Life has its bumps, and at some point, we all will brush up against the jaggedness of pain and loss. Maybe you are there right now, wondering how to endure life with a broken heart, especially during the holidays. Or perhaps you know someone who could use a little healing at this time of year. Find out how to start healing from a broken heart and begin living life as God intended.
A Beautiful Book
Patsy Burnette wrote a beautiful book, “The Heart That Heals,” and I want to introduce you to it. Through her own tragic story of loss, she learned the true meaning of being still with God and what it can offer you. She wants us to encounter the same healing she found and then for us to pass it on to others.
Her story dates back to December 12, 1987, when she first heard the tragic words about her sister that no one wants to hear, “Ginger is dead.” She has been on a quest to heal her broken heart ever since. She has found the pathway to healing. Patsy now offers that to each of us through the pages of her book.
This book is not only packed with wise words and insightful scripture, but it is beautiful to hold and display. It is like a treat to sit down with God and read through the pages as you listen for His voice in what he wants you to learn. At the end of each chapter, you will find space to reflect and apply. Plus, a bonus of beautiful scripture pages to color and even a place for notes in the margin.
As you read, “The Heart That Heals.” you will find yourself drawing closer to Jesus. It opens your eyes to how blessed we are to have a Savior who loves us, understands our pain, and never leaves us. Share on X
My Treasures from “A Heart That Heals” by Patsy Burnette
It isn’t often I would give a book a 10 out of 10, although this time I will. There were so many treasures tucked away in the pages of this book. Here are a few that settled in my soul.
Our Lord is a God of Comfort
It is crucial to keep sitting at God’s feet and taking in His love and kindness. Sometimes we feel so alone in our pain as if no one can comprehend our loss. However, this is not true – our Lord understands our pain. He, too, endured great pain here on earth.
“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Psalm 147:3
Do you want to offer comfort to someone else? We can’t begin to support others well if we don’t first let God offer us compassion. After all, we can’t give out what we haven’t received.
Sitting still with God is imperative to finding comfort and being able to offer it to others. Share on X
We Need God All of the Time
We must keep our eyes, mind, and heart on Jesus. To do this, we must spend time with Him. It is the answer to our everyday life and to persevere well with or without a broken heart.
“Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” James 4:8 (NASB)

“God can do more through a person who realizes that they cannot do it without His help than He can through a person who thinks they can handle life on their own.” Patsy Burnette.
God’s Goals Not Mine
Patsy uses a fantastic illustration in Chapter 3 of two girls with different goals and purposes. I don’t want to give the story away, but oh, how it resonated with me. It made me think of all the times I have set out with a great plan, which ended up in failure because I had a different goal than God. Over and over again, when I fail to follow His purpose and goals for my life, things don’t turn out well.
How many times do you set out with a good plan that seems right and yet it isn't what God has in mind? Share on X
I want God to use me, don’t you? We must remember – “God uses people who cannot do it alone. He uses the weak, the broken, the people in need like you and me.” Patsy Burnette.
Yes, “The Heart that Heals” is a book about healing our brokenness. However, don’t fool yourself; we are all fractured in some way. This book will help you draw near to God, prepare for what is yet to come, and embrace the painful seasons you have encountered. You will not only learn how to endure life with a broken heart but how to thrive and heal in the midst of it. Patsy will point you to the only One who can heal a broken heart – Our Lord.
Enter the Giveaway
A Copy of “The Heart That Heals.”
Patsy Burnette has a kind and generous heart and has gifted me with a book to giveaway to a lucky winner in a drawing. Follow the direction below to enter our drawing to win a free book. I, too, will offer a book to another person who enters our giveaway.
Only residents of the United States are eligible to win. Winners will be announced on Tuesday, December 17th, on this blog post and by email. However, I wouldn’t wait for the chance to win a free book. It is a great book to start reading today. If you win the free book, it will make an excellent gift for someone else.
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My book will come in a day or two and you’ve just confirmed that it will help with the very purpose for which I bought it. I entered the give away to give one to my sister and my bff too, because I was already thinking about it anyway! Thank you for your review.
Valerie, I am so glad you found the review helpful. Hopefully, you will love the book as much as I do. Maree
It sounds like a wonderful book and a great resource for all of us to keep our hearts in tune with God.
Thank you so much, Maree!!! It went very well with the GriefShare group. They were much more of a blessing to me than I could have ever been to them. GriefShare is an amazing ministry that I knew nothing about until recently. I would highly recommend it to anyone who is grieving. It’s easy to find a meeting near you from their site. Thank you for your prayers! I too am glad our paths have crossed!
I too have heard wonderful things about GriefShare. We offer it at our church. I am so glad it went well. Maree
Sounds worthy and needed, Thanks to you both.
Thank you for stopping by. It definitely was worthy and needed. Maree
Sounds a beautiful & encouraging book Maree, sadly I’m out of the eligibility range living here in Australia.
Thank you for your review though!
Bless you,
Jennifer – I am so sorry you are out of the range. Next time, I will look into doing a Kindle version for those out of the U.S. Yes, the book was fantastic. Maree
For some reason, tragic and hurtful things often happen at the holidays, and if not, the holidays can be bittersweet times for those who have lost someone near and dear. Sounds like a beautiful book that would be a balm to every hurting heart. Grief and joy can coexist and God can heal even the most wounded heart.
Bev xx
ps. Read a past post and loved the idea of the Jesus stocking!
Bev, Yes, it is a beautiful book even if you are not hurting. I learned so much, and it has inspired me to start a new series on letting go in the new year.
Yes, I love our Jesus stocking. But even a jar would work great.
I read and reviewed the book as well. It is a beautiful and encouraging book. We all have healing which needs to occur in our hearts and Patsy points us to the only One who can bring that healing. Blessings!
I agree Patsy points us right to where we need to go. I will have to hop on over to your website and search for your review. I would love to hear what your takeaways were. Maree
Thank you so much for this, Maree. 🙂 This is beautiful, and you couldn’t have posted it at a better time. God’s timing is always so AMAZING!!! Tonight, I have an opportunity to speak to a local GriefShare group on how to survive the holidays. I covet your prayers for this! I am praying that the peace of God would be made manifest in the hearts of these dear people and that they will see Him through my words. Thank you for the book review!
I hope your talk went well tonight. Earlier today, I saw your message and prayed. I have no doubt you were a great comfort, encourager, and you pointed them to God. It’s who you are.
Yes, God’s timing is amazing. When I pulled out your book to write the review, I noticed the anniversary of your sister’s death is coming up. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
I am so glad you wrote “The Heart That Heals.” But even more thankful our paths have crossed.