What happens when you lose your grip on the things which matter the most? It can turn an ordinary day into a frightening one in seconds. I once let go of my daughter’s hand while being preoccupied and distracted.
Pregnant and weary, my husband and I took a trip to Toys R Us to pick out something we needed for the new baby. To this day I can’t remember what it was we so desperately needed but I remember the terror – it felt like it was yesterday.
As we rushed to the particular item, I held tight to my little Marie’s hand. Her little feet could barely keep up as I pulled her along at rapid speed. Of course, we were in a hurry as usual, and my husband hates to shop.
I dropped her little hand as I moved closer to contemplate my purchase. Distracted in my decision making, I didn’t even notice she was gone. But all of a sudden that mother intuition kicked in and I looked up and down the aisles, and my sweet little girl was nowhere.
Panic quickly set in as I called out her name with no response. My child was nowhere to be seen. I quickly ran to the entrance thinking the worst. Indeed, I could beat the kidnapper to the door.
Yes, I was quite the sight as I screamed like a scared momma throughout the store. But I didn’t care; I just wanted my child safe in my arms.
Convinced the employees were guarding the door, I ventured back to where we had been. This time I looked side to side as I went down the aisle. To my disbelief there she was perched up on a table display in her own little world. She had climbed up and was enjoying a tea party all by herself.
I had been distracted and somehow let go of my grip on my most precious gift.
As I read Pam Ecrement’s post last week, I found myself nodding my head up and down through her delightful examples. Yes like Pam, I do lose my grip from time to time with a child or the stair railing as I tumble down the steps. Most times due to busyness, rushing, or distraction.
But then Pam so eloquently draws a parallel to God and asks us to question – “How is your grip?” Her article encourages us to recognize how easy it is to let go of the things which matter the most.
Do you ever lose your grip on God? I do from time to time. My hand slips out of His as I become preoccupied with the busyness of life.
“It’s crucial that we keep a firm grip on what we’ve heard so that we don’t drift off.” Heb. 2:1 Share on X
Do you ever lose your grip on the things which matter the most? What happens?
Now for Our Featured Post
“The Importance of a Good Grip”
By Pam Ecrement
Click here to read our featured post.
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Amazing Post.It was so great to reading your Post.
Miranda – Thank you! I hope you are having a great week. Maree
Maree, both you and Pam gave great stories that allowed a readers heart to really reflect on how we need to be careful in keeping a tight grip on our Savior. The world can absolutely cause us to get distracted and then the enemy will pounce during those times. Good encouragement in this post!! Visiting from #freshmarketfriday
Thank you for your encouraging words. I am so glad you stopped by. Blessings, Maree
That would have been terrifying Maree!
We all need to do things purposefully with quietness…don’t we?
Otherwise we become preoccupied with peripheral busyness & we end up either missing the special moments or become distracted from the most important things in life.
Great post!
Jennifer, Yes, we all do need to do things “purposefully with quietness.” It is so easy to get distracted. I hope you have had a great week. maree
Thanks so much for sharing your own experience with this issue of losing the grip of a child’s hand and for sharing my post in such an encouraging way.
I loved sharing your post. It got me going down memory lane with your stories. But my favorite part was tieing it to our faith. Maree
Maree, I cannot imagine the horror you experienced that day at Toys R Us. I’m glad to read things worked out well. Since my stroke the grip on my left hand weakens if I am not focused on what I am holding. This could lead to a broken glass or a container of guac all over the floor. I may even stumble and fall if I don’t stay focused on my grip. Thank you for sharing this poignant reminder to grip firmly the hand of our Savior. Have a fantastic weekend, and may God continue to bless you and yours.
Horace – Thank you! I am so sorry to hear you had a stroke. Thank you for sharing it brings the grip more into focus. Maree
I love the verse the Hebrews 2:1 verse don’t lose your grip! I use the word grip frequently in my prayers. I believe it’s such convicting representation of what the enemy does to us and how we cling to our Heavenly Father. We are ‘In His Grip.’ And we can pray for the grip of the enemy to be released from us. So glad how God uses the physical to teach us about the spiritual lessons in our lives. In His Grip, Heather
Heather – Thank you for adding your wise words to our conversation. I am going to start adding “grip” to my prayers. I love the word. Maree
OMG! That brought back memories of the time that happened with my nephew. We were in Macy’s at the mall and he disappeared. One minute I was holding his hand, the next minute I wasn’t. Panic ensued and I was like a crazy woman yelling his name and looking for him. The police came, security and everyone else only to find him hiding in a close rack hiding with a big smile on his face. I wanted to snatch the life out of him but all I could do was laugh with him and then of course give him a hard talking to not to ever do that again.
Who would have known we all have stories of losing our grip on a child. I used to think it was just me and I was a horrible mom. I love it that I was not the only one going through the store screaming a child’s name. Wow, you had the police and security. Yikes, would have been scary. I think I can almost see him smiling. Thank you for sharing. Maree
With so many distractions, loosing grip on Him is too easy. Thanks for this reminder. laurensparks.net
Yes, distractions sure can get in our way if we allow them too. I hope you are having a wonderful week. Maree
My heart immediately went back in time to a similar incident with my son, and I remember the terror so well. In a slit second, he was gone. We soon found him hiding inside one of the clothing racks, playing hide and seek, but what a powerful image to remind me of this lesson to be mindful of what distracts us from what’s most important.
Crystal – I bet that was scary. You are so right our stories need to remind us of what is most important. Maree
Oh my goodness! This is so me 🙁 God is working on me, though! 🙂 Thank you!
Susan, You are not alone. God is working on me too. Maree
We so often need to remind ourselves to refocus on what’s most important.
Yes, we do need to remind ourselves often. I am continually asking myself, “What should my top priority be? It is so easy for me to get caught up in the things that really don’t matter.
Loved this post from Pam! And the re-reminder is always needed here!
Michele – Yes, I too loved the reminder. Maree