When was the last time you felt free? The type of freedom where your mind takes an uninterrupted break, and you sit still in the present moment. It is a place where striving stops and you start being. Do you even know how to free the mind and have more peace?
Ponder with Me for a Minute
What comes to mind when you think of feeling free? Is the wind whipping through your hair? Maybe your to-do list is all checked off? Or you are racing down a snow-covered mountain?
For each of us, it will be a different experience. But don’t we all have a longing to feel some freedom and peace?
Yet, we tend to struggle with finding it.
Remembering What It Is Like to Feel-Free
One might need to travel back to childhood to unleash the feelings of freedom and peace. Because somehow in the busyness of life, we have lost the ability to feel free.
Do you remember what it was like to play when your creative juices got going, and you came up with all kinds of ways to entertain yourself?
We would ride our bikes with the wind whipping through our hair without a care in the world. Thank goodness we didn’t carry cell phones in our pocket with annoying parents wanting to know our every move. We ran and played with a sense of freedom.
Didn’t it feel good?
We Took Risks
One day, in particular, I decided it would be great fun to do a little rock climbing up the face of a hill. So I did. I grabbed tight to the rocks and dug my nails into the dirt as it kept giving away. With my heart beating fast, I pulled, pushed, and struggled as I scaled my way up.
Upon arriving at the top, my shouts could be heard from afar, “I DID IT!” It felt exhilarating and free.
Of course, the next best thing to experiencing something great is to share it. So I encouraged the onlookers to give it a whirl. Okay so maybe I was a little more on the pushy side, but I was sure if I could do it so could the neighbor boy. After all, I was a girl.
So reluctantly Sammy started climbing. Well, it didn’t turn out as planned. He was bigger and heavier than me. He tried to move up as the dirt gave way. Poor Sammy – he was so scared. Upon hitting the halfway point, he refused to go any further. When the tears began flowing, I ran for help.
When the cavalry showed up, they were not too impressed with my adventurous climbing. The adults shuddered at the fact we had no ropes or supervision. The parents immediately declared a halt to our freedom rock climbing. But that was okay because our minds were uncluttered and free to wander to the next adventure.
After all, we didn’t have to be in until the streetlights turned on.
Being Adults
Then we all matured, and many of us forgot how to play, rest, and be still. Our worlds became noisy, with a constant buzz, ring, or ding of our electronics. Productivity grew paramount. Our grownup responsibilities and obligations took precedence.
Oh, we set out to conquer the world and to get ahead, but it came at a cost. Somewhere along the way, we lost our ability to live with a sense of freedom.
Do you know how to free your mind and have more peace? Or are you rushing about to accomplish the next thing on your list?
The Answer Is Simple, but the Application Can Be Complicated
To free the mind and find peace, one must take time to rest and be still. Share on X
For many of us, we will have to retrain our bright minds to –
- Enjoy the present moment.
- Appreciate the stillness.
- Sit still in God’s presence.
- Permit ourselves to rest.
Is it even necessary to feel free like we did as a child?
When your mind isn’t going a hundred miles per hour, it can wander and restore.
Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say,
“This is the way you should go,” whether to the right or to the left.
When You Practice Resting and Being Still
It will free the mind to –
- be adventurous.
- explore your creative side.
- notice the things all around you.
- be you not somebody else.
- hear God’s whispers and responses.
- live in the present moment.
- deepen your relationships with others.
- find peace.
Rest and being still is a crucial ingredient to freeing the mind and having more peace. But don’t take my word for it – try it yourselves. Join me in the struggle of trying to find a way to incorporate rest into our everyday life.
Together let's set aside time when we cease striving to accomplish, and we allow life to be still. Share on XDo you struggle like me, with shutting it all down to stop striving and be? Please share with us how you free your mind and find more peace in your everyday life.
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Embracing the Unexpected | Maree Dee
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Isn’t it cool how this is another piece in God’s economy? We need to be still and rest to be able to do the things that matter.
I love the way you said that “another piece in God’s economy.” He sure thinks of everything. Blessings, Maree
I am always writing about rest. I like the idea of being free to be yourself in Him. It is the one who is altogether lovely that makes us be-you-tiful.
Amen! A great comment. Maree
You’re so right, I have to retrain my brain to permit myself to rest. It’s sure a process when my whole life I’ve wanted every. Day. To. Be. Productive.
Jerralea, I am right there with you. However, don’t you find with adequate rest you are ten times more productive? Maree
Great advice (and great memory from your childhood!) I do have trouble shutting it down, resting, and allowing myself to simply “be free.” Good encouragement here. Thanks!
You are not alone. I find it hard to be still and let my mind be free. But don’t you think it is pretty amazing when we do. So worth the effort. Maree
great advice. laurensparks.net
Lauren – Thank you! Maree
Maree, I love the idea of being still. One of my favorite verses is Psalm 46:10a Be still and know that I am God. It’s something we don’t do enough of. Thanks for the great reminders!
Thanks for linking up at InstaEncouragements!
It is my favorite too. It is one I have to work at, but I am always so glad when I sit still with God.
Being still is so hard for me! Thanks for sharing these tips, Maree.
Heather, I am right there with you. Maree
Mariee Dee
I am in the middle of one of my most scariest trials……Jesus, please be my Prince of Peace …
Give me your peace in the midst of my great uncertainties and help me to be at peace ….until you calm the inner turmoil and unrest in my heart and mind. Like Abraham, I do not know where I am going to land….help me dear God and thank you that You will get me through whatever I am facing with hope and confidence in You and You alone.
Kalyani, I too, am lifting you in prayer. I am so sorry you are in the middle of a trial but glad to hear you are leaning into God. May you find the comfort and the peace he offers. Blessings, Maree
I just love this, Maree. I had to read and comment as I was visiting today. This topic is where I have been led lately.
Meg, A topic I am always visiting. I would love to hear any tips you have. Maree
I don’t think I will ever be the best at sitting still, but I have to keep trying! 🙂
Sarah, Me either but I won’t stop trying. Maree
“Allow ourselves time to rest” What a simple thought that is, yet it can be almost impossible to accomplish. I am moving through a time of intentional rest, and it is so hard and so good all at the same time! Congrats on being featured at Fresh Market Friday!
I would love to hear more about your intentional time of rest you are taking. If you have time, please drop me a comment or an email at maree.dee@embracingtheunexpected.com. Rest is an area I am constantly trying to grow in. Thank you for the congrats I was pretty excited to be featured.
Thank you for stopping by,
Blessings, Maree
Crystal, Thank you, it is such an honor to be featured on your website. I too am looking for to the 30 days of being thankful.
Love your perspective here, Maree Dee! Especially —>Rest and being still is a crucial ingredient to freeing the mind and having more peace. AMEN!
Sarah, Thank you for stopping by with an encouraging word. It is always nice to see you on my blog. Maree
The older I get and more responsibilities I take on, the harder it gets to be still. Oh, but how necessary. I find that Sunday afternoon tends to be my time to be still and present. Love your point about trying to accomplish kills our resting.
Theresa, I hear you it is hard to be still. Sunday’s are a great day to do just that. I try to do that on Sunday, but this week I sure missed the mark. Blessings, Thank you for stopping and commenting. I always love to see your picture pop up. Maree
Learn to be still and incorporate rest into my life? What??? Seriously, I loved your story! Girl, you’ve got grit!! I can see you scaling the side of that rock. What an adventurer you are! I so agree with you, we’ve got to slow it down and just be. Thanks for this post which reminds me to do just that. Your linky partner over at tell his story. Blessings!
Thank you for stopping by I loved your comment it made me smile. It is so hard just to be. I did a little bit of that tonight and took the flying turtle for a spin. I hope you found some time in your day for a little fun.
Far to often I am busy adulating when I need to take more to time to be still and rest. Thanks you for these reminders today! 🙂 Misty
Misty – I am right there with you. Beings still is difficult but with practice, it gets easier and the rewards get bigger. Maree
Thank you!