Does the mere mention of the upcoming holidays cause you to gasp for air, sweat profusely, or wish the season was over before it begins? Maybe you know upfront the holidays will be a struggle, which makes it hard to look forward to them. However, understanding what helps can make a world of difference.
What is your biggest struggle or challenge of the season? Skip the pat answers and go deep. The difficulty will be unique to each of us. #mareedee #holidayshurt Share on XAs I sit here pondering how to describe the difficulty, my eyes well up with tears and drop one by one onto my lap. The screen becomes blurry as my fingers attempt to capture my thoughts.
Holidays are a struggle around here!
I don’t share my pain too often because I get so caught up knowing someone else’s pain is more. You see, I am a momma to loved ones with mental illness. The holidays are tough for them, so speaking of my struggles seems wrong. Yet – I am the first to tell others….
You can read my entire post and find out what helps in a season of struggle by clicking here.
I am honored to be writing over at “Unmasking the Mess.” Julie Loos has a beautiful website where she offers hope when life is hard and messy. Please join me on her site to continue my post.
Online Mental Health Support with Maree Dee
Monthly Mental Health Newsletter
A Private Facebook Group | Hosted by Maree Dee
Our private Facebook community is Christ-centered for people who care for someone with a mental illness.

Intentional Christmas Love
This December, let’s focus on what matters most: love. Join us each week for a new challenge as we turn our hearts toward God, ourselves, and others. Together, we can celebrate the true meaning of the season.
Maree, I admire your courage in sharing your personal story. Holidays are sometimes a struggle at my house too for various reasons. Ministering to others, which you do so well, is one way we can reflect the love of Jesus to those around us. It helps take our minds off of our own problems too.
Laurie, You are so right. Today, I had an opportunity to share with someone about a ministry I lead. I had no idea I was bursting at the seams with joy until she mentioned it. It stemmed from being able to point someone in the direction of God. It is always my goal, but I am never quite confident I have done it well. Thank you for your encouragement.
I am saying a prayer for peace during your holidays.
Blessings, Maree
Thank you, Maree for your thoughtful and practical tips on coping in healthy ways during the holidays. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing some of your journey with us. And thank you for linking up with Grace and Truth so faithfully. I enjoy reading your posts! I have chosen your post as my feature this week. Pop on over to get your “I was featured button”.
I am so excited you are featuring me this week what an honor. Thank you! I am so grateful for the Grace and Truth linkup. Blessings to you, Maree
Maree, I’m so thankful that you are embracing your brave, and sharing your story with the world!
You offered some very helpful tips for this season. I especially like how you said that it is possible for two truths to be present at the same time. I appreciate that, because I have found this to be true in my own life and with my own struggles. There can be pain, but there can also be joy. They seem contradictory, but it IS possible for both to be present.
Thank you again for sharing! Blessings to you. (glad to be your neighbor at Recharge Wednesday) 😉
Rachel, Thank you for your sweet note. It made my day. Plus it was so kind of you to come back here and leave it. Glad the tips helped. I am happy you already know that two things can be true. Blessings, Maree
Holidays are a struggle. The loss of family members becomes more painful during this season. Schedules get busier. Finances get stretched. And so often the focus of Christ gets lost. I’m doing by best at trying to address one day at a time and intentionally allow God to lead my day.
Yes, I agree with what you said, “losses become more painful, schedules busier, finances stretched” and I hate to admit I often lose my focus of what it is all about. “Jesus.” Thank goodness I draw close to him all year and don’t rely on the holidays to bring me to him.
I am so glad you are doing your best to allow God to lead your day. I have to admit. I had an off day today. I didn’t start it with my quiet time with God.
Blessings, Maree
Thanks for all the great advice! I think I like the living in the moment tip best for right now, because thinking of all that is to come makes me want to curl up in a ball and hibernate. I will need God’s help each step of the way, so yes, putting God first in my day is an absolute necessity.
I am right there with you. Today has been difficult; no way do I want to think about tomorrow or the next. Hmmm, I wonder if we could curl up in a ball and hibernate until January. It is a thought worth pondering. Thank you for stopping by. Blessings, Maree
Hehehe! I’m feeling better, breathing, and resting in God; I hope you are, too! I hope your Christmas will be a peaceful one, resting in the Lord of lords, the Prince of Peace. 🙂
WOnderful to hear you are resting in God. Merry Christmas to you. Blessings, Maree
Maree- so glad you shared at my site, it will minister to many! I’m thankful for your ministry and your friendship!
Right back at you. I am so glad we met through our blogs. I value your insight and friendship. Thank you for the opportunity. Blessings, Maree