Are you in the middle of waiting desperately for something? A delay is challenging, whether you’re anticipating a baby to arrive, a prodigal to return, or that miracle you asked God to grant. So, if you find yourself standing in line or maneuvering through unexpected circumstances, remember—a grateful heart helps you embrace the wait well.
Discover how a grateful heart helps you embrace the wait well. #waitwell #gratefulheart Share on XMy Unexpected Waiting
As a child, I prayed and waited for someone I love to overcome their addiction, for restoration in relationships, for the sadness to dissipate, for fear to subside, and for God to swoop in and make it better. And when He didn’t, my heart ached, and my frustration grew. I wondered, is God good? Am I not good enough for a miracle?
Then, as an adult, my faith grew and matured. Next, I waited for someone I love to heal from cancer. God didn’t answer that prayer on this side of heaven, yet this time, I saw His goodness all around in the midst of the pain, sorrow, and loss. My beautiful friend taught me to take moments of strength and clarity, count them as blessings, and embrace every ounce of goodness they had to offer. My memories of her during this time are of joy, laughter, silliness, and connection, not illness.
A Grateful Heart Helps the Wait
However, little did I know that God was preparing me for the most significant wait of all, where I would need to pull out every tool possible to persevere. You see, my children struggle with mental illness, and I pray daily for God’s healing and relief from the challenges they endure and the pain we all feel. Yet, we are left waiting for God to answer. A grateful heart has helped me tremendously to embrace the wait well.
Waiting Well is Hard
I don’t always wait well; I am a work in progress. Nevertheless, I have learned that incredible change happens in my heart when I add gratitude. However, to receive the full benefit of a grateful heart, we must not only recognize our gifts but turn and express our thankfulness to the one responsible—our Lord.
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. (James 1: 17 NIV)
When we combine awareness and expression daily for our blessings, we begin to form an Attitude of Gratitude. This stance carries with us in the wait. The benefits are tremendous. Let me share my top ten.
How a Grateful Heart Helps Us in the Wait
1. We Feel Better
Serotonin and dopamine are released in our brains when we express or receive gratitude; these neurotransmitters help us feel good. Waiting for something we frantically want can deplete and wear our bodies down. We need that extra release in the wait that comes from expressing thankfulness.
2. Hope Soars
When we focus on what we have, not what we lack, we strengthen an optimistic outlook, which fuels hope in the wait.
3. We Recognize God is Good
It is easy to fall prey to wondering if God is good when waiting. After all, we are human and can’t comprehend why the Lord won’t answer our prayers how we see fit. However, when we allow gratitude to enter, we begin to see the Lord’s goodness and that he continues to bless us beyond our imagination even while we wait.
4. Draws Us Closer to God
The expression of our Gratitude to God draws us into a closer relationship with Him. We see that we are not alone, and His grace, love, and presence surround us.
5. Changes our Focus
When you focus on all you have, an “attitude of gratitude” develops, and life becomes more beautiful. You find beauty where you thought there was none, hear laughter where you once heard silence, and see all you possess instead of what you desire.
6. The Wait is Less Exasperating
Counting your blessings along the way will make waiting less exasperating. It even works while waiting in that long security line at the airport when that person in front of you can’t find their documents and doesn’t recall the water in their bag.
“Gratitude is the foundation of a peaceful heart.”
—Joyce Meyer
7. Moments Are Valuable
The life in the wait that once appeared empty and void of happiness now has value. Flashes of joy are visible inside those precious moments, and we begin to see that life is worth living, even while waiting.
8. Helps Us See the Light
Waiting for something we desire can often make our world appear dark and gloomy. Yet, a flicker of something good, like a candle in a dark room, can alter the very nature of darkness.
Let the blessings be a light in a dark world.
9. Grateful People Are Happier People
Have you ever noticed happy people seem to be full of thanksgiving? It seems to pour right out of them. Studies have shown expressing gratitude leads to increased happiness.
“It is not happiness that makes us grateful. It’s gratefulness that makes us happy.”
—David Steindel-Rast
10. Helps Us Trust God
Remembering how God has helped in the past and noticing what He is doing in the present will help us loosen our grip and trust the Lord. Furthermore, we honestly have little control over the wait, and letting go of the facade is freeing.
“I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.” (Psalm 77:11)
My Daily Gratitude Practice
Daily recognizing what God has blessed me with and thanking Him helps me while I wait for God to answer my prayers. I start each day by naming three blessings and giving God the glory. You can read more ideas in the article “How to Embrace Gratitude in the Midst of the Unexpected.”
Begin with a grateful heart each day and seize God’s goodness in the wait. #gratitude #waiting #wait Share on XDo you have a daily gratitude practice?
A gratitude practice is not about pretending all is good. Gratefulness won’t shorten the delay, change the outcome, and it doesn’t cover up the pain. However, a grateful heart helps you embrace the wait well as it draws out what is good, softens the suffering, and does wonders for the soul.
Please share how a grateful heart helps you embrace the wait well.

Embracing 30 Days of Gratitude
Discover how unlocking the power of thankfulness can help draw you closer to God and bring more joy into your life! Our 30-day gratitude workbook includes daily gratitude prompts, scriptures/quotes, and a place to record your thoughts. Our journal will be available free in November.

Waiting Series
Today’s post concludes our series on waiting. Did you miss any from our series?

Waiting on my adult prodigal here. I’m not so great at the wait either. However, it does become easier as my relationship with God matures. I appreciate your insights and encouragement today.
Visiting today from G&T
You are so right. The waiting does get easier as our relationship with God matures. However, I often need a reset. Praying for your prodigal to return and for you in the wait. Blessings, Maree
Waiting well is so hard. Thank you for reposting this as I missed it the first time around.
Yes, I agree waiting well is hard, but gratitude sure helps. I am sending prayers to God for you and your family. Blessings, Maree
Maree, this post is spot on. And I needed this reminder to choose gratitude in the middle of hard circumstances. When I forget to look for those things I can be grateful for, I become wrapped up in the negatives of my situation. I need to get back to writing down the things I’m grateful for. Thanks for this reminder.
You are so welcome. I’m so glad you posted a comment you reminded me to do the same. I’m traveling today and I missed my scheduled time with God. Maree
Thanks for linking up a heart filled with gratitude and the gift of waiting well, with patience, with peace. A superb reminder!
You are so welcome. Thank you for joining us for our link-up. I hope you have an awesome week. Maree
A gratitude attitude changes the lens of the way we look at life.
Rather then looking through our own clouded dark glasses.
We start looking through God’s clear eternal ones.
Life looks very different through His lenses!
Even pain becomes a gift rather than a burden (which I can attest too).
Bless you Maree,
Jennifer, Your beautiful words captured what is in my heart. Thank you! Blessings, Maree
Love this Maree. Gratitude doesn’t solve the problem, but it gives us hope and helps us realize we are not alone and that good things are still going on. “To receive the full benefit of a grateful heart, we must not only recognize our gifts but turn and express our thankfulness to the one responsible—our Lord.”
Theresa, Thank you for your encouraging words. I hope your Thanksgiving was fantastic, and you are heading into this next season with a heart full of gratitude. Blessings, Maree
This quote summarizes your blog post so well, “It is not happiness that makes us grateful. It’s gratefulness that makes us happy.” —David Steindel-Rast
Yes, I love that quote. So many times, we think happiness precedes gratefulness. However, all we have to do is start counting our blessings and see what happens. Thank you for adding to our conversation. Maree
I think gratitude changes our focus. Maybe it’s a little humbling, because we’re reminded of our limitations. But gratitude reminds us that God is bigger than our problems and wise enough to handle them. It hurts when prayers aren’t answered in the way and time we hoped. But when we turn our focus to thanking Him, our faith is increased and we’re moved to worship.
“ O LORD, you are my God;
I will exalt you; I will praise your name,
for you have done wonderful things,
plans formed of old, faithful and sure” (Isaiah 25:1).
Your words are such an encouragement, and I love the verse you posted. I hope your week is fantastic. Maree