Find out which articles sparked interest at “Embracing the Unexpected” for the first quarter of 2019. Below you will discover the top viewed, shared, most comments, and featured posts.
Click the picture to take you to the selected post.
Top Viewed & Shared Posts
First Quarter 2019
Thank you for taking the time to share posts from “Embracing the Unexpected” with others. It means the world to us.
Number One
Finding Faith, Hope, and Love in the Unexpected
We all want faith, hope, and love in our lives. However, when you are living smack dab in the midst of the unexpected, these three things become crucial. Although it may feel impossible at times – finding faith, hope, and love must be our mission right from the start.
Number Two
How to Change Things Up When You Pray
Has your prayer time with God become a little dull or repetitive? Maybe it seems as if all you do is go to God with request after request. Today we are going to look at a few new ideas on – How to change things up when you pray.
Blog Post with the Most Comments
First Quarter 2019
Your encouraging words and thoughts are always noticed and appreciated.
Thank you for taking the time to comment and share our posts.

When You Fail at Self-Care
Are you good at taking care of yourself? We know it is essential and yet it seems to be the thing we push aside more often than we care to admit. This week was one of those weeks, and I had a BIG fail at self-care. Hopefully, you won’t make the same mistake.
One of My Favorites
First Quarter 2019
How to Trust God in the Unexpected
When life turns upside down, and you have nowhere to turn BUT GOD, sometimes trusting Him may be easier. However, as the dust settles and we are left to live with painful circumstances which leave us tired and overwhelmed, trusting God might get harder. How will you continue to trust God in the unexpected?
Maree Dee’s Posts Featured on Other Blogs
First Quarter 2019
On some Blog link-ups, the host will select an article to feature on their website. It is a great honor and source of encouragement when a post is chosen to be featured.
(Click the picture to take you to the selected featured article.)

Exciting News
Maree Dee has been published in this brand new book.

All-Time Favorite Posts on Embracing the Unexpected
Updated Quarterly
Embracing the Unexpected Community
Maree Dee would personally like to invite you to join our online communities.

Embracing Life Together Is Better!
A Free Gift For You
Download your gift today! This powerful prayer packet includes a worksheet for using the prayer acronym T.R.U.S.T. and more.
What a cool idea!
Thank you! It is fun to look back. Maree
This is a great idea, Maree Dee! Thanks for highlighting the posts that are resonating with your readers. I’ll be sure to check them all out! Pinning, my friend!
Beth – Thank you for sharing and checking out my posts. Blessings, Maree
Sounds like it’s been a great first quarter! I love the TRUST acronym, and congratulations on being included in the book!
Thank you! Your comment means the world to me.
Congratulations on all the good! You’ve had a fulfilling and exciting quarter!
Thank you! Blessings to you, Maree
I lvoe your quarter in review. It’s a great way to look back to see how far you have come.
Thank you for stopping by. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Maree