What is the most important relationship in your life? If it is God, do you want to learn how to quit wishing for a stronger connection and get one? As Christians, our heart desires to draw closer to him every day, but we find when we look back over the year many times, we have hit a plateau where we have quit growing.
But before you get all down on yourself or praising yourself for where you are – remember growing closer to God and becoming more Christ-like is a lifetime process. Our ultimate goal will not happen overnight. We must take steps to make this happen. Otherwise, it is just a wish that most likely won’t come true.
Last week we talked about “The Best Way to Secure Goal Success” by making sure you don’t skip the ten steps. Click here to read. As I stated, –
All goals are good, but starting with a Spiritual goal is paramount in the life of a Christian. Share on XHow Not to Fail at the Most Significant Goal
So how are we going to make sure we do not fail at the most crucial goal of our life? The answer is pretty apparent – we must come up with a plan and take steps to ensure our success.
After all, how many of you have wished to read more books, lose weight, travel more, and yet each year, things remain the same? Why? Is it because you did nothing to move in the direction of your goal? We must plan for it.
So to begin, we must start with two questions.
- Is God your most important relationship?
- Do you want to grow closer to God and become more Christ-like?
For me, when walking through deep waters, I am tight with God. We are inseparable. When I have to depend on him for my every move, I have no doubt we are growing closer. I feel in step with him.
But then as things improve, I sometimes question, Am I close to God? Have I quit growing in my walk to become more Christ-like? Those are the times when I must switch from feeling to knowing. After all, feelings are not facts.
So if God is your most important relationship and you want to grow in your faith, let’s proceed with making the most important goal you could make for the year – A Spiritual Goal. It is a two-step process starting with taking an inventory and moving to set the target.
How to Grow Closer in the Most Important Relationship
Step 1 – Take a Spiritual Inventory
Did You Grow Closer in the Most Important Relationship?
How can you know where you are headed if you haven’t a clue where you have been? A spiritual inventory can be a great tool, but it will take time and require some pondering and listening to God’s voice.
Join me in looking back a year ago – are you closer to God, the same, or further away? As we know in all relationships, most likely, they are either growing closer or further apart. Why would it be different with God?
As you rate yourself, be honest, don’t just look at today but the entire year. Do keep in mind a low score does not mean you have failed in this area. Take prayer, for example; if I have given myself a two, it doesn’t indicate I don’t pray enough, or I don’t do it right, it just means over the last year it didn’t change or grow. Maybe it is good just the way it is, or maybe God might want to change it this year.
How can you know where you are headed if you haven't a clue where you have been? A spiritual inventory can be a great tool, but it will take time and require some pondering and listening to God's voice. #spiritualgoal Share on XStep Two: Set a Spiritual Goal with Planned Steps
Take time to contemplate with God what his will is for your life is in the new year. Remember, God does not usually work on our schedule, and we are searching for what he wants – not our desires but his dreams and plans. We must always leave room for God to change them. Spiritual goals are not set in stone.
James, the apostle, teaches us in James 4:13-17 quite a few nuggets of wisdom.
- It is good to have goals; however, God must be at the center of them. We must hold them loosely and leave room for God to change them. We have no idea what the future holds.
- Waiting for the perfect time is not a smart way to grow closer to God. We must begin taking steps in the right direction; our time is not guaranteed here on earth.
- James also points out when we know what we should do and don’t do it – that is the same as sin.
What about When We Can’t Hear God’s Voice?
Sometimes it is hard to know precisely what God wants from us or for us. We are listening, but it is not clear. Well, I believe He would rather see us pursuing a spiritual goal that might need adjusting rather than doing nothing at all.
Are you struggling to determine what a spiritual goal might be? Here are a few ideas: Being still with God, enhancing your relationship with him, learning more about him, showing Christ’s love to others, fellowship, knowing his word better, and many more things.

God’s Vision
As we see in Habakkuk 2:1-4, we must live by God’s vision, not our own. It is so important to have ” God Goals.’ not “My Goals.” Choosing the spiritual goal God wants for us will take time and space. We must quiet ourselves to hear what God wants for us.
Remember setting a small spiritual goal each year is a way to move in the direction of becoming more Christ-like and to draw near to Him. Go back to last week’s post, “The Best Way to Secure Goal Success,” and make sure you apply the ten steps to your spiritual goal.
Together, let's get to the end of the year and say with confidence, “Yes, our most important relationship grew closer!” Please join me in embracing a Spiritual goal. I am right there with you. #spritualgoal Share on XMy heart desires to draw closer to God and become more Christ-like in the new year. How about you?
Have you determined your goal yet? If so, please let me know in the comments, and I will lift you in prayer. I have to admit I am still working it out with God. What I hear him saying seems so out of character for me, but then again, he is God, not me.
Goal Setting: Choose the Most Important One First
Are you struggling to identify your life’s most important goal? The “Embracing Goals” workbook helps you prioritize a spiritual journey that leads to transformation. Say goodbye to failed resolutions and embrace personal growth with God at the center of your life. Commit, persevere, and align with His will to unlock unexpected success.
This booklet is available for purchase in our store.

I want to draw closer to God, I want to be more like Jesus. I don’t know how. 😢
Knowing that you want to draw closer is the first step. My suggestion would be to start with a small spiritual goal and try to make it a part of your daily routine. For instance, my spiritual goal this year is to begin my day by asking God about his priority for me. Wishing you all the best Maree
I like January, and goal setting, and spiritual goal setting for sure! These two questions: Is God your most important relationship? Do you want to grow closer to God and become more Christ-like? We should ask ourselves those questions daily. What am I don’t today, to ensure that He IS my most important relationship, and then what am I doing today to grow in that relationship? Great post, Maree!
Pinned & tweeted.
Thanks for linking up at InstaEncouragements!
I agree we should ask these questions daily. I’m trying, but I seem to fall a little short some days. Maree
Thank you for your faithfulness to link up at #PorchStories. This post is packed with widsom.
Kristin, I am so glad you found the post packed with wisdom. Thank you for hosting #PorchStories. Maree
Hi Maree! What wisdom you share as you encourage us to pursue God with all our hearts while knowing the process takes all of our lives to complete. Making Him our goal is key!
Joy, Amen! Thank you for stopping by and leaving such encouraging words. Knowing he should be our goal is a start but putting him first is another thing. You have prompted me to make sure I am doing just that. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Maree
Great suggestions! I know I definitely need tools and a plan or I just drift. But I totally agree that we must hold our goals and plans loosely. We can’t put God in a box (I know because I’ve tried with this prayer notebook and that plan). Thanks for sharing and saying so much in so few words!
Donna, I am right there with you. I so often get carried away trying to put God in a box. In fact the goal he gave me this year I am struggling with understanding. Maree
I am setting a goal to journal through my bible study this year and to keep a daily record of where/how I see God in each day. Imagine at the end of the year……! Thanks for the encouragement to set it in stone Maree!
Char, Your goal sounds terrific. I hope I have the opportunity to hear how it goes. I can only imagine what a beautiful masterpiece you will have at the end of the year. Praying for your success! Blessings, Maree
WOW! You covered a lot of ground here! God goals aren’t always our goals, for sure! It is so important to honestly asses where you’ve been to decide how to get where you want to go! Blessings as you grow ever closer to God!
Liz, Thank you! Blessings to you too. Maree
Loved this! Especially the part about holding our goals loosely to leave room for God to change them. Thank you for the wisdom, Maree Dee!
Alyson, Yes, it is so important to be open to allowing God to change our goals as life happens. Thank you for stopping by and adding your words. Blessings, Maree
Thank you for this encouragement in the LORD. I have been praying through my goals for 2018. Last year God gave me the One Word “delight” and I saw Him take me deeper into Him as He grew my “delight” in His Word through very hard situations. This year, I’ve been praying through the Word “joy” and His calling to enter into the joy of His Presence by accepting and living in the truth of His Word to us. I’m already seeing Him draw me closer through the steps He’s encouraging me to take (e.g. praying through a different Promise from His Word each week). I am excited to see what 2018 will hold.
I’m learning that I have patches throughout each year, where I don’t draw close to God – but even through these patches the Lord is growing my heart as He is revealing more of the hindrances I have allowed into my life – giving me the opportunity to repent and turn away from them.
Anna, I am so glad you stopped by and shared. Your insight and ideas have helped me as I ponder my word for the year. I love the idea of praying through a different promise from his word each week. Hope your day is fabulous! Maree
I loved your combination of inspirational and yet practical, to get us beyond just praying for a better relationship with God. Often more actionable steps are necessary.
Melissa, Thank you for your encouragement, what a great way to start my day as I write out my steps to draw me closer. Yes, I agree prayer will help, but we have to do our part too. Blessings to you, Maree
Very practical and inspirational, Maree Dee! I’ll be sharing!
You made my night with your encouraging comment. Thank you for sharing! Maree
“God-goals.” That’s a wonderful phrase. Thank you for the wisdom shared here today!
I am so glad you liked the “God-goals.” Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment. Maree
Well–it is good I read this. I took a spiritual inventory and set some spiritual goals. I often figure the plans in for all of my goals, but not my spiritual ones. I think I expect God will make it happen as He often does. I do think we are called to cooperate with Him, though. And it seems reasonable to have some plans on our side for how we’re going to engage in what we believe He’s looking for in our lives. So–I’m going back to my journal for this! Thanks!
Amy, I am so glad you set some spiritual goal. Honestly, I am still working on mine. I am struggling with putting into words what I think God has put on my heart. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving such an encouraging comment. Hope you have a fabulous day. Maree
I agree. Most believers want a closer relationship with the Lord, but nothing will ever change unless we actually to do ‘something.’ It’s amazing how God will shift and adjust our direction once we actually get moving. Thanks!
Karen, You are so right, it is amazing how everything changes once we get moving in the right direction. Thank you for stopping by and adding to the conversation. Maree