Maybe you were a little shocked like me to discover not only do children prefer simple they tend to remember the simple things in life.
A few years back we decided we had outgrown our home and were ready to move to a bigger and better home with a huge yard where our children would be able to run and play freely. We were so excited as a family to watch our home being built from the ground up.
To our dismay, our present house sold almost instantaneously which left us so to speak without a roof over our head. We had not anticipated being in a spot with three small children, a dog, and way too much stuff with no place to live.
My husband and I searched high and low for a place that could house us for a month with a dog. Finding a place was no easy task. We finally settled on a three-bedroom rental home with a month-to-month lease.
On moving day, we loaded up and set out for our rental home. Of course, we had underestimated how much stuff we had accumulated. Upon arriving, we packed the garage and third bedroom, from floor to ceiling with boxes and furniture. Left with no space to spare, we pushed and shoved our boxes wherever we could get them to fit.
With only two bedrooms left we chose to put our little ones all into one room. At night we would tuck the two into one bed, and our littlest one slept perpendicular to his sisters in his cute little race car bed.
We decided to keep it simple, so we packed everything away and only kept out the bare necessities. After all, it was only going to be a month. So we had five plates, five glasses, one container of toys, one television, and limited clothes.
Please do not judge, but I am going to admit it, I was stressed. I didn’t know how to do “Simple.” I liked a little space, and we had none. I liked being able to get to my things, and they were all packed away. I liked pictures on the walls, and the walls were bare.
As we went about our lives, the strangest things started happening. The frustration and stress I was feeling began to lessen. Of course, one month turned into four months, birthdays came and went, holidays passed, and we all survived with limited fanfare.
We experienced life in a way we never knew possible nor would have ever tried.
We lived “Simple”!
As a CPA this was the middle of tax season a time that usually brought an added pressure, limited time, and a lot of STRESS. Yet,
I found myself with an unexpected peace!
We found ourselves taking more walks, playing more games, and spending more time together.
The time finally arrived; it was time to move into our new beautiful home. Our new home was roomy, and the kids would all have their own rooms. My husband and I were so excited to be able to give our children this big beautiful home to grow up in.
But guess what – my kids were not happy about the move.
They loved our little rental house where we were all stuffed in. They loved the “simple” time we spent together. They didn’t yearn for their own rooms, nor did they want the toys that were packed deep in the garage. They had become accustomed to living in a simple way, and they loved it. They enjoyed going to the park together to run free; the simplicity of only one plate and the bedtime rituals were pure joy when all three were tucked in together.
For years when we would ask our children, “Which house was your favorite house?” The resounding answer was always – “our little rental house.”
I would love to tell you I have “simple living” mastered. I wish I did. I can say though that when I allow myself to live in a simple way the results are always miraculous!
When I choose simple – I am rarely disappointed.
Embrace Simple Today!
I have also found practicing living simple helps when the unexpected things in life pay you a visit. Being able to revert to a simple way of life has been essential in getting through difficult circumstances. Because of practice, I know I can do simple and not fall apart.
Do not get me wrong; I still like elaborate and beautiful, but when the plans and desires begin taking a toll, I try to remember that “Simple is Good.” I have proof of this by listening to my grown children’s recollection of their childhood.
They have shown me over and over again by their words that the simple things in life are what were preferred and remembered.
What do you remember from your childhood? Do you remember the big elaborate events and gifts or the small, simple things?