We all feel overwhelmed from time to time with our circumstances, and it makes perfect sense. You know when life is unbearable, and the challenges are enormous. But what about feeling overwhelmed when it doesn’t make sense?
On one particular afternoon, I shuffled into a small group, late once again. Tears were brimming in my eyes, ready to run down my cheeks. I plopped down into my chair as if I had not sat all day, and then someone asked, “How are you?” Without much thought, I replied, “ I AM OVERWHELMED.”
As soon as the words fell out of my mouth, I wanted to take them back because it didn’t make any sense. I had been through much worse and seen darker days, so why would I be so bewildered?
When others around us are dealing with unthinkable circumstances - Do we have the right to be overwhelmed? Share on X
Then my sweet friend, Sandy, asked, “How we can pray for you?” Reluctantly, I began listing off one by one how they could join me in praying for those who were on my heart. Plus I added a few of my unique struggles.
As Sandy ferociously started writing. I kept talking. In between my requests, I would repeat, “I just don’t know why I am overwhelmed; I have been through much worse.” Finally, she stopped writing and dropped her pen with a thud.
Sandy looked straight into my eyes, and boldly said, “Maree, I have been writing nonstop, and I can’t keep up.” “Of course, you are overwhelmed; anybody would be.”
I heard Sandy’s words, but convincing myself I had the right to feel overwhelmed was tough.
So I uttered, “I have been through so much more; these things SHOULD not get to me.”

Warning! The minute you hear “should” or “shouldn’t” in your vocabulary, all alarms should go off. It is an indicator you have started judging, and most likely, your words will not benefit anyone, including yourself.
Don’t you agree you can be your own worst critic?
But you see, my sweet friend had permitted me to be overwhelmed with my concerns. So if she thought they were valid then maybe there was little validity in me feeling the way I did.
Maybe today, you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, and it doesn’t make sense. If so, please take some time to answer the following questions.
When Overwhelmed Doesn’t Make Sense, Ask Yourself
1. Am I sitting still with GOD on a regular basis?
If yes, are you taking in the full meaning of what it means to sit with God? If you missed our previous post, “Is There More to“Being Still?” click here. Being still includes letting go and surrendering it all to God.
Quite honestly, sometimes when circumstances are beyond our control, it is easier to trust and give it to God. In those particular moments, we know, without a doubt, we are helpless and need Him.
2. Am I carrying a load which God never intended for me?
Sometimes we are overwhelmed by our own doing. We have picked up burdens that God never intended for us. In one of my favorite books – “Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World,” Joanna Weaver tells a story about a man pulling a wagon up the hill. His cart becomes cumbersome and overloaded by his own doing. It is a story I carry with me, and I hope you will too. Click here to read it.
3. Have I lost my perspective?
Sometimes we need to pull back and see the entire picture. Maybe one thing is little but combined with many things; it is overwhelming.
4. Am I allowing others to speak into my life?
5. Am I taking good care of myself?
Are you resting along the journey? Taking time to pause, restore, and refresh? Even Jesus took time to refuel.
After pondering the words of my friend and what it means to be still, it wasn’t so surprising that I felt overwhelmed.
All morning I had been rushing around. I had skipped my time with God as well as the many days leading up to today. My perspective was so off because I was busy comparing my past to my present. I needed a new set of eyes to shine in on my life.
Most importantly, I had missed the part of letting go and surrendering to God. So I took out a piece of paper just like my friend, Sandy, had done and wrote down what I needed to give back to God. As I wrote, I saw that the little things added up to needing a GREAT BIG GOD.
“The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Exodus 14:14
Yes, when people around us are hurting and in need, we want to be there for them. But we are not responsible for everyone’s happiness, safety, or salvation.
Are you pulling a load God didn’t intend for you to carry?
I had been holding tight as if I was in control. Thank goodness I had a friend willing to point out the obvious –
My feelings did make sense.
Do you ever judge yourself whether you “SHOULD” be overwhelmed? Share on X

Excellent advice, Maree! I learned about the ‘should word’ when my daughter was going through a deep depression. Ever since then, I work hard at removing that word from my vocabulary. It’s not easy, but it’s important!
Yes, I agree. Thank you for stopping by. Maree
I loved this post! And I can totally relate to this. Your five questions are fantastic- a helpful way to assess why you’re feeling overwhelmed. So much truth here!
Katie – Thank you for stopping by and adding your encouraging words here. I hope you have a blessed weekend. Maree
Your 5 questions are so spot on! Thanks for sharing this! The word “should” should come with a warning label! Blessings!
Liz – I agree with what you said, “the word “should” should come with a warning label!” I am so glad you stopped by and added your thoughts. Blessings, Maree
“I SHOULD be able to handle this” is almost a death sentence, isn’t it?
Thanks be to God for friends who help us to realize we are overwhelmed and for a God who gets under every single load with us.
Michele – Yes, it is. I wish I could ban “should” right out of my thoughts and vocabulary. I love what you said about God, “a God who gets under every single load with us.” I needed to hear that this morning. I hope you are having a great weekend. Maree
I’ve had two life situations in the past 10 years that have absolutely knocked me into bed-ridden times. So now when I’m overwhelmed with so much less I haven’t allowed myself to be. Duh. Good words.
Brenda, I am so sorry for your bed-ridden times. Not fun! Glad you liked the post. Thank you for letting me know. Maree
Traded up just reading this. I never thought of “should” from a judge mental perspective. Time with God definitely affects how I feel about being overwhelmed. Loved every bit of this!
Thank you! I loved your comment. Watch the next time you start to use ”should” you will probably see a judgment. Many times we are the ones judging ourselves.
Thank you Maree! I so often feel overwhelmed, and then I look at what other people are going through and think how in the world can you sit here feeling overwhelmed when they are dealing with so much more. This was a good post for me.
Pinned and will share to the InstaEncouragements Facebook this week.
Thanks for linking up at InstaEncouragements!
Thank you for sharing. You are the best. It isn’t pleasant feeling overwhelmed. I have had a few moments lately over some silly things, but when I look at little closer, it is everything out together. I hope you are having a great week. Maree
Such awesome and practical tips! I absolutely love this. Thank you!
Christa, I am so glad you like the tips. Thank you for sharing my post. Maree
Yep, I’m there quite often. Most times, I’ve rushed through time with God and I haven’t extended myself grace to admit, “I’m tired and need to rest.”
I can’t be everything to everyone all the time.
Such wise words, Maree!
Julie – Your words ring a familiar tune I have to repeat often to myself. I do find when I move out of the way God sure brings in some spectacular people that are more gifted for the job. Maree
Carrying burdens we aren’t meant to carry…that is a big one! I am a burden bearer, so I am often carrying extra burdens. I have learned to hand those burdens over to Jesus when I start to sense them. Sometimes it takes me a bit longer than others to recognize what is going on, but eventually I do. Thanks for sharing on Grace and Truth.
I too often carry extra burdens, but I am learning to listen better and only pick up the things God has asked me to. It sounds as if you are on that same path and eventually recognize what is not yours to pick up. I bet you are a kind, compassionate person and make a wonderful friend.
Hope you had a great day,
Those are Five GREAT questions!!!
Thank you for stopping by. I am glad you like the questions.
I’ve been there myself, wondering why I feel overwhelmed for what seems like no good reason. I love your 5 points, Maree. So often it gets back to a lack of one or more of them in my life.
Thank you for stopping by.It is nice to know I am not the only who feels overwhelmed when it seems like I have no reason. I hope your week is fabulous. Maree
#2 really resonates with me (as does #1). When I’ve been through the BIG CHALLENGES, it’s so easy to give them to God because they are so BIG. It’s when I think I can handle the little challenges – not bother our BIG GOD with them, that I make a mistake. He even wants the little challenges – because the weight of those little challenges we think we can/should handle and not bother him add up! This post just went straight to my heart! What a good reminder for my week!
You are so right he does want our little challenges, and they can add up to BIG challenges. I too struggle in this area. I am glad it was a good reminder for you. Hope you had a great day! Maree
Oh, the dreaded “should.” By whose standards are we judging? It’s easy to forget to catch a glimpse of God’s perspective, and allow our burdens to decrease in light of His bigness, isn’t it? Good tips today, Maree. Thank you for sharing. 🙂 ((xoxo))
Yes, the dreaded “shoulds”. Yes, you are so right we need to get a glimpse of God’s perspective. Isn’t it amazing when we do how our burdens decrease? Thank you so much for adding your insights to the discussion.
Hope you have had a marvelous day,
I really needed this today! Thank you for putting things into perspective and encouraging me today!
Tammy, I am so glad my words could encourage you this morning. Thank you for letting me know that they did. You, in turn, encouraged me. Maree
Oh it is so easy to feel overwhelmed. Sometimes I know it is because I am caring the weight of others myself and think I need to solve their problems and make them happy. Sometimes it is because I am just to busy (not being still). And I am coming to learn that sometimes it is because I am not taking care of myself emotionally or mentally. Maybe there are feelings I am not processing or trying to bury and not deal with. I guess us feeling overwhelmed should be a big old warning sign that something is not right somewhere is our life or thinking and we need to take steps to solve those feelings. Thanks Maree.
Theresa, You are so right it is easy to feel overwhelmed, just hard to admit sometimes. I am such a work in the process learning to be still, let God be God, and taking care of myself. I like what you said; it should be a BIG WARNING sign. I am going to go forward thinking about it like that. Thank you for adding your wise words of warning to the conversation. Maree