Photo by Maree Dee

Discover on Maree Dee | Embracing the Unexpected—the best of the 2021 fourth quarter. We have highlighted the top viewed article, a blog post with the most comments, and more.

Embracing the Unexpected | The Best of the 2021 Fourth Quarter

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What if you could help reduce stress during the holidays for loved ones who struggle with a mental illness. Would you be willing to try? I believe it is possible with a little bit of understanding, planning, and a few actions.

A Favorite of Mine 

Woman in a field | Are you tired of waiting for a miracle and growing weary in the meantime? Discover four ways toward a new outlook.
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Are you tired of waiting for a miracle and growing weary in the meantime? Have you given up hope that God even hears your prayers or cares to answer them? Let’s face it; waiting is hard work. Discover four ways toward a new outlook in this article. 

Most Comments During 2021 Fourth Quarter

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Waiting is inevitable. We will all wait for something in our lives. Sometimes it will be excruciatingly painful, like waiting on God to grant a miracle, answer a prayer, or let us know He is near. And other times, waiting will solely be a bother. However, knowing how to embrace the delay well is critical—discover ten approaches today. 

Woman looking out the window |
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Have you ever found yourself watching someone unable or unwilling to stand up and meet their challenges? You try everything to assist, but they refuse to reach up for what you have to offer. As the pain and frustration rise, you ponder giving up. After all, how do you help in the wait when your loved one won‘t fight their battle.

Article Shared the Most 2021 Fourth Quarter

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Woman looking up Are you waiting for something right now? Today, find out how to stop the worry in the wait before it robs you of your joy and strength.
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Are you waiting for something right now? Perhaps, a job, a prodigal child to return, healing, or a relationship to restore. If so, have you discovered that distress intensifies while waiting? Today, find out how to stop the worry in the wait before it robs you of your joy and strength.

Find out what sparked interest at Maree Dee | Embracing the Unexpected during the 2021 fourth quarter. Discover the top-viewed article, featured post, and more. #bestofthequarter #bestposts #embracingtheunexpected #mareedeee Share on X

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Current Gift

Goal Setting: Choose the Most Important One First

Are you struggling to identify your life’s most important goal? The “Embracing Goals” workbook helps you prioritize a spiritual journey that leads to transformation. Say goodbye to failed resolutions and embrace personal growth with God at the center of your life. Commit, persevere, and align with His will to unlock unexpected success.

This booklet is available for purchase in our store.

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Find out the best of the first quarter in 2021 at Embracing the Unexpected. Read the top viewed article, featured post, and more..
Find out the best of the first quarter in 2021 at Embracing the Unexpected. Read the top viewed article, featured post, and more.
Find out the best of the first quarter in 2021 at Embracing the Unexpected. Read the top viewed article, featured post, and more.
Find out the best of the first quarter in 2021 at Embracing the Unexpected. Read the top viewed article, featured post, and more.
Find out the best of the first quarter in 2021 at Embracing the Unexpected. Read the top viewed article, featured post, and more..

Embracing Faith & Mental Illness Community

Embracing Faith & Mental Illness is a Christ-centered online community for people who care for someone with a mental illness. We have four unique ways for caregivers to participate. You choose what works best for you.

Click here to discover four unique ways for caregivers to participate.

Wait, Don’t Leave Yet!

What was the best of the 2021 fourth quarter for you? I would love to know. Did you accomplish something, take a trip, or learn something new? What unexpected joy or struggle did you discover? #mareedee #embracingtheunexpected… Share on X

Upcoming Talk: When Your Loved One Has a Mental Illness Is Change Possible?

Feeling stuck, discouraged, or unsure if things can ever improve? This talk is for you. Maree Dee, Founder of Embracing Faith & Mental Illness, invites you to explore:

  • Practical tools to help you move forward with renewed hope.
  • Steps to take when progress feels out of reach.
  • Small changes can lead to meaningful breakthroughs.

Join us for this inspiring session via Zoom on Saturday, March 1, 2025, at 9:00 AM (Mountain Time).

Click here to enter our current Grace & Truth Christian Link-up and If you need the details and rules, click here. Join us next week on Embracing the Unexpected to discover our featured post.  

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  1. thanks for sharing a selection of your ‘greatest hits,’ Maree. it’s always a treat to see all the goodies gathered together!

    have a great weekend, friend.