Do you have certain beliefs about God you cling to when the unexpected happens? If you are anything like me, my mind starts racing at first, and I can’t find the exact scripture to remind me of what I know is true about the Lord. Thank goodness God has blessed me with people who know where to send me. Please welcome my friend, Tammy Kennington, as she shares five Biblical truths to embrace the unexpected.
Tammy knows firsthand what it is like to live a life she never expected nor wanted. Her chronic illness frequently leaves her in pain; however, she has found a way to embrace the unexpected and move forward. May her words uplift you as you cling to the Bible stories and scripture she has so beautifully shared.
Five Biblical Truths to Embrace the Unexpected
Written by Tammy Kennington
Each round table boasts a cheerful bouquet along with a small program featuring a black and white image of a smiling woman—me. When the photographer snapped the picture, I lived as most people do—unhindered by a body in full cooperation. Since then, life has changed dramatically. While I can sometimes participate in a speaking event without issue, yesterday’s event would not be one of them.
I sink into a restless sleep—my legs thrashing the blankets until they wrap tight around my limbs. A deep throb invades my hips and knees and the next morning, I struggle to maintain a normal gait as I wander along the creek path. Weariness settles wet like the damp weight of a southern night before a summer storm.
Lord, this is not fair. I whine as I pray. It was not supposed to be this way—living with the unexpected. And anger merges with resentment as fibromyalgia betrays my desire for normalcy.
I Did Not Expect the Unexpected
I intended to beat the statistics that link chronic illness and childhood abuse, after all, I lived intentionally and did everything right.
Love God. Check.
Marry a God-fearing man. Check. Check.
Raise children in the church. Check. Check. Check.
And though I did not expect the unexpected, it discovered me. Your unanticipated may have arrived in a different package, but perhaps you understand the struggle. While yours may be called mental illness, addiction, abandonment—or a variety of other names–you recognize the unexpected in your life.
“If your unexpected is as unwelcome as mine, it can be difficult to embrace. But scripture is replete with those who lived with similar challenges.“ —Tammy Kennington #biblicaltruth Share on XFive Biblical Truths to Embrace the Unexpected
1. Long, unexpected journeys can lead us closer to God.
Called to lead the Israelites out of slavery, Moses rallied God’s people and shepherded them through the treacherous wilderness for forty years.
As the Father’s chosen encamped at the foot of Mt. Sinai, Moses ascended its jagged face—his goal always in mind. Neither the frigid morning wind that spilled down a mountain valley nor the heat of the afternoon sun could deter him.
The long, unexpected journey through a barren land led Moses to a holy meeting. The place where he “went up to God.” (EXODUS 19:3)

2. God guides us through the unexpected
As the Israelites abandoned Egypt’s labels, God lit their path with a flaming pillar of fire by night and a shimmering cloud by day. (Exodus 13) Unquenchable, His presence guided them through the dangers of the desert and remained with them continually.
In the same way, the Holy Spirit resides within us “a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory.” (Ephesians 1:14-16 NIV) His presence guides and directs us. Not only that, but we can turn to His word for insight and wisdom as we embrace the unexpected.
Five Biblical Truths to Embrace the Unexpected: Number Two—“God will guide us through the unexpected.”—Tammy Kennington #guidance #unexpected Share on X3. The Lord will fight for those who love Him.
Songs of praise mingled with laughter as the people moved further from Pharaoh and four hundred years of bondage. A ripple of terror snaked through the crowd when a line of chariots appeared on the dune’s horizon.
Weaponless and pressed against the Red Sea, there was no escape. No hope.
But Moses’ words reassured, “The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.” (Exodus 14:14 NLT)
Because He takes up the fight on our behalf, we can face the worst of the unexpected. Relationship problems, health issues, and even death diminish when the God of Angel Armies stands by our side.
Five Biblical Truths to Embrace the Unexpected: Number Three—“The Lord will fight for those who love Him.” —Tammy Kennington #fight #unexpeected Share on X
4. We can still praise God for His goodness in the unexpected.
The azure waters splashed across the last of the king’s soldiers and tambourine and lyre resounded as voices burst into song, “Who is like you among the gods, O Lord—glorious in holiness, awesome in splendor, performing great wonders?” (Exodus 15:11 NLT)
Words of worship spilled from the lips of people filled with gratitude for freedom. Life.
In the hard of our unexpected, praising God can be difficult. But when we do? Our thoughts focus heavenward and away from ourselves. Oh, may our mouths mimic those of the ancients as we thank Him for freedom in Christ and life eternal.
Five Biblical Truths to Embrace the Unexpected: Number Four—“We can still praise God for His goodness in the unexpected.”—Tammy Kennington #Godsgoodness #unexpected Share on X5. God always provides during the unexpected.
Formerly enslaved people wandered aimlessly miles beyond the reach of God’s promise. Expecting to march into the promised land, whispers of returning to Egypt floated through the camp as men and women grumbled, What does Moses know? We are going to die of hunger.
But God, in His goodness, showered food from heaven. A rush of wings announced the sound of dinner as quail fluttered into camp, and in the morning, translucent chips tasting of honey carpeted the ground.
Fear of the unknown sometimes tempts us to lose sight of God’s inheritance for us. We long to turn back and invite the old ways of slavery into our lives. They feel safe and known.
But even in the unexpected, God provides.
Five Biblical Truths to Embrace the Unexpected: Number Five—“God always provides during the unexpected.”—Tammy Kennington #unexpected #Godprovides Share on XA Prayer if You’re Walking Through the Unexpected
I never expected to walk through this challenge, which is more difficult and depleting than I imagined. But I know that the “prayers of the righteous availeth much” (James 5:16 KJV), so I offer my cares and worries to you. I trust you, God, because your word reassures that “the Lord himself will fight for you” (Exodus 14:14). Draw me close that I might be sheltered in the shadow of your wings (Psalm 17:8) and teach me to see your goodness in all circumstances.
In the powerful name of Jesus,
Which one of the five Biblical truths to embrace the unexpected comes the easiest? Is there one that you tend to overlook?

Tammy Kennington is a children’s author, educator, inspirational speaker, child abuse prevention advocate, and life coach familiar with the impact of trauma, mental health issues, and parenting in the hard places. Her desire is to lead women from hardship to hope and to share the love of Christ with the young and young at heart.
You can meet with Tammy as she blogs regularly at www.tammykennington.com or subscribe to receive a monthly dose of hope.
You can also connect with her on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook.
How to Embrace the Unexpected and Persevere: Real Life Stories
Join us for a new series this summer, 2022—“How to Embrace the Unexpected and Persevere: Real Life Stories.” Each week you will hear from a guest writer who will share how her life took an unforeseen turn. You will discover how to persevere with hope, joy, and more. It will be a summer you won’t want to miss at Embracing the Unexpected | Maree Dee. Click here to sign up and never miss a post.

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Thank you for these beautiful words, Tammy. I’m so thankful for His faithfulness to us even in times of hardship.
Lisa, I, too, am so grateful that God is always faithful. I hope you have a fantastic weekend. Maree
You remind me to be forever grateful for the Lord’s presence in ALL areas of our life. As I walk through my own difficult season, I’m comforted knowing that God never abandons me when times are hard, even as others might abandon me. He doesn’t remove the hard thing, but it helps to know I’m not alone in it. Thanks, Tammy!
Hi Lisa,
I’m so sorry you’re in a difficult season. I do hope you were encouraged by these simple words. I’m praying for you today, friend.
Thank you Tammy for sharing your journey with us. Love the points!
I’m saddened to hear you too are on this journey of Fibromyalgia
As you may be aware I’m also traversing the Fibromyalgia road.
Just before I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia (& several other autoimmune conditions), the Lord brought a poignant message to my attention.
It was through a team exercise at a Professional Development Seminar for mental health professionals & the message essentially was to; ‘Expect the Unexpected’.
Little did I know that later that year I would receive the above diagnoses that would catapult me into having to be medically retired! When I had just reached the pinnacle of my profession.
But God is good because since retiring I have been able to see that this package called Chronic Health conditions have actually been a strangely wrapped gift!
A gift of precious time, over a decade now, with the Lord. 😊
Blessings, Jennifer
Hi Jennifer,
I’ve learned a lot from you in the last couple of years about living well with chronic health issues. I haven’t thought of these struggles as a gift, but you are challenging my approach.
Thanks, Jennifer!
Blessings to you,
Learning to let go of the expected is hard – but learning to live with God in the unexpected has been liberating and life-saving. Thank you for sharing your story!
How beautifully written, Maryleigh! Someone should put that on a placard or bumper sticker.
Thanks so much for sharing your story, Tammy. These are all precious truths, but the first one has been a special comfort to me in my own journey with the unexpected. My first instinct is to want deliverance, and as soon as possible, please. But God has much to teach us in these journeys. It was a comfort to me, too, to know that “For if He causes grief, Then He will have compassion In proportion to His abundant mercy. For He does not afflict willingly Or grieve the sons of mankind” (Lamentations 3:32-33, NKJB). When He allows trials, they are not whimsical or careless: they are purposeful. And He is with us every step.
Thank you for your thoughtful comment. You have encouraged me today to lean into God and remember—there is a purpose in the trial, and He is with us. Blessings Maree
Hi Barbara,
I, too, am one to long for deliverance. Thank you for sharing these beautiful words. They aren’t ones that I remember having read.
Tammy, this is a beautifully written message, and it just overflows with hope. As I read your words, I couldn’t help but marvel at the ways God has used your pain to minister to the multitudes. Thank you for this. It doesn’t make the hard days go away, but God is using you to fill the world with hope! I soaked in these truths today and was deeply, deeply blessed! Blessings to you, my friend!
Stacey, I am right there with you in gratitude for Tammy’s beautiful words and how she uses her pain to help others. Blessings, Maree
Thank you for your kind words. If you were encouraged and discovered hope in my words, then my time was well spent.
May you walk in His peace today,