexpected #mareedeee Share on X
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Maree Dee | Embracing the Unexpected
Third Quarter 2020
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How many of you have done something for someone else when you intuitively knew it was not in your best interest? However, you did it anyway because you felt enormous guilt. Perhaps looking at this topic with a new set of eyes might be helpful. After all, this emotion can appear in many forms, and it might surprise you how much it influences your decisions.
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Maree Dee | Embracing the Unexpected
Third Quarter 2020
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Do you want to stop feeling entrapped by guilt and start living a life of freedom? Maybe you are that supermom who has worn the title for too long, and now you want to let it go. Or perhaps you were always the dependable one, and now you want someone else to step up. Find out today how to focus on breaking free from guilt.
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Third Quarter 2020
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Are you willing to have a difficult conversation? What about when it comes to someone contemplating taking their own life? Maybe it feels too scary and awkward, so you remain silent. However, to keep the people we know safe, we must learn how to have these challenging dialogues. Knowing what to look for and what steps to take is crucial., I have no doubt – Together, we will help prevent suicide.
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Grace & Truth Link-Up Post
Maree Dee | Embracing the Unexpected
Third Quarter 2020
We all tend to be living in a time of uncertainty. How are you managing through it? One way I get through is to embrace the unexpected with powerful scripture. Do you have a few verses that you keep close to your heart? Free Printable.
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Maree Dee | Embracing the Unexpected
Third Quarter 2020
When it comes to suicide, we hold onto so many untrue thoughts. Some we have picked up over time, and others we have made up in our minds. Today, let’s learn the truth about suicide by squashing a few myths. Kayla Stoecklein is a brave friend of mine and our guest today. She will share an excerpt from her new book, Fear Gone Wild.
What was your favorite blog post for the third quarter of 2020 at Maree Dee | Embracing the Unexpected? #bestofthequarter #favorite #blogpost
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Third Quarter 2020
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Maree Dee | Embracing the Unexpected
Third Quarter 2020
Maree Was Published
Recently I had the honor of being a published devotional contributor – a journal project with Devotable. You will find my devotion on week 22. Click the picture if you would like to purchase.
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Please share with us an unexpected blessing you discovered in the third quarter of 2020?
A great way of reflecting on the last three months, and congratulations on being published in the prayer devotional!
Sharon, Thank you for your encouragement. It means the world to me. Maree
These are all great topics! And articles! Congratulations on your devotional!
Thank you for stopping by to take a look at the top posts from the third quarter. Mareee
As I rrad, it occurred to me how often God uses the really hard things we experience to teach us so we can be helpful to others. I love the categories you used to measure your quarter.
It is so true. Once we have experienced hard circumstances, it teaches us what others might need. Thank you for stopping by. I hope you have a fantastic weekend. Maree
Some powerful posts there Maree!
An unexpected blessing for me has been home delivered groceries! I know that may seem simple to some but with existing autoimmune conditions going to the supermarket in these times of a pandemic is an absolute nightmare.
But ordering online & having them delivered to our door contractless is truly a sweet blessing.
Bless you,
Thank you for your encouraging words.
I love the blessing you found with home-delivered groceries, and it keeps you safer. In our area, I order and pick them up. It works pretty well. They bring them to the car. Maree